For the new autobuilder, the problem is that in a build directory, running "yocto-autobuilder-helper/scripts/bitbake-extra-tests" fails on local fast DISPLAY connections
yeah maybe that was a dependency of librdf
looks like a bitbake cooker bug
the old AB is slower and doesn't fail
well, my local system sees "No reply from server in 30s " a few times
the new AB times out
there is also a really slow running world build on the new cluster
RP: my problem with alisp is that it appears to be a one-man project and if he gets bored/a job/etc then its dead. there are better autotools choices.
something in runqueue is pathalogically slow :(. Maybe related to some of the performance issues kanavin spotted a while ago?
rburton: I thought you'd say that and I do kind of agree. Is there a better choice?
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RP: I can try to help with that rather
RP: something like gnu m4 or gnu make - smallish and actively maintained. devtool works well enough if you give it a new recipe name like devtool-test-make.
the license detection goes wrong but we can add more hashes ...
kanavin: sadly I managed to break that slow build and it exited before I could backtrace it
RP: i may switch anyway if assimp is that dead
but i did fix the meson/sdk issue
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rburton: it is making releases and this gives us a way forward
rburton: cool
RP: so the SDK environment scripts set OECORE_TARGET_ARCH etc. that's a lie: thats _HOST_ from the perspective of the user in the SDK, right
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rburton: are we talking nativesdk or target ?
rburton: we have "build" which is the machine we're building on, "host" which is where the thing we're building will ultimately get run and "target" which is where we want the resulting binaries to be used
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RP: right. the sdk environment scripts are generated with export OECORE_TARGET_ARCH="${TARGET_ARCH}", so the use of TARGET_ARCH in the value is right. but when the user is using the SDK, that's the host.
i propose deprecating OECORE_TARGET_* and adding OECORE_HOST_*
rburton: I think it isn't as simple as this
rburton: the environment scripts are messy as I think they have to run in a bad context :/
rburton: I guess I'm confused whether you mean "thing SDK is runnng on" or "thing SDK is building binaries for"
OECORE_TARGET_ARCH is "thing SDK is building binaries for"
right and i think that's wrong. to the user of the SDK, that's the host
I think changing it around will just create more confusion :(
you are right, it does depend which context you look at this from
the clue is that we do --host=${TARGET_SYS} in the sdk autooconf args: everything has rotated one step
Right, but this is so when you're looking at this from an OE perspective, it doesn't confuse things there :(
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rburton: I was asking about the autotools example other day, then I looked at savannah and picked one with least deps and most active as of last week
I was also trying to use one which is not available as recipe in metadata
there's no problem with using one in core already just give it a new name in devtool
ie devtool add devtool-test-gawk
hm i wonder how long esdk has been broken
I think gnu make is a good option
it needs libguile though, I see -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread -ldl
must be optional as our make recipe doesn't
EXTRA_OECONF += "--without-guile" :)
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