RP, fyi about quilt not being in PATH: I retried with master and the behavior is the same. Attempted to file a bug but couldn't proceed as "Self-registration is currently disabled..." therefore couldn't create a bugzilla account. Contacted helpdesk to have them create an account for me...
mbulut: thanks! Most of them are US based so it should happen in a few hours
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Hi I am having a problem building kirkstone. ERROR: bmap-tools-native-3.6+gitAUTOINC+c0673962a8-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision c0673962a8ec1624b5189dc1d24f33fe4f06785a in branch master even from upstream. After investigating it apears the upstream my build references has been archived.
Is there going to be an update to kirkstone to correct this?
*in kirkstone
SEGFAULT-berlin: try changing branch=master to branch=main, but current kirkstone bmap-tools recipe uses the non-archived repo github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool
Alright, I'm pretty new to Yocto / BitBake / OE. I'm trying to only install a package for a specific distro. Is there an easy way to do this? It's pretty easy for machine-specific packages using IMAGE_INSTALL:append:<machine-name>. Could I do the same for the distro? Thanks if anyone knows
gears85: :<distroname>
sorry for the noob question but we can't figure out where to change our configured kirkstone verson
rburton it's that simple? IMAGE_INSTALL:append:<distro name> ? Thanks! I'll try it out
SEGFAULT-berlin: that's something on you can answer. if you use a git clone then bump the sha. if you use a release then 4.0.22 has the master->main change so should work, even with the old repo url.
alright, thanks, I will ask in my team
gears85: If you run `bitbake-getvar OVERRIDES` you should get all active overrides and how they are defined.
RP: looks like pkgconfig is missing from inherit, which was supposed to be in my upgrade... I'll test and send a patch
rburton after digging though our build system I can confirm we are pulling our sources from our vendor's BSP
if they're not upgrading them complain to them
I don't know if this is the right place to ask but is there a way to decouple our source for recipies from what the BSP provides? maybe as a bbappend
SEGFAULT-berlin: don't use their oe-core, use your own
BSPs shouldn't ship forks of oe-core...
that's a layer right? (sorry I am first time debugging this deep)
yeah, the meta layer is oe-core
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@rburton we're running NXP's BSP, I need to confirm if that is actually shipping it's own oe-core. I can't make heads or tails of the manifest file that our build system downloads in the fetch stage
but, I don't see this if I build manually... it's just when my CI tool does the build
good morning, I'm attempting to get an x86-64 build of a usually building as ARM image booting as a VM, I have a wks for the partitions setup and have loaded the bzImage in virt-manager, but it gets stuck on "Booting from Hard Disk", just wanted to know if there was something obvious I was missing
tgamblin: we need a longer link...
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vmeson: rburton: ah, oops... one moment
tgamblin: ah so that's directory ownership problems. did it used to work?
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tgamblin: its rpm-specific because rpm is a PITA
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rburton: never tried this build before on the system, but my nightly AUH run has never had issues
rburton: where do you see the ownership issue?
tgamblin: when different packages are complaining about conflicts over eg /usr/lib the problem is that different packages are for some reason shipping with different ownership on those files
hang on there was a commit that touched this recently
hm 'bitbake.conf: set FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES using ??=' isn't in master yet but might have impacted your sstate if you did a build with that
I don't think it did - that log is from a brand new build on master, no sstate
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sakoman: you might want to see if 669d0df81f651f7c033c8cb7872cac5bfe670a4f backports to kirkstone etc cleanly
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rburton: fine enough for me to use deb regardless, I just wanted to do a nightly for genericarm64 :)
was more worried that maybe something snuck in upstream
yeah, when I went and didn't see any failures there I started assuming that I just did something silly locally
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RP: sent a patch to add pkgconfig in python3-numpy
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Thanks to whoever pointed me towards the OVERRIDES earlier, when I was asking about distro-specific package installs. It helped me find the problem eventually
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gears43: that was Saur_ - yay Saur_ ! ;-) [10:55] <Saur_> gears85: If you run `bitbake-getvar OVERRIDES` you should get all active overrides and how they are defined.
gears43: You're welcome. :)
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tgamblin: any idea why it happens in some cases and not others?
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RP: no, unfortunately. I just know that I had encountered a similar error during the early upgrade attempts for numpy, and that inheriting pkgconfig fixed it then
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RP: and somehow I omitted it when sending this latest uprev
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tgamblin: I think we need to understand why this is failing :/
RP: I agree. I haven't been able to reproduce it yet though, and I didn't see it at all during the buildall-qemu I ran for the numpy upgrade (which was without this addition)
khem: I got the go build working. There was a bug in go-vendor.bbclass for which I will send a patch presently
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RP: could it be something to do with glibc already inheriting pkgconfig somewhere when building with that as libc, but musl doesn't do it?
* tgamblin
is throwing darts
tgamblin: my guess is host python version
JPEW: very cool!
tgamblin: if that were the case, you'd be able to reproduce it
(glibc vs musl)
RP: I'm building on Debian with 3.11.2, looks like that builder (F41) has 3.13.x
Has header "Python.h" with dependency python-3.13: YES
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tgamblin: I could have sworn it didn't find pkg-config on my local build :/
RP: I'm setting up to test on F41 but it'll be a bit
probably not going to get started until tomorrow
tgamblin: no problem, I appreciate the help!
* RP
is deciding the bitbake server timeouts on f40-vk-4 is broken hardware
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I have just started working with yocto, I am coming from buildroot. I have for the last week or so been playing around with build a distro and BSP layer.
I been playing with the meta-raspberrypi BSP layer. I customize it a lot, I am on the fence about how to do it.
1. customize it by added new layers .bbappends etc
2. Make a new BSP in include what can be reused and build new what can't be
3. Do it all from scratch, take what is needed from meta-raspberrypi but don't include it in the layers at all
ashlin4010: hard to say without knowing what you're doing but I'd probably start at 2) and see where it went
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Yeah, I have started down that path. The biggest unknown is how SOC_FAMILY = "rpi" and MACHINEOVERRIDES affect things, if they do at all. Perhaps I can level them out while I get the basis needs for the rpi worked out (uboot, dts, paration)
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ashlin4010: You'd have to see where they're used. I don't know the rpi stuff that well now