rburton: the simple helloworld project builds always with same checksums. the more complex canbus-handler project is path-dependant
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I got an idea. I will peel off stuff from canbus-handler until it resembles the helloworld
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do intermediate builds and check when does the checksum stabilize
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ok my idiot workmate had bundled in a stupid watchdog .so which is not stripped
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unstripped is fine assuming it gets the right debug path remapping done
honestly i please just run diffoscope across two of your packages and it will tell you what the problem is
I will
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usvi: which version of yoctoproject/bitbake are you seeing this on?
usvi: actually, I don't think it is what I was wondering about so ignore me. As rburton says, seeing what changed is important. Even running strings on the two binaries and comparing may be insightful
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(it seems diffoscope is failing to start. displays a curl/wget download prompt and hangs in there forever but this is ubuntu issue, not yocto issue)
it is listing location of this single hpp file with full path
usvi: that at least gives a hint at which build of the build/code might be struggling. I'd look at where that header is used and then at the compile logs and see what commands are being used to compile it
(compiling the program with make on host without yocto and running strip+strings shows /usr/include/nlohmann/json.hpp , so nlohmann or build imprints the header name inside the binary => not a yocto problem)
IIRC we had already forked opkg and maintained most of it ourselves but openwrt won't be using opkg anymore going forward
qschulz: we were the original!
Ah, one more thing openwrt forked then and is regretting (hello Buildroot :D)
we took it over from handhelds.org, kind of, with the name change from ipkg to opkg
RP: so this changes nothing for us I guess
qschulz: no
except that we lose one big user of the package manager, though it was probably heavily forked
RP: thanks for the history lesson :)
qschulz: I'm not sure we've seen many patches from them
qschulz: its a crazy history!
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qschulz: i'm really interested in apk though and do wonder if we should integrate it.
pretty sure there's at least two wip branches for integration and a package manager that has wide adoption is good
rburton: IIRC there was an attempt at supporting apk a few years ago
every header inclusion includes the path /_\
qschulz: the refactoring of the package code was motivated by an out-of-tree apk backend but i can't remember where it is
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if I want to inject version specific patches, shouldn' t FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PV}:" in the xxx_%.bbappend do the trick? So as long as the patch files in the various PV-named directories are named the same, I'd expect the right one to be picked up. But bitbake doesn't seem to find them.
LetoThe2nd: PV is already in the search path
well, PN-PV/ is
rburton: ok?
rburton: so in my example I would expect u-boot-2024.04 to be picked up, but nay :-(
oh right bbappend, yeah you'll need to add it
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rburton: is there a way to dump the search path generation? something is just not like I expect it.
yeah its just a bitbake variable, so bitbake-getvar
or the fetch log will list where its looking
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the fetch log (a.k.a. error) is about 200 lines, and manually reading it not exactly a lot of fun.
and the entries relative to the bbappend don't seem to have ${PN}-${PV}, but always defaultpkgname-1.0
hmm.. is there a way to prevent modesetting during boot, let weston do the modesetting? (rpi4)
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hi, i have about a gigabyte of files in /opt/$sdk/$version/sysroots/$target/usr/lib/openssl/ptest. how can I exclude those from the sdk build? I don't have `ptest-pkgs` in SDKIMAGE_FEATURES
jdiez: what release?
jdiez: SDKIMAGE_FEATURES talks about the native part of the sdk, so you have ptest in DISTRO_FEATURES. brute force: turn off ptest entirely if you don't want it. or set PTEST_ENABLED=1 in a openssl bbappend. ptest shouldn't in the sdk sysroots so that's a bug for sure.
oe-pkgdata-util says these files are owned by openssl-dbg. I also have removed `dbg-pkgs` from my SDKIMAGE_FEATURES
ah i knew this was familiar
one solution would be to cherry-pick dfaf1cba9f30c6b07836fe217e1ebc83bc6aec8a and 92f09a4269e45e09643a7e7aafd2811cfd47cb68
from openembedded (i assume) or poky?
hm dont see those commits on either repo
those are oe-core shas
thank you
i seem to have a bug with icecc not being used by out-of-tree kernel recipes
rburton: so yeah the ${PN}-${PV} definitely expands to "defaultpkgname-1.0", which feels extremely unintended to me.
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LetoThe2nd: how are you determining that?
rburton: inspecting FILESEXTRAPATHS in bitbake -e
maybe its evaluating too early, that would be annoying (thank to the :=)
rburton: We have a meta-apk layer that was never taken into production and noone has worked on it for a couple of years due to personnel changes.
rburton: hints on how to change it?
LetoThe2nd: not sure you can from a bbappend
you need to use := to get the right THISDIR but then you can't use PV as it hasn't been determined yet (afaict)
maybe just use files/ and embed PV into the filename of the patch (bit ick)
git grep branch_meta-qt6 '6\.6\.0' doesn't show any other place in yocto-autobuilder2 nor yocto-autobuilder-helper still using 6.6.0
JaMa: hmmm, let me check
LetoThe2nd: that's something I was bothered about too a few years ago
I think this would be a very good addition to bitbake-getvar or something like that
or oe-something-util-whatever
but I never got the time to look into it and now I barely do stuff in Yocto anymore :/
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qschulz: yeah possibly. I'm just doing way too little real hands on too, and if I do then its most build testing.
JaMa: it seems correct in the configuration, maybe the autobuilder was not restarted since this modification
RP: any clue about this ? Was the ab restarted in the past 10 days ?
mathieudb: ok, lets see what happens when the build is started
JaMa: this build will likely use 6.6.0. I believe we have to restart the whole autobuilder service
it might build fine with 6.6.0
I was just surprised to see it and was wondering if it fetches the current configuration when the build is started, I didn't know that it needs restart to refresh yocto-autobuilder2
ah valkrie was updated and this is the "old" autobuilder?
ah yeah don't look at typhoon
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Oh, I didn't pay attention ! Yes, probably typhoon was not restarted for a long time
and I didn't notice that my old browser tab points to old AB and there was a build scheduled few hours ago, so I assumed it's just waiting in queue
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zeddii: what's your plan for kernel upgrades before the next release?
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zeddii: are you skipping 6.11 and jumping straight to 6.12 when it comes out?
do we have existing recipes for bitbake TI TMS320F2837?
alb3rt0: isn't that a microcontroller that can't run linux?
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6.12 and 6.6, + -dev at 6.13+
6.1 deleted.
rburton yes, I would like just bitbake and create the artifact
JaMa, mathieudb: we probably need to reconfig or restart the controller
alb3rt0: you should ask TI if they have a layer to do that as they're active yocto developers. if your code is using zephyr then there's a meta-zephyr, for example
JaMa, mathieudb: I'm fairly sure it was "reconfig"'d so it probably needs a full restart, which will kill all builds
and I should have read on first, you worked that out :/
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RP: any feedback on my patch for make_last() in rootfs-postcommands?
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rfs613: from what I remember it looked fine, I was waiting for it to get through testing
I was a little surprised that code wasn't working
RP: me too ;-)
I had noticed that backup files (like /etc/shadow- with a dash on the end) were still present in the rootfs
there's a task to clean those up, and it runs, but runs before users are created.
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RP: ok, my stuff is finally fixed. the pure header library I was including in my code was caching the path for assert calls. I needed to prefix the inclusion with #define NDEBUG and the path is finally gone. not a yocto bug, sorry for the noise and thank you for your help
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usvi: if its using __FILE__ then -ffile-prefix-map will rewrite the path for you anyway, so i'm curious how its getting the path without using __FILE__ or anything else that gets remapped by gcc if you use the correct flags