Quick question, I'm building using bitbake 2.10 and openembedded styhead, but I'm having trouble building native packages, such as "util-linux-native":
./util-linux-2.40.2/misc-utils/lsfd-sock-xinfo.c:31:10: fatal error: linux/sock_diag.h: No such file or directory
MastaG: your host distro is missing the libc/kernel headers
on debian, linux-libc-dev though how you have a working compiler without those is a good question
@rburton that's the thing, I have everything installed and the file exists.
$ rpm -qf /usr/include/linux/sock_diag.h
I'm running Fedora 40 btw
according to the documentation, openembedded seems to use the host toolchain for building native things
hard to build a toolchain without a toolchain :)
MastaG: grab poky, checkout the styhead branch, and try a bitbake util-linux-native in that with _no_ changes
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This is with MACHINE=genericx86-64 and DISTRO=poky, I've excluded my own layers
i'd like to see it with actual poky and styhead to rule out any differences between your setup and what the autobuilder tests regularly on f40
What is poky? I've added meta-yocto/meta-poky and meta-yocto/meta-yocto-bsp to my layers and removed my own layers
had some locate compiler version.. probably for some leftover project
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My second yocto question: How do you recommend learning how to use yocto? How to develop/configure a build for it. I've read some of the docs from the yocto project. They read like "Handbook for the Recently Deceased" from Beetlejuice ... they suck ... like most documentation (other than for IKEA furniture)
Grogu68: Embedded Linux Development Using The Yocto Project isn't a bad book
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Grogu68: my favourite is Embedded Linux Systems with the Yocto Project by Rudolf Streif
informations when I read the DTS from /proc/device-tree/xxxxx directories. The problem is that i don't really know what to check. The memfree in /proc/meminfo seems to be good enought
Also I suspect something missconfigured because when a software is leaking, the OOM killer kill it. But now NOTHING is killed by OOM
When My kernel starts I have this log: 'Memory: 226788K/393216K available' at this point it seems correct: I have 128MBytes reserved for OPTEE stuff and 384MBytes (393216K) for the Linux. In these 384MBytes I have 128MBytes of CMA.
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hey!! in local.conf can I set a task flag for a specific recipe? such as do_rootfs[noexec]:core-image-minimal = "1"
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or any other way do override that task to do nothing, or any way to build all the dependencies but without actually constructing the rootfs?
thank you
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Guest18: what are you actually trying to do? running rootfs but not actually run it seems like a weird thing to want to do.
I would like just to construct the cache for a particular image, but without spending the time on creating the image itself
so I would like just to build all the dependencies, but not the actual image
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the time to build the rootfs is pretty minimal compared to the rest, so if you just ask it to do up to rootfs then it won't bother building images but would have actually pulled in everything in the image
bitbake myimage -c rootfs
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