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<nerdboy> tlwoerner: i take it you are not using debchange when you build a new pkg? lintian is not happy with your debian/changelog => https://paste2.org/ftDs7xjA
<moto-timo> nerdboy: not everyone is a Debian packager. Perhaps you could help review.
<nerdboy> i was just wondering what tool was mangling it...
<nerdboy> aaand looks like i just fixed it
<nerdboy> apparently it's really picky about 2 spaces after the email addr
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<moto-timo> It takes a village. We just took over the repo. We have the training wheels on the tricycle.
<nerdboy> <shrug> i need to run it through the PPA builder and github ci to wring out the packaging bits
<nerdboy> s/it/stuff/
<moto-timo> Well. you can help or you can complain. Choose one.
<moto-timo> I'll tell you which one I ignore first.
<nerdboy> that's just my normal deb process, not a complaint
<nerdboy> lintian complains...
<moto-timo> You are assuming twoerner knows your normal debian process. So you are complaining. Help or do not.
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<moto-timo> You could have sent a PR with fewer key strokes than this conversation. Think about it.
<nerdboy> i'm preparing the PR with the ^^ debian/ files updated
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<moto-timo> nerdboy: thank you.
<nerdboy> oh no, *thank you* both for taking upstream maint
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<DvorkinDmitry> I have strange error building SDK for my image: nothing provides libpython3.6m.so.1.0()(64bit) needed by nativesdk-gcc-arm-none-eabi-11-r0.x86_64_nativesdk
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