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tlwoerner: i take it you are not using debchange when you build a new pkg? lintian is not happy with your debian/changelog =>
nerdboy: not everyone is a Debian packager. Perhaps you could help review.
i was just wondering what tool was mangling it...
aaand looks like i just fixed it
apparently it's really picky about 2 spaces after the email addr
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It takes a village. We just took over the repo. We have the training wheels on the tricycle.
<shrug> i need to run it through the PPA builder and github ci to wring out the packaging bits
Well. you can help or you can complain. Choose one.
I'll tell you which one I ignore first.
that's just my normal deb process, not a complaint
lintian complains...
You are assuming twoerner knows your normal debian process. So you are complaining. Help or do not.
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You could have sent a PR with fewer key strokes than this conversation. Think about it.
i'm preparing the PR with the ^^ debian/ files updated
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nerdboy: thank you.
oh no, *thank you* both for taking upstream maint
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I have strange error building SDK for my image: nothing provides needed by nativesdk-gcc-arm-none-eabi-11-r0.x86_64_nativesdk
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