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so I demonstrated sufficient patience for riscv32 yocto to build .... but when I launch it with the qemu launcher thing it takes a very long time to boot, and the boot messages appear character by character really slowly .. is this expected?
also the system clock seems to run much slower than realtime because the dmesg-like lines are being printed with the timestamp around 2s but it has been running for many minutes now
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however, because I have qemu-user installed on the host, I am able to mount the image and just chroot into it (no system-level emulation). I don't have gcc (or gccgo, which I am most interested in). how can I get gccgo added to the image?
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khem: has TODO for nodejs, instead of the work around from jansa/master-gcc14 branch and some of these are no longer needed as you added fixes before that (librelp, pcapplusplus)
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JaMa: this is not going in as it is, I have already removed code parts for librelp and pcapplusplus
ideally each warning will be fixed in its own way hopefully
my first attempt was to make it such that it can keep working with gcc-13 as well.
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khem: all these -Wno-errors are backwards compatible with gcc-13 except return-mismatch and declaration-missing-parameter-type calloc-transposed-args template-id-cdtor (which I didn't use in meta-oe/oe-core), right?
khem: I agree the issues should be fixed, I just added these as work around to see how badly world is broken (especially our own components) and for that I had to successfuly build the dependencies first
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o/ Is it possible to override a .inc file in another layer?
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yo dudX
Jookia: yes, see BBPATH variable
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hello. building an yocto image for colibri imx6dl. shall i use kernel from meta-toradex-nxp or meta-freescale
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Guest22: the MACHINE steers the kernel selection
Guest22: therefore it will be meta-toradex-nxp
for some reason, is getting compiled (from meta-freescale-3rdpary)
and i did
include conf/machine/include/
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Guest22: yes, my fault. the machine colibri-imx6 is into meta-freescale-3rdpary and the kernel is in its recipes-kernel
sometimes I wish vendors had actual irc channels...
some would probably ignore irc messages as they do with github issue tickets or e-mails to ML :)
but irc is really one of the best ways for screen reader users to communicate. All modern ui suck
I always wish there would be more vendors which don't suck (more than 0 would be nice)
the less worse I've found so far for my use, both on hardware design and on software stack is st. Their yocto distro aside, they are really not too bad
but it always depend on what your use case is of course
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yes, it depends on what HW you're looking for, once it has some HW features to accelerate AI or media, then the BSP gets much worse in my experience, because they will try to at least demo some of the parts in variously weird ways
yeah among other things
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I try to stick to the software components like bootloader/kernel but use them on my own i.e: outside of their own distro, so far that has worked not too badly
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JaMa: I'll try it out. I'm trying to patch over a bug :(
is it best to just use a patched git branch openembedded to patch bugs in it instead of trying to fix them with layers?
setting BBPATH doesn't seem to really help me override
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ok yeah i'll just fork it
Jookia: layers usually work out much easier in the long run. If you set BBPATH correctly, you should be able to override an inc file
wouldn't it just mean if i update yocto then it'll be mixing my old with new qemu recipes?
that seems kind of troubling
Jookia: that is what you asked to do :)
Jookia: you could create a copy of the recipe in your layer if you prefer
my overall goal is to patch a bug in openembedded-core so i was wondering what the workflow is for that
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Jookia: ideally fork for your local test, send the fix to openembedded-core first and only if it's not applied soon enough then apply it in your local layer with a link to upstream submitted fix
JaMa: how do you apply it in a local layer? i don't think you can just apply patches to bitbake recipes?
i'm not bothering to send them upstream as they don't affect supported distros
it'll take a while for the bug to appear in supported distros
Jookia: and if it's applied in newer upstream release than what you're using, I'm happy with "backports" layers like which you can just drop when upgrading to newer release (to make sure you won't carry your own copy forever)
Jookia: if it takes a while for OE to reproduce the bug you already know about, then it will take even longer for someone else to fix it once it starts getting reproduced
it's more that the bug happens when you use a newer python version or newer glib on host
so maybe it'll break in the next ubuntu. it breaks on arch
which I usually do with gentoo on host, so I for one I'm interested in what you're trying to fix in qemu
and for some other builds I used 24.04 since before it reached alpha, so yes, I might trigger this qemu issue relatively soon
JaMa: oh. leaks /usr/lib in to PKGCONFIG and on arch this tries to mix in host glib and qemu-native glib which errors. second bug is new python complains about an uninitialzed variable in the esdk
i don't want to really spend time on a mailing list fighting over whether its okay to leak PKGCONF paths in to qemu's build
the first one is surely upstreamable, right?
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i don't know, it might break qemu on very old systems that rely on leaking in host SDL
ok, then I don't really want to spend time teaching you how to use BBPATH to provide your own
fair enough
i ended up just using git patching anyway
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thanks for the help anyway
Hello, I am trying to separate /etc and /opt folders to new partitions. ETC is mounted in initramfs, before automatically changing root to main rootfs, and OPT is added to /etc/fstab. It works in general, but I occur a weird situation: my custom C++ + Java application has problem with reading /proc/meminfo file - that file is not visible for my application. From shell, when I login as a root I see that file, everyting is OK. I dont know, maybe
it is important - my custom app is executed by systemd service. Separated partition have also automatically generated services: opt.mount i etc.mount.
Maybe someone had a similar issue, or know where to look to find solution? If I put it back to one partition, then everythig is OK.
michal: what's the user of your C++ + Java application ?
@michal why you would write /proc/meminfo?
aaa, sorry, you want to read it
michal: what's the output of mount
proc fs does not come from fstab afaik
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mckoan: proc line from mount command: "proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)" - this same output I got where /etc i /opt is in one, main partition
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@michal do you have any indication of application error/bug? Do you read procfs from Java or C or combine both?
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ldywicki: its just a java call for C++ function where file is open and fgets return null for first line
michal: can you run 'cat /proc/meminfo' from CLI ?
does your systemd unit have security features enabled
mckoan: I can, and it works. Problem is only with my application
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Jookia: no, service file contains only environment variables, ExecStartPre, ExecStart and baic after/wantedby configuration
@michal is there any raeson why you fetch contents of /proc via cpp? You can get these through JVM. I been doing some sysfs scans from java and these are working with no issues.
michal: you may need to strace the service to see what's happening
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ldywicki: yes, but it worked before my changes (moving /etc and /opt to different partition). Of course I can rework that solution, but I wish to uderstand whats happen - maybe my approach with mounting /etc in initramfs and /opt in fstab is not correct
Jookia: I will try to debug it more form application perspective
moving a partition shouldn't affect partitions like /proc or friends. with systemd /proc should always be available for applications
the only thing that i could think of is that you have somehow launched your application with the wrong root directory
or there's some security feature preventing you reading /proc/meminfo
One thing which comes to my mind is missing sysctl.conf or so. I wouldn't worry much about /opt for now. Its /etc/ which can get you into trouble as multiple things are looking for information there. Since systemd kicks in your boot process itself is perfectly fine (I had a bit of struggle few weeks ago with that).
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JaMa: BTW I apologize for my tone and if I upset you
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RP: few of gcc-14 patches did not make into master-next look at top 5 patches on contrib/kraj/gcc-14 branch
JaMa: kids get you annoyed not upset, but age I agree
rburton:quite oe-eeky :)
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khem: I don't know what's the root cause, but I'm grumpy most of the time of last couple years ;/
I should drink more beers and build less images I guess
and with that I've triggered 100+ image builds to keep jenkins servers warm while I sleep, gnite
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@JaMa its jenkins, I would blame it. ;) To be fair, its one of most advanced ci/cd tools which gets nasty when it comes to maintenance and configuration management.