RP: I tentatively may have figured out how to deal with siggen ABI safe tasks in SPDX
well someone got a posh webcam
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JPEW: ah, cool. Was that for spdx 2.x as well?
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hello. has anyone used the `meta-nvidia` layer before? it doesn't appear to be yocto project certified but a client is needing it for a project
I have it configured just as the README suggests. I'm using `poky` and I added the layers that I needed with bitbake (`git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded`, `git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization` under `nanbield`) - it's complaining about the following:
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'virtual/libgl' (but /home/test/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/libepoxy/libepoxy_1.5.10.bb, /home/test/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo_1.16.0.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
mesa-gl PROVIDES virtual/libgl but was skipped: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl set to libglvnd, not mesa-gl
libglvnd PROVIDES virtual/libgl but was skipped: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 set to mesa, not libglvnd
NOTE: Runtime target 'matchbox-terminal' is unbuildable, removing...
Judging from the logs, it looks like the solution involves adding `libglvnd` as the preferred provider for `libgles2`. I did this, and a bunch of other problems came up.
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Would this be a question better suited for the mailing list?
nickwhitlock: better suited to mailing the maintainer or meta-nvidia or filing a bug in their github
unfortunately it looks like their github doesn't have an Issues tracker on it, but I can try reaching out to the maintainer of that repository specifically and seeing.
yeah i'd just mail him
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rburton: yeah much posh around here ;-)
that was really weird, it seems that Twitch lost the connection 15 times - I have 16 recordings in the log now.
Hypothetically if I were to adjust the layers myself to fix the problem, what would I need to look into?
Because the issue here seems to be that the .rpm for the nvidia recipe (this uses RPMs??) is linking against stuff that doesn't even seem to exist.
When I am in my build directory and do `grep -sr libwayland-client ../meta*`, all I'm seeing are references to: `../meta/lib/oeqa/files/buildhistory_filelist2.txt` and filelist1.txt
I'm specifically saying in my `local.conf` also to not even build wayland.
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nickwhitlock, the readme specifically instructs:
there's also 'PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 set to mesa, not libglvnd'
I suspect you need to set that accordingly
in general, if 'a client' is using nvidia, they should ask nvidia to provide yocto support in the form of a well maintained layer
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and not leave it to volunteers hobbyists and independent consultants
yeah, every customer of nvidia that uses yocto should make it very clear to nvidia that they're using yocto and want proper support
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yeah, so i set the fields indicated in local.conf. They don't explicitly call it out in that README.md but I also set `PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2` to `libglvnd`. They do mention `libgles1` and `libgles3` though.
When I do that, I get the issues indicated in the pastebin above
are you using nanbield?
* rburton
looks like nobody here uses that layer, so ask the author
yeah, i reached out to them over email to see if they had any ideas
oh, the nvidia metalayer discussion ? :)
congrats to 5.0 release, it will be awesome for sure, it already is
> yeah, every customer of nvidia that uses yocto should make it very clear to nvidia that they're using yocto and want proper support
in general yes, i agree with you
however, we are supplying the customer with chip-down nvidia products, so they ask us for a lot of nvidia stuff
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RP: yes I think it can help SPDX 2 also
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is it possible to tell cargo-bitbake to generate a recipie for an older version of yocto?
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JPEW: that would be awesome as I think that might be the worst regular failure on the autobuilder for scarthgap
Needs a bitbake change, but it's not too invasive and should be able to be back ported. I can send an RFC later this week
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