whitequark[cis] changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings: Amaranth each Mon 1700 UTC, Amaranth SoC each Fri 1700 UTC · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang · Matrix #amaranth-lang:matrix.org
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<crzwdjk> I recently rewrote my arbiter component to take advantage of lib.wiring, and it got a whole lot shorter plus more general. And it Just Works straight out of the box. Thanks, whitequark and everyone who participated in the RFC process.
<whitequark[cis]> nice!!!
<crzwdjk> It all works out very nicely, just a couple of python for loops to generate the needed Amaranth bits, and connect() does the heavy lifting of connecting up everything as needed without lots of tedious typing.
<crzwdjk> Also interestingly it was one area where the old version of my code had a homebuilt proto-interfaces system of sorts.
<Darius> crzwdjk: I love it when rewriting things makes them smaller
<Darius> very freshly shaved face mem
<Darius> e
<cr1901> Wanda[cis]: Was on vacation today and just came back. Fixing the patch is waiting until at least tomorrow.
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<crzwdjk> It also helps that I have a better idea of how to write HDL now, when I started I pretty much didn't have any idea at all. Just did the amaranth exercises by Robert Baruch and off I went. Kind of impressed my thing worked at all.
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<iposthuman[m]> LOL, that me now. I just finished Robert's tutorials and bl0x's femto port.
<crzwdjk> iposthuman[m]: if you have any questions, I can try to answer them from the perspective of someone who was where you are not too long ago
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<nates93[m]> Just confirming, there's no way to simulate amaranth with verilog without converting amaranth into verilog, right?
<galibert[m]> I don't understand the question
<galibert[m]> You mean simulating a system that has parts in amaranth and parts in verilog?
<Wanda[cis]> cxxrtl would be able to do it
<galibert[m]> using yosys to do the link?
<Wanda[cis]> mhm
<galibert[m]> intriguing idea
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<iposthuman[m]> That would be great and much appreciated 🙏
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<Chips4MakersakaS> I will not be available for the SOC meeting over ten minutes
<whitequark[cis]> me too (on vacation)
<tpw_rules> hi, i did want to talk a bit as a prospective user
<galibert[m]> tpw_rules: is good stuff, needs more stuff :-)
<tpw_rules> how do i start with it?
<tpw_rules> is there an AXI bridge anywhere that's not by That Guy?
<galibert[m]> no, it only does wishbone
<galibert[m]> (hence needs more stuff)
<tpw_rules> i just want CSR magic i don't have to think about, really
<tpw_rules> so performance isn't a concern and i can probably bash one together that works okay
<tpw_rules> but i really don't see an entry point
<galibert[m]> it's a collection of devices, not a framework
<galibert[m]> the wishbone stuff is in wishbone
<tpw_rules> how should i start using it?
<whitequark[cis]> yeah, we would have an amaranth_soc.axi4 module for AXI stuff
<whitequark[cis]> but ... AXI is a collection of four streams
<whitequark[cis]> we probably want streams first
<whitequark[cis]> *five
<galibert[m]> is axi3 (the one I need actually) fundamentally different?
<whitequark[cis]> not really no
<whitequark[cis]> slightly
<tpw_rules> like i said i'm really just here for CSR
<tpw_rules> i picked axi4 cause i had the option and the bigger number seemed cooler
<tpw_rules> whitequark[cis]: don't you have vacation :3
<galibert[m]> do you have the option of picking wishbone?
<tpw_rules> i have to convert to AXI at some point to talk to the HPS
<galibert[m]> cyclone v?
<tpw_rules> yeah
<galibert[m]> it's axi3, not 4
<galibert[m]> and optionally avalon in some places, but whatever
<tpw_rules> hm, qsys let me pick 4. maybe it's adapting
<tpw_rules> in any case neither of those are wishbone
<galibert[m]> indeed
<galibert[m]> looks like the hps-fpga bridges are axi3, and the fpga-sdram bridge is configurable axi3, axi4 and avalon-mm
<galibert[m]> according to cv_5v4.pdf
<tpw_rules> i'm just planning to use the fpga2hps (into the ACP) and the hps-fpga lightweight whatever
<tpw_rules> anyway, how 2 csr
<tpw_rules> ah, yes it does say axi3
<tpw_rules> i'm not sure i have enough skill to tell the difference
<galibert[m]> I know I don't :-)
<_whitenotifier-f> [rfcs] jfng opened pull request #30: Add RFC for component metadata. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/pull/30
<tpw_rules> i guess there's still the migration to wiring, maybe i should be patient ofr that
<galibert[m]> The migration to wiring is done
<jfng[m]> @_discord_728516105680846892:catircservices.org @whitequark:matrix.org noted
<tpw_rules> not merged
<galibert[m]> what's missing, wq says, is streams, because they better map to axi
<galibert[m]> (I wouldn't know :-) )
<jfng[m]> sorry for being late! the SoC meeting is, right now i guess
<galibert[m]> jfng: I guess the current discussion was "gimme axi kthnx"
<jfng[m]> _whitenotifier-f: and as you may have seen, we have a new component metadata RFC! \o/
<tpw_rules> also docs, if we're being demanding
<jfng[m]> AXI is very much on our roadmap, iirc somewhere in 2024 for me, unless someone wants to work on it before
<jfng[m]> and i am personally eager to having an alternative to WB in amaranth-soc
<tpw_rules> i might be able to contribute a minimal AXI to CSR bridge
<tpw_rules> but like i said earlier, i think i need some help starting to use amaranth-soc. i don't see any pointers to docs or examples at all
<tpw_rules> (and i'm not sure if you want innocent users yet)
<jfng[m]> amaranth-soc doesn't have documentation yet, it is also still very barebones and undergoing vast changes
<tpw_rules> i think i have relatively simple needs
<jfng[m]> we do use docstrings a lot, which is a start
<jfng[m]> but some parts of amaranth-soc, such as `MemoryMap` and its address translation scheme is currently hard to understand with docstrings alone, and could really benefit from some sort of manual (and also being rewritten)
<jfng[m]> tpw_rules: what are your needs ?
<tpw_rules> i just want a basic CSR infrastructure, which bridges to AXI
<tpw_rules> i can add the second part
<jfng[m]> yeah, you will need to make your own AXI-to-CSR bridge
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<tpw_rules> but i'm still not sure how to use the CSR components?
<tpw_rules> does anyone have a demo design? are they stable enough for a bit? should i wait for the lib-wiring branch merge?
<jfng[m]> there is an RFC (https://github.com/jfng/amaranth-rfcs/blob/soc-csr/text/0000-soc-csr.md) that will impact CSRs once merged, but migration should be straightforward
<jfng[m]> amaranth-soc has already migrated to `lib.wiring`
<tpw_rules> oh i see, i got slightly confused by the lib-wiring branch
<jfng[m]> ah sorry about that, it is stale, and was temporarily useful during the migration
<jfng[m]> i will remove it
<tpw_rules> okay, then i guess a demo design or use of CSR would be the best. i see the nice guide-level explanations in the RFC but that's about it
<jfng[m]> i'm looking around github, and can't find an example soc that i like
<jfng[m]> examples tend to be based on lambdasoc, which is an opinionated downstream user of amaranth-soc with a different vision than ours
<jfng[m]> i guess i'm going to have to cook one
<tpw_rules> i don't even need a complete soc, just a list of the names of the CSR modules and a picture of how they fit together really
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