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hmmm, while node executable seemed to decreases in size by ~6% with -fvisibility-inlines-hidden, webkitgtk's libwebkitgtk only decreases by 0.0017% -- I should probably do some completely seperate builds like I did for node. more tomorrow.
I would like to build 2 images based on 2 different version of one recipe.
when i try to build it one after another i get error
644ERROR: recipe-4.10-r0 do_packagedata_setscene: QA Issue: Package version for package recipe-src went backwards which would break package feeds (from 0:4.13-r0 to 0:4.10-r0) [version-going-backwards]
I try to force it via
PREFERRED_VERSION_recipe = "4.13" but still same issue accure.
any tip how to solve that problem?
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Hubi: AFAIK is normal, in such case run bitbake -c cleasstate recipe before building the image
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hi mckoan, i just did it b4 your message, and it works, thanks :)
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khem: only aarch64 machines here
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khem: if I read the migration notes properly, I still need to lower OLDEST_KERNEL to match the kernels I'm building if they are <5.15
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qschulz: correct
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qschulz: that would be my understanding too
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Hi, I'm getting the following error with nanbield:
QA Issue: my_package package is not obeying usrmerge distro feature. /lib should be relocated to /usr. [usrmerge]
RP: is that a new worker? we've had that dependency in there for a long time. i wonder what changed...
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rburton: is that a new BSP?
RP: yeah maybe we never even ran selftest with meta-arm around
i can make that testcase skip itself in that case
rburton: I guess some workers have that present and some don't ?
yeah possibly
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Hello, I am looking for information about how to contribute to docs.yoctoproject.org. In particular, I would like to add documentation for a variable which is still not documented.
because somehow I didn't know this and I'll share the knowledge: git-show can show specific files at specific SHAs with "git show ref:path"
so i'm now iterating through a list of shas and showing a json file which is piped into jq
yocton and rburton, that was very useful. Thanks!
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Hi community! I'm struggling with some buildpath warnings while updating to scarthgap. Even in basic recipes, output `.debug` files contain absolute paths (the warning says they are "references to TMPDIR"). I thought that the default `DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP` (see `grep -RI prefix-map poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf`) was enough to get rid of absolute paths in debug symbols, but it seems that there's something missing. Has anyone found this proble
i want to specify a custom dir and its content to hte wks script as --source ... but i am to dump to figure out the syntax , any hints
gmask: absolutely depends on the build system. typically i've seen that where you also need to pass the mapping to an assembler if there's any .s files that get built. run strings on the file to identify what path it is, to give you a hint as to what bit of the build is failing to pass the right flags.
it could be a simple as a host path being written into generated sources which then end up in the debug symbols
rburton: it's a minimal recipe using make (base class). Only two c files in the source code. No .s files generated. When I compile it manually with the `-fdebug-prefix-map` it works, so it's sth in the yocto config that's off.
Checking the `log.do_compile` logs the flag is correctly passed to the build arguments... Is it possible that the `objcopy` used in `do_package` is somehow recreating those paths?
gmask: which directory are you building these in? It isn't directly in WORKDIR with no subdirectory and S set to something else is it?
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gmask: bare make? have you verified that your gcc calls are actually passing the right flags?
RP: No, it uses the default `S=${WORKDIR}/${BPN}-${PV}`
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rburton: This is the weird thing. the `DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP` flags are only passed in the `cc file1.o file2.o -o prog` final compilation, but not in the production of the object files... I'm not sure why
rburton: So in log.do_compile I see three compilation steps: `cc file1.c -o file1.o`, `cc file2.c -o file2.o` and then `cc $DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP file1.o file2.o -o prog`
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gmask: this is why makefiles are horrible. you need the flags to be used in the compile. they should be in CFLAGS, so the recipe needs to do the right thing to make the makefile use them
gmask: are you using CFLAGS?
rburton: isn't this supposed to happen automatically? Any base recipe will create a `-dbg` package, so it's assumed that builds should have `DEBUG_FLAGS` in them right?
gmask: makefiles are terrible. if your makefile doesn't use $CFLAGS, or overwrites CFLAGS, then the flags won't be respected
RP: The Makefile has `CFLAGS` yes
gmask: are you using our CFLAGS from the environment though? That variable contains the DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP entries
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rburton: Is that it? If the Makefile has CFLAGS overwritten then the ones from bitbake are not used?
yes, that's how make works
(see my statement about how make is terrible)
rburton: Ok, I see the problem then... What is the correct way to append more flags from the recipe then?
eg the ifupdown recipe does this in do_compile: oe_runmake 'CC=${CC}' "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}"
the correct way is to stop using make :)
Haha... I wish I could solve it this way
what's the reasoning why COMPATIBLE_MACHINEs are often enclosed in parenthesis? (i need fodder for the commit message)
i _think_ its because sometimes you see (foo|bar) and then that got generalised to (foo) for no good reason
regex, init
gmask: or EXTRA_OEMAKE
tlwoerner: copy and paste incremental errors. They are regexes
RP: pexpect solution posted to our list, should be in meta-arm soon
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rburton: great thanks!
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JaMa: as rburton says, Makefiles are terrible. The src Makefile overrides CFLAGS but does not allow appending to them with some extra variable, so I have to completely rewrite them from the recipe. Not very maintainer-friendly...
rburton: thanks for the insight
i believe passing an explicit assignment to make (like ifupdown above) will overwrite what the makefile says
which works until the makefile also has flags it needs
we used to use "make -e" as the default which forced our flags to overwrite
so my work is using pseudo outside of yocto in a script that assembles some artifacts. I know we should probably be doing it inside yocto itself, but you work with what you got. Anyway, on one developer machine (mine), Im getting this error:
Couldn't stash directory before opening socket: Permission deniedcritical failure: exec of pseudo daemon failed: Permission denied
Ive been pulling my hair out for a week trying to figure out why pseudo is failing here, and was wondering if anyone here has seen this.
gmask: and I agree with him, I'm just saying that you can use EXTRA_OEMAKE variable to pass the variables instead of adding them in each oe_runmake call
rburton: EXTRA_OEMAKE seems the "correct" way to do this. But as you say, you have to copy all the flags from the Makefile
as some terrible Makefiles might also re-compile in do_install if you forget to pass some variables you did in do_compile
JaMa: Yes, I see it looks like the way to go
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RP: oh, are you saying the parenthesis aren't a good idea?
hello. i'm having a problem running qemu with my built yocto setup.
I'm trying to use vfio passthrough to pass a PCI device
`runqemu core-image-x11 nographic qemuparams="-device vfio-pci,host=04:00.0,id=mydevice"` is what i'm using to run it
It's failing with this: `qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=04:00.0,id=mydevice: vfio 0000:04:00.0: failed to open /dev/vfio/1: Permission denied`
Would it be possible to make a bbclass which relocates a package? That is, something which will modify the install directory by prepending a string to the path? For example, if a package installed /usr/bin/bash it could be modified to be /app/bin/bash.
I understand that some paths could be set in config files, etc, but I'm breaking some things out to a separate partition and it would be nice if I could extend a recipe and add a class rather than changing every path.
gmask: EXTRA_OEMAKE is just to pass some OE variables into make, you still use CFLAGS as before, e.g. EXTRA_OEMAKE = "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}"
gmask: and oe_runmake will add them to make command lines
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fullstop: have you tried writing said class and just setting prefix="/app" in it?
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Hi , the error below doesn't make much sense (to me)
`QA Issue: mypackage package is not obeying usrmerge distro feature. /lib should be relocated to /usr`
As it only happens when installing to /lib explicitly and not when installing to ${nonarch_base_libdir} (which is /lib in my case)
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The message is misleading, IMO
fabatera: are you sure your nonarch_base_libdir is actually resolving to just /lib? The check looks at the final paths and doesn't care what variable gets used.
rburton: I have not, but I will.
how do i debug bitbake refusing to run because of hashserv connection refused?
(all local, already removed the sock file by hand to no avail)
rburton you are right, now is /usr/lib (in nanbield)
(in kas-container)
fabatera: it's /usr/lib with usrmerge in DISTRO_FEATURES which is included since nanbield (because of systemd)
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Just saw that. :) Good to know the reason. Thanks!
use variables, never hardcode a path
Sure thing, thanks
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rm -rf cache/ tmp/ made it work /me shrugs
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qschulz: were there processes left running?
RP: not possible as I restarted multiple times the container
hmm, very strange
yes, BUT there's a very small chance I had two containers running on the same directories, and also I have no clue how I managed to get into this situation, so I guess let's ignore it until it comes back :)
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hey I have a conf file I generate from a task. When making a change to the task and rerunning, it doesnt regenerate the file (e.g. the task never reruns as the cache doesnt identify a change)
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what do you do when "making a change to the task"?
a good thing would be to give a before/after change of your task/recipe so we can see what's happening
yudjinn: ^
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i.e. just changing the function to print "hello" instead of "world" is not seen as a change. this is a `def`'d function called by a task
sorry, its IP so I cant share the exact setup, but I can put together an example possibly
yudjinn: is the task python or shell, is the function pyhon or shell
and how do you call the function from the task?
yudjinn: 1) is your function called as the last step of the task?
no its right before do_configure and after do_fetch
I just did ... in the pastebin figuring it didnt matter
yudjinn: I meant is make_conf the last instruction in do_make_conf_special
because if so, you could use do_make_conf_special[postfuncs] += instead
or even make it a separate task that runs after
no, its more like `if PATH is something: make_conf(PATH) else: make_conf(DIFFERENT)`
`make_conf` here is just a helper func
yudjinn: ok, so I think BitBake may not be capable to know that make_conf is a function defined in your file and therefore should be watched over like that
Now I'm just speculating
I **think** you could use bb.build.exec_func('make_conf', d) instead of 'make_conf'?
so instead of `make_conf(PATH)` do `bb.build.exec_func('make_conf',d) ?
but also not sure if this watches the content of make_conf
yudjinn: yes
yudjinn: you can check with bitbake-dumpsig/bitbake-diffsigs if your changes are taken into account without rebuilding the whole recipe/image
this is a mechanism that is usually used to have both python and shell code within the same task, but maybe this does enough for invalidating the cache
otherwise, I would recommend to send a small mail to our ML with a very small example to reproduce this error on master branch with only poky/openembedded-core to reach a few more people (a good chunk of the community is in Europe, and it's currently 8pm so outside of working hours :) )
which is my hint to leave, so good luck :)
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that dumpsig is super helpful, thanks!
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hi all I have created my own recipe for vault pkcs11 provider from hashicrop and I'm having a stupid issue, meaning I have set PACKAGES variable like PACKAGES =+ "${PN} ${PN}-swupdate" and BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk", and some other recipe is depending on vault-pkcs11-provider-swupdate-native but I'm getting this err that https://pastebin.com/ERcTZ1vL
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ahhh I'm a morron... now I get what is going on DEPENDS is actually installing the whole content of recipe so I should use recipe name instead of package name
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