<Guest53> "I am just trying to run an..." <- worth playing with the chipflow very early alpha - currently only ULX3s supported right now, and lots of thing will change in the near future, but all set up for mac :) -> https://docs.chipflow.io/en/latest/tutorial-intro-chipflow-platform.html
that was my biggest foe in trying to understand HDL, the missing link between "if" and how it boils down to with signals
and explicitely using these semantics (and somehow, the "with" keyword sounds even more intuitive than verilog's "if"), it gives a good understanding of what is going on at the wires level
so, glad to discover this
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can I know from python which version of amaranth it sees?
Sarayan: clumsy workaround: provoke an error and check in the backtrace which amaranth is used.
<dragonmux> from importlib import metadata metadata.version('amaranth')