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Hi JPEW. Many thanks! I will test it in my branch and then "torture" it with the BitBake selftests I just developed, plus normal testing.
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Is there a way to run spesific task with devtool? For example, I just wanted to run compile task. I can do it with bitbake -c compile foo but cant do it with devtool.
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Guest73: what's wrong with bitbake -c compile foo? devtool makes modification to the foo recipe as a bbappend (you can look into the devtool workspace)
so if everything is setup for the foo recipe to be used when doing bitbake -c compile foo, your devtool'ed foo will be used
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(i'm adding this limitation becuase you could have multiple providers of the foo recipe, e.g. doing bitbake -c compile virtual/kernel may not build your devtool'ed linux-yocto if linux-yocto is not the recipe of choice as a kernel recipe for the selected machine
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qschulz thanks
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what is the most elegant override setting if I want to create a qemuarm64-custom machine which should be exactly qemuarm64, besides some minor additions that I want to set below the require?
rburton: perfect, thx. I knew that it has been done somewhere :-)
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shouldn't a simple install -m 755 -d ${D}/${localstatedir}/lib/mything work in a do_install:append? getting "install: cannot change permissions of ‘/home/...../image//var/lib/mything’: No such file or directory" now.
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LetoThe2nd: and you try without 755? install seems to default to 755 according to the manpage
qschulz: nope.
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Would there be any downside to adding PROVIDES += "gdb-cross" to the gdb-cross recipe (or similar recipes)? This would be to provide an easier build target for users in addition to existing gdb-cross-${TARGET_ARCH}.
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OnkelUlla: Thanks a lot! that comes right in time :-)
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