how to implement DRCs in amaranth? I've just hit the (local) issue that I forgot to assign a suitable clock to an instantiated (xc7) module's clock input. Amaranth+Symbiflow was happy with it, Amaranth+Vivado complained. Is that a symbiflow/yosys issue? Or should one care at HDL level?
bl0x: so, this is arguably two similar issues
first: my position (which may not be the same as Symbiflow's) is that OSS tools should, where reasonable, match the behavior of vendor tools. this seems basically reasonable
second: DRC in Amaranth itself is also something that would make sense, but it's a very large and complicated undertaking, enough that fixing this at Symbiflow level makes more sense for most practical purposes
whitequark: I agree on first. Second: I was mainly wondering if some infrastructure already exists. I'll head over to Symbiflow =)
When I add Attrs to a Connector, are they propagated to any Resource using the Connector?
Apparently, they do not propagate. Would make sense e.g. for boards with a fixed I/O level.