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Hi, i have yet two more general questions, when one wants to define their own distro.
1. let's say you add a layer with your own recipes. Should it rather modify image, sth like `CORE_IMAGE:append = " my_additional_recipe my_other_recipe"` or perhaps should control what gets into image? (i guess this should be preferred?). On one hand - if you include a layer this could "push" itself into image, on the other,
specific image recipe could control better what gets inside. Let's assume this software i'd like to be included pretty much to every image, qemu or normal image
2. Should one prefer setting TEMPLATECONF instead of providing whole conf directory with bblayers.conf.sample and/or layers.conf.sample? I see this being done by some OEMs. They seem to use poky as distro, or at least use oe-init-build-env from poky, but doing some sort of heuristic should build dir be reused or not... wait I've just read what i
wrote in (2), and let me rephrase, i don't understand what i wrote myself ;)
If one wants to roll own distro, without relying (too-much-) on poky, what are the choices?
- copy oe-init-build-env
- use oe-core init
- simply create & copy conf dir with bblayers.conf & local.conf
3. actually last one - while i feel it would be quite wrong thing to do to commit build/conf directory - i sort of wonder sometimes why. Yes, separate layers, configs, distro.conf image definitions - are separating things better.
but if one assumes that distro and its config is supposed to be created once, and rarely updated, what is the real benefit here? Wouldn't navigating build/conf/local.conf with all real configs "merged" into one, more convenient and ultimately "easier" (that is - without the need to check what might have had overwritten some settings?). Imagine:
distro.conf defines some defaults, layer X changes some, changes some others, machine.conf can change some other... i know there are plenty of mechanisms inside yocto to track those, but somehow it seems more complicated if one doesn't work with yocto every day for months...
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Guest45, I'm not sure what is the question you are asking tbh. Maybe you should write an email to yocto list?
I guess what I could say is that a) making own image recipes is preferred; b) making own configuration templates (conf/templates/templatename) is preferred as well.
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Hi kanavin, thx for the answer. Sorry for being perhaps not clear enough. My 1st question could be perhaps shortened to:
1. if i have own image, is it rather preferred for the image to define what should it pull from various layers, or rather layer would push (by appending to core image) newly added items from itself (the layer), into image?
2. i guess there are no downsides to using poky's oe-init + providing templateconf, as opposed to seen here and there pattern of copying whole conf dir (or even oe-init script + conf dir) done by some OEMs
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