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<ashlin4010> So I have just added NetworkManager to my yocto build now the image has python. How do I work out how that happened?
<ashlin4010> I have found that to be insufficient there is just too much python tack where it comes from. Also I have no UI
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<rbox> well yo ucan manually look at each dep
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<ashlin4010> I think my first issue is I don't if the name for the recipe that installs python3 is called python3
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<AdrianF> rbox: NetworkManager provides many packages. If you install the networkmanager (an empty meta package) you get everything. If you install networkmanager-daemon you get only the minimum. Then you are free to add more plugins to your image.
<AdrianF> ashlin4010: The buildhistory of your image will show you which plugin package of networkmanager-* depends on python.
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<pbiel> Hi, in my recipe in the SRC_URI I point to the prebuilt tar.gz archive that contains some python scripts, libraries and so on. The problem is that the tar.gz does not contain license file. All the code is licensed under GPL-2.0. Ideal solution for me would be to point LIC_FILES_CHKSUM to https://github.com/repo/LICENSE file, however it does not work. Any suggestions?
<Saur> pbiel: File an issue with upstream to correct their packaging so the the license file is included in the archive...
<pbiel> This is not an option. The author really does not are about it
<pbiel> care*
<pbiel> does not care*
<AdrianF> pbiel: maybe you can use LICENSE = "CLOSED" but this depends on the license(s) in the package.
<Saur> That's not an option if the source is GPL...
<pbiel> Yes excatly, it's licensed under GPL, so I cannot simply change it to CLOSED
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<landgraf> pbiel: COMMON_LICENSE_DIR ? or fork the project :)
<AdrianF> yes, then it's probably something like: LICENSE = "CLOSED & MIT" and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
<pbiel> Oo seems that COMMON_LICENSE_DIR works!
<pbiel> Thanks!
<rburton> pbiel: gpl binaries need to come with source code links at least, so arguably they're breaking the gpl
<pbiel> rburton: You mean that the author of the code should provide GPL link or LICENSE in the archive containing the prebuilt binary yes?
<rburton> pretty much. if they're distributing gpl binaries then that fact should be obvious and a "source code offer" made.
<AdrianF> if it is GPLv3 they would even have to enable you to rebuild the stuff from sources. Basically enable you to write a proper Yocto recipe.
<pbiel> Well they distribute the source code and so on, it's available on their repo, however I spent around two weeks trying to build it in Yocto, however this is the worst repo I've ever seen. Really something that is completly not comatible with how Yocto is suppsed to work, provide dependencies and so on, so I gave up and use just a prebuilt binary. Maybe at some point in the future I will try again. Btw I'm not the only one who almost got crazy
<pbiel> trying to incldude in Yocto build...
<JaMa> does the source repo contain the license information?
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<rburton> really curious what this project is, mainly as a challenge :)
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<kilobyte_ch> Is it possible Yocto gitsm:// just respects .netrc for the main repository, but not for submodules? Any idea how to change this?
<rburton> sounds like a bug in git if so
<rburton> can you replicate outside of yocto?
<kilobyte_ch> I can clone the same repo in bash without problems (after configuring .netrc)
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<rburton> kilobyte_ch: file a bug with reproducer example please
<kilobyte_ch> Sorry, I need to correct myself. I think you are correct, this seems to be an "problem" of git itself.
<kilobyte_ch> Yes, I can clone the repo itself. But I can't clone it as part of a submodule.
<kilobyte_ch> Same behaviour as in Yocto.
<kilobyte_ch> Not really seeing yet why, but I guess I now know where to look.
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<stacktrust> Is there an OEDVM this year? 2023: https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/OEDvM_2023.12
<stacktrust> RP: bitbake + pypy3 hangs on start with a multiconfig target.  Any suggestions on troubleshooting?
<stacktrust> RP: Any benefit in using python optimization (-O or -OO) with bitbake?
<stacktrust> Does anyone have a list of technical blogs (individuals or vendor) about OE/Yocto? I'm creating a vertical search page.
<stacktrust> Current demo:  https://tinyurl.com/yp-brave (using Brave Goggles)
<stacktrust> That searches docs, mailing lists, wiki, IRC
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<olku> hi there.
<olku> I would like to ask you what the proper way to verify a patch before sending it to mailing list?
<olku> I found in the docs that patchtest should be used but when I execute patchtest:
<olku> $ patchtest --patch ../0001-linux-torvalds-next-update-SRCREV.patch
<olku> I am receiving the following output:
<olku>   patchtest: there are uncommitted changes in the target repo that would be overwritten. Please commit or restore them before running patchtest
<olku> But I don't have any uncommitted changes in this folder. Even more there is no any git repo there:
<olku> ```
<olku> $ git status
<olku> fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
<olku> Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
<olku> ```
<olku> what could be an issue?
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<olku> and another question is connected to the patch itself: https://pastebin.com/5CNC017i
<olku> It is pretty suspicious that meta-rockhip has incorrect SRCREV for linux-torvalds-next recipe (https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-rockchip/tree/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-torvalds-next_git.bb ). Based on the patch description and changes could it be that I miss something?
<tgamblin> olku: that looks like an unintentional bug with patchtest - it assumes you are working from a git clone of the repository. I'll have to fix that
<tgamblin> olku: using patchtest is one way to help test the patch contents themselves, but to test functionality you'll need to build the changes into the relevant packages/images. I'm assuming you've done that?
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<olku> ```
<olku> pip install -r meta/lib/patchtest/requirements.txt
<olku> source oe-init-build-env
<olku> bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-selftest
<olku> ```
<olku> But I haven't built anything additionally.
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<jatedev> Is hashserv.yocto.io 8687 working for you?
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