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<khem> ok
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<Tyaku_> Hello, I have the big question of the day... Is it possible in a receipe for a software X to do different actions depending on the image used in the build ? We have dev/prod image, until now, the dev image was just "prod" image + development tools installed. But as I see yesterday, to disable syslog in PROD image, I need to do a bbappend in busybox to disable it from the defconfig (using fragments) (other
<Tyaku_> solutions are not working), but in my DEV image, i don't want that some parts of busybox.bbappend be applied.
<LetoThe2nd> Tyaku_: as usual: no.
<LetoThe2nd> Tyaku_: recipe data is local, so a recipe never knows what image it is being built for. what you want is a dev-bistro.
<mckoan> Tyaku_: dev/prod image settings can 'drop' in a recipe olny using OVERRIDES, thus using a DISTRO
<mckoan> LetoThe2nd: dev-bistro is where you have a beer.bb ?
<LetoThe2nd> mckoan: exactly that. or a coffee, cake, whatever is required for developing :-)
<Tyaku_> The difference with the distro is that from the receipe we can put conditions based on distro name like what we do for machines ? (for exemple: do_install:append:my_machine () {})
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<Tyaku_> I also ear about some "technics" on google like this: In the image PROD you set a variable "IMAGE_TYPE" = "prod", in the image DEV you set a variable "IMAGE_TYPE" = "dev", then in the receip play with ${ if ... }. But to set a single line it seems nice but not for a whole do_install. Is this technics bollocks ?
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<Guest83> I am trying to have0 meson 1.22.2 with dunfell....ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/meson/meson_1.2.2.bb
<Guest83> Traceback (most recent call last):
<Guest83>   File "Var <SRC_URI[md5sum]>", line 1, in <module>
<Guest83> bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRC_URI[md5sum], expression was ${@bb.utils.md5(bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d, True), d)} which triggered exception AttributeError: module 'bb.utils' has no attribute 'md5'
<Guest83>  How do I fix this
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<newbie> I am trying to have messon 1.22.2 with dunfell
<newbie> ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/meson/meson_1.2.2.bb
<newbie> Traceback (most recent call last):
<newbie>   File "Var <SRC_URI[md5sum]>", line 1, in <module>
<newbie> bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRC_URI[md5sum], expression was ${@bb.utils.md5(bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d, True), d)} which triggered exception AttributeError: module 'bb.utils' has no attribute 'md5'
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<LetoThe2nd> Tyaku_: it is technically bollocks. whatever you set in your image, you just won't see it in the recipe. no matter how many ${if..}s are involved.
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<mckoan> Tyaku_: yes, you can put conditions based on distro name like for machines. For exemple: do_install:append:mydistro()
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<Tyaku_> Thanks for your responses LetoThe2nd & mckoan, I'm going to check this distro stuff.
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<luc4> Hello! I'm trying to build yocto nanbield. It seems meta-qt6 supports qt 6.5 for nanbield. However, the qtgrpc recipe depends on protobuf version 3, while I see that nanbield introduced protobuf version 4. Is this a bug of meta-qt6? Or am I doing something wrong?
<rburton> luc4: sounds like either a bug in meta-qt6, or you're using meta-qt6 wrong (it has an "unconventional" branching model)
<luc4> rburton: yes, I see it uses its own version.
<rburton> either way, i can confirm that protobuf in nanbield is 4.23.4, so this is a qt thing. ask them :)
<luc4> rburton: protobuf 3 was removed in nanbield, so it is not possible to include it anymore, right?
<rburton> correct, there's no protobuf3 recipe that i can see
<luc4> rburton: thank you for the confirmation
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<Crofton> @jdiez did you have the linux-firnware ssue in meta-sdr?
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<Ad0> is there something called devtool abort
<Ad0> I don't want to finish, I want to just revert back to the kernel in the recipe
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<Ad0> is reset too much maybe
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<manne> Hi guys I have a question regarding meta-virtualization, specifically docker(it doesn't seem to be "enabled", docker systemd service,  when I boot the system. I had to restart the docker service to get it working). Is this the right place to ask about it or would it be better if I wrote to "meta-virtualization@lists.yoctoproject.org"
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<moto-timo> manne: it is fine to ask here (as long as you stay logged in and wait for a response...)
<rburton> is anyone else seeing rust fail to build with "error[E0460]: found possibly newer version of crate `std` which `libnghttp2_sys` depends on"
<manne> Here's my local.conf for setting docker(the most important parts):
<manne> MACHINE ??= "raspberrypi4-64"
<manne> IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " power-relay usbsdmux"
<manne> IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.bz2 wic.bz2 wic wic.bmap"
<manne> ENABLE_UART = "1"
<manne> DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " virtualization systemd"
<manne> IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " docker-ce"
<manne> RPI_USE_U_BOOT = "1"
<manne> INIT_MANAGER = "systemd"
<manne> Build is great, I boot up the raspberry pi with the yocto image and see that "docker ps" does not work, digging more I see this problem:
<manne>    root@raspberrypi4-64:~# systemctl status docker
<manne>     docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
<manne>      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
<manne>      Active: inactive (dead)
<manne>     TriggeredBy: * docker.socket
<manne>     Docs: https://docs.docker.com
<manne> So it seems that it is not "enabled" with systemd to start on boot(hint from "disabled; preset: disabled" ). I did a "systemctl enable docker", then did a reboot and the service is active again and "docker ps" works as usual.
<manne> Diving into the code in meta-virtualization/recipes-containers/docker/docker.inc in the branch mickledore, I see hints that it is not enabled. I believe the default behavior should be that docker.service is enabled to start after boot. Just wanted to hear if anyone else thought about it differently or if its a bug.
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<DarkestFM> Hi I need to install dotnet7/8, the library is designed to handle this when dotnet is invoked but both versions need to install it so when i build i get [1mdpkg:[0m error processing archive /raid0/fm/_work/8/s/var-fslc-yocto/build_fb/tmp/work/imx7_var_som-fslc-linux-gnueabi/fm-image-gen3-dev/1.0-r0/oe-rootfs-repo/cortexa7t2hf-neon/./fm-dotnet-8_8.0.2-r4_armhf.deb (--unpack):
<DarkestFM> trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet', which is also in package fm-dotnet-7:armhf 7.0.15-r4
<DarkestFM> dpkg-deb: error: paste subprocess was killed by signal (Broken pipe) which is failing the build, how do i allow the package to overwrite the file?
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<rburton> DarkestFM: fix the packaging so the files don't conflict. if they're meant to co-exist then presumably that directory should be versioned.
<DarkestFM> the directories are versioned, this is the invoker that handles which one is called based on the app, it's the one file that is meant to be overwritten
<DarkestFM> and only have one copy
<usvi> I had interesting bug with thud u-boot. I thought kirkstone kernel was corrupting vfat, but it was more peculiar failure mode
<DarkestFM> the licence file was giving me the same issue but i can version that
<usvi> u-boot first created a flaw in the vfat with a remove operation, then kernel finished the job, creating long name inconsistensies when observed back again in u-boot
<rburton> DarkestFM: then look up the update-alternatives class
<rburton> (lots of examples in meta/)
<usvi> but the previous system was masking the problem all the time, because it ran fsck. I made minimal image with kirkstone, which did not contain fsck.vfat and this made the bug to surface
<usvi> took a bit of figuring out what the hell was going on
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<DarkestFM> rburton: that's slick looks like it's going to work.
<DarkestFM> is there a way to allow the system to overwrite the file with a recipe priority?
<DarkestFM> The DotNet framework is written in this way.
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<DarkestFM> The new version overwrites the old launcher but the libraries exist in deeper versioned directories because microsoft
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<rburton> DarkestFM: each recipe can set their own priority, so you can have newer versions preferred
<DarkestFM> How do you have it install both versions?
<DarkestFM> I have extra recipies with the major as part of the name at the moment
<DarkestFM> dotnet seems to be an annoying edge case as frameworks/libraries go
<rburton> yes, all recipes that ship the same file need to use alternatives to register that they want to install it
<rburton> so dotnet7 and dotnet8 will both claim that script
<rburton> if you're lucky priority is ascending and you can just use the version as the priority (I can't remember what the order is)
<DarkestFM> did it as a dotnet.inc only difference is the source
<rburton> sensible
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<DarkestFM> So, ChatGPT is quite usefulish failed to offer update-alternatives but had no problem explaining how to implement it.
<DarkestFM> Only possible because yocto project has good documentation
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<zwelch> I just ported one of my Jetson (`meta-tegra`) projects from `kirkstone` to `master`, and its image recipe -- which previously required around 7700 tasks to build -- now requires over 10000 tasks. Any changes to the core bitbake/classes/recipes that might explain this unexpected increase?
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<Ad0> how can I see what the volatile binds recipe produces?
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<Ad0> is it VOLATILE_BINDS:append now instead of +=
<Ad0> (in kirkstone)
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<RP> zwelch: hard to say really. task-depends.dot from bitbake -g from both setups might be interesting to compare though
<khem> RP: I sent patch to upgrade llvm to 18.1 rc2 and needed patch for mesa. final llvm release is in First week of march which will be a small update then
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<khem> RP: musl release is also due soonish but it has a basename issue, which I have fixed in most of recipes in core, dont know if we should go with this too
<khem> well it does not have issue in basename but it has stopped exposing it as gnu extension which breaks some apps
<Ad0> RP, they are included
<Ad0> but the service fails
<Ad0> Bind mount volatile /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections was skipped because of a failed condition check (ConditionPathIsReadWrite=/data/root-overlay/etc/NetworkManager)
<Ad0> do I have to create the damn dir first?
<Ad0> it worked before !
<Ad0> (in dunfell hehe)
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<Ad0> I guess I can just overwrite the file volatile-binds.service.in in my recipe override
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<RP> khem: any thoughts on what to do with the remaing riscv failures?
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