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<alessioigor> I don't know why but a recent commit (60b34c34351833f0a9be4b31c5bc3b94ad960c60 "ncurses: Fix CVE-2023-45918") in the Kirstone branch makes my builds fail on the ovmf recipe. Has anyone else run in this issue?
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<rburton> alessioigor: have you verified that reverting that change fixes ovmf?
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<alessioigor> rburton; Yes
<alessioigor> rburton: Yes
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<rburton> alessioigor: never seen that, but please either investigate or at least file a bug
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<JaMa> rburton: were you looking into cdrtools replacement because of gcc-14 failure?
<JaMa> rburton: 3.02_alpha09 use in gentoo builds with gcc-14 but the schily fork future might be problematic as well https://groups.google.com/g/comp.unix.shell/c/KoR-6wz-GUk
<rburton> JaMa: that prodded me to dig out my xorriso branch again
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<JaMa> rburton: I've updated it to 3.02a09 and tested on gentoo with gcc-14, but I guess someone will complain it's alpha release (even when it's 5 years old and used by some distros), so I probably won't send it to ML, but will check if passing -std=gnu89 would be enough with current even older version
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<RP> JaMa: It could be ok, it depends on why its an alpha!
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<JaMa> passing the -std=gnu89 is enough to build the old one https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core-contrib/commit/?h=jansa/master-gcc14&id=c4f9482511abcc5d8d3004326817bcbdd3d87fe1
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<gabriele_00> @rbox: i mean a qemu binary i builded myself with some modifications
<gabriele_00> also, wich is the correct syntaxt to specify a local git repo in the SRC_URI for the kernel. I tried using file protocol but i got fetch errors
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<mckoan> gabriele_00: SRC_URI = "git://git@;protocol=ssh;branch=main"
<gabriele_00> mckoan: SRC_URI = "git:///home/gabriele/yocto/linux-yocto;name=machine;branch=${KBRANCH};protocol=file"
<gabriele_00> this used to work in nanbield, now leads to fetch errors in newer branches
<gabriele_00> so i need to use ssh for local repos too?
<mckoan> gabriele_00: never tried
<rburton> gabriele_00: what's the error?
<gabriele_00> rburton: linux-yocto-6.6.23+git-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git:///home/gabriele/yocto/linux-yocto;name=machine;branch=v6.6/standard/qemuarm64;protocol=file, attempting MIRRORS if available
<rburton> what's the _actual_ error in the fetch log though
<gabriele_00> let me check
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<gabriele_00> @rburton: WARNING: Failed to fetch URL git:///home/gabriele/yocto/linux-yocto;name=machine;branch=v6.6/standard/qemuarm64;protocol=file, attempting MIRRORS if available
<gabriele_00> DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2d01bc1d4eeade12518371139dd24a21438f523c in branch v6.6/standard/qemuarm64 even from upstream
<gabriele_00> DEBUG: Trying MIRRORS
<gabriele_00> DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/home/gabriele/yocto/linux-yocto', '', '', OrderedDict({'name': 'machine', 'branch': 'v6.6/standard/qemuarm64', 'protocol': 'file'})] comparing ['http', 'ftp.debian.org', '/debian/pool', '', '', OrderedDi..............................
<rburton> gabriele_00: its failing to find the sha/branch
<gabriele_00> yeah, any idea on how to fix that?
<rburton> set the revision/branch to the right value for what you want to build
<rburton> the recipe is explicitly saying "this branch, this sha, this repo". you change the repo and now that branch/sha don't exist.
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<Guest13> hi, trying to add samba to my yocto image, however getting this error:
<Guest13> WARNING: samba-4.14.14-r0 do_populate_lic: Could not copy license file /home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/samba/4.14.14-r0/samba-4.14.14/COPYING to /home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/samba/4.14.14-r0/license-destdir/samba/COPYING: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
<Guest13> '/home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/samba/4.14.14-r0/samba-4.14.14/COPYING'
<Guest13> ERROR: samba-4.14.14-r0 do_populate_lic: QA Issue: samba: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM points to an invalid file: /home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/samba/4.14.14-r0/samba-4.14.14/COPYING [license-checksum]
<Guest13> ERROR: samba-4.14.14-r0 do_populate_lic: Fatal QA errors were found, failing task.
<Guest13> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/samba/4.14.14-r0/temp/log.do_populate_lic.606898
<Guest13> ERROR: Task (/home/ubuntu/z/builder/build/../layers/meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/samba/samba_4.14.14.bb:do_populate_lic) failed with exit code '1'
<Guest13> any idea?
<gabriele_00> @rburton: but the repo i am giving to the recipe is the direct local clone of the one it sources itslef from git, should nt be everything the same? Anyway i try to change the sha
<rburton> gabriele_00: you probaby need to actually make the branch its looking for locally
<gabriele_00> you mean git checkout the local branch?
<rburton> yes
<gabriele_00> Anyway now i got a different error (i changed the SHA in the SRCREV_machine:qemuarm64 ?= variable
<gabriele_00> was it the right place ?
<gabriele_00> sorry , all this is totally new for me
<rburton> no need to fiddle the sha, i expect you just need to do a local clone in your repo so git can actually see the branch
<rburton> local branch, even
<gabriele_00> i did it, still : ERROR: Could not locate BSP definition for qemuarm64/standard and no defconfig was provided
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<gabriele_00> in the other hand now there is no fetch error
<rburton> the bsp definition is in another repo. if you're setting SRC_URI directly then you've removed that
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<gabriele_00> ok, how can i fix it then?
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<rburton> gabriele_00: don't break the SRC_URI by forcibly setting it to something that doesn't contains half of the original references
<rburton> (you should be able to use the externalsrc class with the kernel, but i've never tried)
<rburton> copy original SRC_URI, change the bit you want to change. don't replace entirely, and end up removing the kconfig repo
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<RP> JaMa: I think but am not 100% sure the cdrtools-native change is causing: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/80/builds/6713/steps/14/logs/stdio :/
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<tlwoerner> is it expected that ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINEOVERRIDES', ...)} doesn't work in a recipe (but substituting MACHINE_FEATURES for MACHINEOVERRIDES does)?
<tlwoerner> albeit MACHINE_FEATURES is a different question than MACHINEOVERRIDES
<JaMa> RP: will try to repro tomorrow, there are some race conditions mentioned for both compile and install in gentoo (and I've switched to oe_runmake for do_install) so it might have trigger the race condition on AB
<RP> JaMa: thanks. I've dropped it for now and will retest which will at least confirm if it is the issue or not
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