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juri_: ;)
<x2x6_/D> Hi
are you guys working on reverse engineering the vpu code as well? juri: f_ridge:
it's been quite here since I joined only talked to clever for the most part
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<x2x6_/D> I eventually do that from time to time. Especially now, when Clever has pointed me to an unstripped version . Before that it was a more tough experience
<x2x6_/D> I eventually do that from time to time. Especially now, when Clever has pointed me to an unstripped version of start_x. Before that it was a more tough experience(edited)
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I want to measure exact periods of time to understand how my functions are performing on a baremetal code on PI3
user_user: i think the best option is to just read ST_CLO before and after running your function, but the resolution is only 1 uSec
the arm timer might also work, if its not being reset by other things
oh, and the arm has dedicated performance counters you could look into
I think I should use a systimer but I remember some controversal info seen somewhere that videocore tweaks clocks for ARM cpu.
i think those can count things like clock cycles elapsed, and cache misses
assuming your not having thermal throttling, the VPU will only change the arm clock when you ask it to
So if it does so I can not really rely on anything that is clock based?
usually via the linux cpufreq driver
ST_CLO is always clocked at 1mhz, that never changes
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so far figured out
the first program that is run after the init
ends up in vmcs_task_alloc_ex that creates first 12 threads
I'm not sure if you call those queues or threads
clever: do you consider this a code obfuscation if values are swapped back and forth between lo regs, the stack, and high regs?
I notice that the nested function calls of vcos/tx tend to reach back to the stack of the caller function to grab something
bonda_000: is it just doing sp + offset to go back in the stack, or is it being passed a pointer?
one that I am at right now, had sp passed as an argument and yeah goes back up the stack
the only time ive noticed any real code obfuscation, is when dealing with some of the hmac keys in start.elf
it has a big array of the expected keys, but they have all been xor'd with a constant
so you have to xor each of them with that constant, to get the real key
vcos_thread_create param_3 is a stack pointer of a caller, vcos_thread_create_classic
that sounds like its just a struct allocated on the local stack frame
so basically, `struct foo; bar(&foo);`
which is totally normal c stuff
uh, sort of
got copied there
ah yes, the thread attributes, i saw that recently
and then
thats just initializing the thread attributes to a default value
yeah it has a pointer to 0x2000 bytes of malloced memory
then a constant 2000h
nvm, that's not a default
that's for these first 12 threads
and then
it has hidden two function pointers
on a stack and into a thread_struct that is of size 1F4
vmcs_app_message_handler() is the one you want to take a look at
it's not a message handler but it's basically the meat of the VPU code
it initiates everything
arm, linux kernel, cameras, hdmi
yeah, vmcs_app_message_handler, seems to be starting nearly everything on the system