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stupid me, but what creates the entry /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service? oe-pkgdata-util is failing me.
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could someone post the link to the go recipe examples (except helloworld) ?
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Hello, for my project I need udisk2 support, I add this to my local.conf “IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " udisks2"” but for some reasen my image doesn’t exist udisk2 package? What do I wrong?
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LetoThe2nd: if you use systemd then maybe SERIAL_CONSOLES and do_install in systemd-serialgetty.bb
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How can I instal nfs-common in the correct way?
what do you need "nfs-common" to do
i need this packet for my application
okay, and what from it do yo uneed
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when i try to install my packet i get the error "nfs-common is not installed."
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yes, because nfs-common isn't a package
so you need to figure out what its actually looking for
ok thanks!
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simone: yeah probably that's the way to go
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