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Hello, is this the right place to ask support questions?
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I am trying to run the file in this folder to convert it to verilog but I keep running into issues with libraries. It looks like the code was built on an older version of amaranth:
I keep getting stuck importing this library:
from amlib.stream import StreamInterface
probably the easiest way to handle that is to downgrade amarantg
Yes, i uninstalled it and ran pip install amaranth==0.4 and that got me pretty far, but the “from amlib.stream import StreamInterface” still got me into trouble
whenever asking for help with an error you should post the error (using a paste site like paste.debian.net). i have no idea what kind of trouble that is
Ah yes sorry, the error is that it can’t import amlib because it can’t find it. My understanding is that it is not on pypy but rather here