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Hi, I wanted to change a fixed inherit command to a conditional inherit like INHERIT += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISABLE_FOO, '1', '', 'foo', d)}"
I tried to find any documentation on this but did not find anythink. The result works in some parts but the inherit does not seem to have the same "range" as the fixed inherit command
rburton: yeah that one already made our internal slack today too!
is it AI generated? it could be, but the video is missing b()()bs, so I don't know :)
I really have not idea why :) but all music videos suggested to me by YT have huge b()()bs and spread legs on thumbnail, both too perfect to be from real flesh
rburton: đź‘Ť
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attempting to use meta-java on kirkstone to add openjdk-8 to yocto and it simply chrns out lots of errors related to a bunch a do_fetch ... anyone having the same problem?
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Guest97: meta-java is known to be a bit fiddly but without saying what branch you're using and what the errors are its hard to say
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(by fiddly i mean unmaintained, if you want to step up and help maintain it then that would be great!)
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@rburton: using branch kirkstone and loads of recipes in there may have an incorrect SRC_URI fetching from archive.apache.org
tgamblin: posted some cython patches to the list. inherit cython in your recipe and it will fix the embedded references, leaving just the refs in __config__.py
at least 8-10 throw out error in do_fetch
rburton: so that is a known fact then, any other way to add jdk to yocto?
Guest97: you can fix the SRC_URIs if they're broken, and send the patch?
yocton: does smile.fr have any front end Django developers? I can go into greater detail of how things could be done with RRS or what blocks otherwise good ideas from progressing.
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agodard: we should probably chat sometime about how you used layerindex for release notes and at least capture your wishlist (bugzilla is a good place for that)
moto-timo: never heard of Django devs specificaly but I'll ask around
I have some fixes to branch comparison that I need to clean up and send to the ML...
yocton: it's not incredibily difficult, it is python after all, but there are some Django specific patterns/hierarchy you need to know and then some specific layerindex/RRS design/implementation details that can sometimes get in the way.
rburton: that works pretty well. I suppose I could just use sed to strip out the TMPDIR references in the __config__.py files
although kanavin rightly so dislikes heavy use of sed (it just isn't that readable)
me too
it's not just not very readable, it's prone to quiet regressions
I'm a bit of a sed/awk power user, but I still get why folks do not like it.
kanavin: exactly. really brittle
this is ripping build paths out of generated files which contain the full compiler args
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and when things do regress, it can be really hard to figure out what the sed expression was aiming to do in the first place if the file has changed so much that it doesn't give any clues anymore
I struggle to understand why upstreams want the build paths in PRODUCTION binaries... I would make it a development flag or something else.
kanavin: makes me think we need a patchtest test to see if a sed line was added with a corresponding comment :)
kanavin: I have written sed/regex that I no longer remember why or how it works, so yes.
I'm ok with using sed to patch out build paths in do_install:append(), because if it fails to do so, there will be errors
but I'm not ok using it in do_configure or do_compile
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