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<bonda_000> clever: hello
<bonda_000> how can you do this?
<bonda_000> bVar1 = *(byte *)((int)param_1 + 0x29);
<bonda_000> in _tx_thread_system_suspend
<bonda_000> ah nvm its still a 4 byte pointer
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<bonda_000> clever: that thing you told me about
<bonda_000> the cma allocator being initialized in vmcs_initialise_auto_vchi_services()
<bonda_000> it is actually not the only thing
<bonda_000> that's being allocated
<bonda_000> the label "cma_service_start_info" is also __VCHIQ_SERVICES_START
<bonda_000> aliased
<bonda_000> so
<bonda_000> it traverses that memory until the iterator equals __VCHIQ_SERVICES_END
<clever> yep, thats what i said
<bonda_000> and it will call two functions via code pointer
<bonda_000> cma_service_start and mmal_server_start
<clever> 2024-05-13 20:33:11 < clever> i think technically, its loading the address of __VCHIQ_SERVICES_START and __VCHIQ_SERVICES_END
<clever> 2024-05-13 20:34:19 < clever> so it starts at __VCHIQ_SERVICES_START, reads a 12 byte thing, increments by 12, and repeats, until it hits __VCHIQ_SERVICES_END
<bonda_000> yeah just the decompile window is misleading
<bonda_000> it looks like it only loads cma block
<clever> yeah, its confused by multiple symbols on the same addr
<bonda_000> and then
<bonda_000> also interesting
<bonda_000> each of these function has 4 bytes after it
<bonda_000> that looks legitimate
<bonda_000> 0ef060e8 for cma_service_start
<clever> dont remember if they did anything
<bonda_000> and 0ef06814 for mmal_server start
<bonda_000> yeah I don't see them being referenced in that code
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<bonda_000> clever: dude
<bonda_000> do you see what's going on in vmcs_app_message_handler?
<bonda_000> it's doing ld r0, (sp+0x38)
<bonda_000> and that function hasn't written anything in ther
<bonda_000> could that be "switchData"?
<bonda_000> all the stack operations are
<bonda_000> stm r6-r9, lr, (--sp)
<bonda_000> add sp, -0x3C
<clever> thats local variables
<bonda_000> so every time it calls another init() function it pulls r0 from sp+0x38
<clever> its allocating 0x3c bytes for local variables
<clever> and sp+0x38 is just a local variable
<bonda_000> it allocated, but it never wrote anything to that place
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<bonda_000> ah I see
<clever> struct?
<bonda_000> I was looking at ilcs_init()
<bonda_000> and prior to that ilcs_config() was called with the same r0
<bonda_000> and did a bunch of st's
<bonda_000> still though that doesnt tell what is in that place on the stack
<bonda_000> all I know is that this function, vmcs_app_message_handler() is called from a thread_wrapper() as a code ptr
<bonda_000> something could have been written to that place prior to that
<bonda_000> clever: do you know what is the difference between lea r0, (sp+0x38) and ld r0, (sp+0x38)?
<clever> one is just r0 = sp+0x38
<clever> the other is r0 = ram[sp+0x38]
<bonda_000> so it does
<bonda_000> lea r0, (sp+0x38) and then bl vchi_initialise
<bonda_000> I guess that first lea is where it is written then?
<bonda_000> brb gonna run to the store
<clever> thats passing the addr of a struct to the function
<clever> that struct is at least 0x38 in size
<clever> so you need to look at vchi_initialise and guess how big the struct is
<bonda_000> It puts the address of vchiq_instances in there
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