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<bonda_000> clever: this is where camera capture begin
<bonda_000> when you pass a '3' to cdi_camera_change_state
<bonda_000> that's param_3='3'
<bonda_000> that means begin capture
<bonda_000> it's gonna do
<bonda_000> update_channel_control_params(param_1,iVar13);
<bonda_000> where
<bonda_000> param_1 = cdi_struct of size 0x784c
<bonda_000> param_2 = (int)cdi_struct + 0x18
<bonda_000> update_channel_control_params will do a bunch of function pointer calls where
<bonda_000> param_1 + 0x7838 is the unicam_func_table
<bonda_000> so it will call
<bonda_000> 1)unicam_set_pipeline_control
<bonda_000> line 70:
<bonda_000> (**(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0x34))
<bonda_000> (*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x1ac),*(undefined4 *)(iVar9 + 0x3c),uVar3,uVar4,uVar5,uVar6,
<bonda_000> *(undefined4 *)(iVar9 + 0x38));
<bonda_000> 2) unicam_set_crop
<bonda_000> line 89:
<bonda_000> pcVar1 = *(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0x44);
<bonda_000> (*pcVar1)(*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x1ac),*(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x68),
<bonda_000> *(undefined2 *)(iVar9 + 0x6a),uVar7 & 0xffff,uVar8 & 0xffff,pcVar1);
<bonda_000> 3) unicam_set_downscale
<bonda_000> line 96: pcVar1 = *(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0x48);
<bonda_000> (*pcVar1)(*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x1ac),uVar7 & 0xffff,*(int *)(iVar9 + 0x60),
<bonda_000> *(int *)(iVar9 + 100),pcVar1);
<bonda_000> 4) unicam_set_pixel_correction
<bonda_000> line 99 pcVar1 = *(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0x4c);
<bonda_000> iVar9 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0xc4);
<bonda_000> (*pcVar1)(*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x1ac),uVar7 & 0xffff,pcVar1);
<bonda_000> and then the final one:
<bonda_000> 5) unicam_rx_start
<bonda_000> line 103: (**(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0x38))
<bonda_000> (*(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x1ac),*(undefined *)(iVar9 + 0x37),
<bonda_000> *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x20));
<bonda_000> so, param_1 into unicam_rx_start is cdi_struct + 0x1ac+ 0x18 = cdi_struct + 0x1c4
<bonda_000> and that is set in unicam_open, which is called from open_camera_peripheral, which is called from cdi_change_state with param_3='2'
<bonda_000> in open_camera_peripheral: line 42
<bonda_000> /* unicam_open */
<bonda_000> pcVar3 = *(code **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x7838) + 0xc);
<bonda_000> iVar2 = (*pcVar3)(&local_54,iVar4 + 0x1c4,pcVar3);
<bonda_000> prior to which:
<bonda_000> /* camera_subsystem_state table entries 0xf8 and 0xf7 */
<bonda_000> local_51 = 0;
<bonda_000> local_53 = *(undefined *)(*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x2c) + 0x18);
<bonda_000> local_54 = *(undefined *)(*(int *)(iVar4 + 0x2c) + 0x17);
<bonda_000> local_50 = unicam_int_callback;
<bonda_000> and here iVar4 is just the cdi_struct, so at offset 0x2C it has a pointer to camera_subsystem_state + 224d
<bonda_000> so the unicam_open will set at line 103:
<bonda_000> *param_2 = iVar2 + 0xf37c7b0;
<bonda_000> so cdi_struct + 0x1c4 becomes equal to (int)unicam_state + 4 + 0x68 * i for some i, where from initial camera_subsystem_init it is '1'
<bonda_000> i.e. some offset into camera_subsystem_state_table
<bonda_000> so we get a function call to begin camera capture:
<bonda_000> unicam_rx_start(camera_subsystem_state + offset, *(cdi_struct + 0xDC) + 0x37, *(cdi_struct + 0x38))
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<bonda_000> clever: do you know what this means
<bonda_000> the camera is using four software "ports"
<bonda_000> 0x46, 0x47, 0x47 a '1' port and 0x46 a '0' port
<bonda_000> and then it does
<bonda_000> ca_process_frame(&param_1->ca_port_0x1000005_0x49_0,param_1);
<bonda_000> ca_process_frame(&param_1->ca_port_0x1000004_0x47_1,param_1);
<bonda_000> ca_process_frame(&param_1->ca_port_0x1000003_0x48_1,param_1)
<bonda_000> in ca_process_thread()
<bonda_000> where param_1 is camera_ril_ctrl_struct pointer
<bonda_000> and then it does
<bonda_000> iVar11 = ca_process_buffer((int)param_1,(int *)&param_1->ca_port_0x1000004_0x46_1);
<bonda_000> iVar7 = ca_process_buffer((int)param_1,(int *)&param_1->ca_port_0x1000005_0x49_0);
<bonda_000> iVar8 = ca_process_buffer((int)param_1,(int *)&param_1->ca_port_0x1000004_0x47_1);
<bonda_000> iVar9 = ca_process_buffer((int)param_1,(int *)&param_1->ca_port_0x1000003_0x48_1);
<bonda_000> 0x1000004, 0x46 and 1 are the arguments to ca_setup_port()
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