if i assert r_en on an AsyncFIFO, then i get r_data populated the next cycle. but what about the subsequent cycles if r_en is only asserted for one? in simulation the value doesn't seem to stay which is strange to me
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Yeah! I was able to create an Amaranth board definition and then synthesize *blinky* onto Machdyne's Keks iCE40 SBC 😌 . I know it isn't much but it took me 2 weeks to learn Python + 2 weeks to learn Amaranth (beginner level) and another week to create the board def file. Now I need to figure out how to use pmods. I am not sure what kind of object request() is returning ```pmod_a = platform.request( 'pmod', 0 )```. 🤔
notably you need to first platform.add_resource() to add a resource that uses that connector, then you can platform.request() your new resource, and then you can drive it
if you're writing your own platform file anyway, you could also just put a resource on those same pins
like in resources=[] add Resource("pmod_led", 0, Pins("C14", dir="o")), then you can platform.request("pmod_led")
Ok. I don't know all what is possible with platform files. It was mostly a copy of icesugar board
but it's "neater" to make it a connector in the platform and then attach resources to it in the normal code, depending on what you've actually plugged in to it
Ok. i'll try that
That makes sense and is more flexible.
in principle a resource is for something that's permanently attached, like maybe an spi device, or some on-board LEDs or switches, or a clock, that sort of thing
So pmods are pretty much going to almost demand the add_resource() approach. Understood.