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I want to capture the state of a bus at the beginning of a simulation in a process. Should I use `cxt.delay(0).sample(bus)` in the beginning or is `cxt.changed(bus)` enough to also get a capture in the beginning of the simulation ?
I believe this has been discussed before but don't remember outcome of discussion.
Conext is I want to write monitor for VGA output with image decoding and don't want to make assumptions start state of the VGA output.
* make assumptions on start state
* Context is I want to write monitor for VGA output with image decoding and don't want to make assumptions on start state of the VGA output.
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I think ctx.get(bus) should get you the initial state
I'm in a process not a testbench and I thought `.get()` was not available there. I'm just learning though.
I'm using process as I think that is what needed to detect glitches on the VGA outputs and I believe VGA output should be glitch-free or at least give warning.
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