RP: yeah, I'm not sure what's wrong. Definitely blowing up on do_install_ptest_base, but either it's not showing up in the task log or I'm staring right at it and not seeing it
the "grep: Makefile: No such file or directory" line is misleading - that happens in do_install_ptest_base for 2.5.0 as well, but it finishes OK
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I am trying to add gstremaer 1.22.5 recipe with dunfell for riacv64
I am frequently facing below issue,
ERROR: glibc-2.31+gitAUTOINC+1094741224-r0 do_fetch: Network access disabled through BB_NO_NETWORK (or set indirectly due to use of BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY) but access requested with command LANG=C git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0 clone --bare --mirror "git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git" (downloads/git2/sourceware.org.git.glibc.git --progress (for
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: (tmp-glibc/work/riscv64-oe-linux/glibc/2.31+gitAUTOINC+1094741224-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.351906
ERROR: Task (meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc_2.31.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
ERROR: binutils-cross-riscv64-2.34-r0 do_fetch: Network access disabled through BB_NO_NETWORK (or set indirectly due to use of BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY) but access requested with command LANG=C git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0 clone --bare --mirror "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git" /downloads/git2/sourceware.org.git.binutils-gdb.git
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/ankita/bin/sources/base-build/tmp-glibc/work/x86_64-linux/binutils-cross-riscv64/2.34-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.245987
ERROR: Task (/home/ankita/bin/sources/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/binutils/binutils-cross_2.34.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
Guest1234: first of all please use a pastebin for multiple lines of text
Guest1234: secondly, those looks like fetch issues where it can't find sources as you have the network disabled and your source mirror is not up to date
how can I enable it?
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Hello first time here on the chat but full time yocto developer with at least some experiance :) Also have a very basic public yocto project for the ox64 board although that is only partly working as i lack some time to work on it.
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eicke: welcome!
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Guest1234: presumably you have set BB_NO_NETWORK or BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY somewhere?
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RP: I think the issue with the .bbappend ordering is that nobody knows how to deal with it in their layers (including me), I was in favor of removing it, because adding P_V isn't big deal and easy to adapt to (and I already did in our layers), but only the first build revealed that indeed .bbappends don't work well for us anymore
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if we can sort them by reversed BBFILES order than, it might be still doable (as people who care already have to deal with BBLAYERS ordering to get BBPATH order right), so hopefully they will expect .bbappends to apply in the same order (except those dynamic-layers :/)
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JaMa: there are multiple issues. That is one of them but there are also a lot of really difficult expectations (e.g. I can't error if BBFILE_PRORITY is present as that would break some people's usage)
JaMa: I can't really face trying to argue this any further right now
JaMa: and yes, I'm frustrated/depressed about it
JaMa: does BBFILES ordering control the appends order at present?
JaMa: it should but no longer sure about anything
it doesn't at present AFAIK
I'm just saying that it could be a way how to "deal with it" if we let BBFILES to control it
JaMa: it is how I thought it was working
JaMa: it would probably work for some and not for others and we'd be back to the start again
* JaMa
too, I've even found that bitbake commit where I said that bbappends no longer apply based on BBFILE_PRIORITY and thought that I was wrong back then
because of us (LGE with mcf) the BBFILE_PRIORITY is tied with BBLAYERS order and indirectly results in BBPATH and BBFILES order, so it's easy to confuse the "4 dimensions" of this
JaMa: right, it is all too complicated
should I try some experiments with BBFILES ordering to see at least if that works in our (fairy complicated) layer setup?
what Peter said looks like relatively good start
"adding a bbappend.reverse() in collect_bbfiles()"
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JaMa: it would be worth looking at as we do need to do something with this
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upgraded to kirkstone
ERROR: Found *.bbappend in /home/blah/build/workspace, but could not determine EXTERNALSRC:pn-*. Maybe still using old syntax?
JaMa: looking at the code, it currently re-sorts BBFILES according to priority. That should mean with the removal that bbappends are found in BBFILES search order. I therefore worry a bit about this "reverse()" you and Saur mention
I am trying to use devtool modify u-boot in kirkstone
and it ain't workin'
RP: yes, but BBFILES order in my and Saur builds are in reversed order of priority (from highest) and now the .bbappend in highest priority layer is applied first instead of last
RP: so if I have .bbappend setting SRC_URI in OSE and internal build, then before priority drop OSE as applied first and then internal build overwrote it, without the priorities it doesn't
JaMa: do you both order BBLAYERS with the "most important" layer first? Despite saying that layers should always append to BBFILES?
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in theory I could BBMASK the .bbappend from OSE, but in most cases I'm overwritting only some variable (and still need e.g. additional PACKAGECONFIG added by .bbappend in OSE)
RP: from what he wrote in the e-mail I believe yes
fixed it - it was old bbappends from dunfell that needed changing from another recipe ...
this was never how it was meant to be used :(
build is still running with reversed() added, but so far no failure (even when locked-sigs still show a lot of differences)
JaMa: in theory you could reverse the ordering in BBLAYERS insead?
I guess that does potentially break something else
but would need to change all BBPATHs at the same time
there would probably still be issue with the dynamic-layers entries, the bbappend list from dl9pf shows a lot bbappends in dynamic-layers
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while we have only 13 bbappends in dynamic-layers (so it might just happen to work as before in these cases) as from these 13 only samba and packagegroup-meta-oe have multiple bbappends
and this one is "safe" as both just append to RDEPENDS
At this point I'm going to propose something entirely new after April. Everyone will have to rewrite and reconcile things
RP: thanks for trying to sort out and simplify the layer ordering in various cases. I have been bitten by this too many times and welcome any change to simplify things even if it means many current setups break.
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I am wondering why, if I inherit npm, nodejs is not properly installed out of the box. I need to manually add RDEPENDS: brotli, c-ares, icu.
rber|res: are those rdepends needed in nodejs itself and should just be added?
@rbuton I need to check this
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@rburton buildhistory tells me that the RDEPENDS (and DEPENDS) look good for nodejs
@rburton, so I guess it's not enough to inherit the npm class, but I also need to RDEPENDS on nodejs in my recipe which uses nodejs
rber|res: you could argue that inherit npm should mean a rdepends on node, but also arguably you might not want it in the main package. so yes, rdepend on nodejs.
@rburton - well go and python also behave like that, you need to RDPENDS on phython and go-runtime
you can use npm.bbclass to produce a package which has no javascript in it
derRichard: I've seen a lot worse and I have wanted to find a way to have a 64 bit kernel on 32 bit platforms for a while...
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I'd probably put the python functions into lib somewhere, make it conditional on being arm32, turn the variable manipulations into overrridden conf entries and turn it into an optional inc file
derRichard: is it new requirement for CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO or was it always like that?
JaMa: it was always like that. you don't need CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO for CONFIG_COMPAT on arm64. but if your arm32 apps need a vdso, you need CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO too
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RP: one thing that is still ugly IMHO, CROSS_COMPILE_COMPAT= is the full path to the toolchain. but i guess it is by design that only the primary (64 bits) toolchain is in PATH
yocton: thanks for the cve work!
rburton: wait till you see how I've messed up the ordering on the wiki page :p
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RP: I think we need another fix for cpio test upgrade since I am seeing a timing out of sync failure on AB but it works locally here but this one works on AB too - https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/commit/?h=yoe/mut&id=5cc417a9a885b9ab4462686dfc9ab0aced5ea389
RP: with this build for qemuriscv64 looks promising thus far
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khem: interesting. I wonder why riscv is particularly prone to it
I'm trying to show people that the number of recipes in Yocto is tens of 1000s so it's probably ~ 1/4 the size of Debian's package list. I'm guessing at the numbers.
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alimon: if you want to be the new ptest-runner maintainer then there's some patches on the yocto@ list to review/merge
rburton: no, but that basically means Django is taking too long to respond to the query and nginx is giving up.
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rest api is probably sufficient for the query too, but not sure we can do enough filtering with the current simplistic api
rburton: so yes, that has what vmeson is after... we just need "someone" to figure out what is crashing Django (OOM?)
rburton: it crashed my own instance too, so something ugly.
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RP: btw. something in master-next is causing rv32 qemu to throw all kinds of crashes, I am suspecting kernel upgrade to 6.6.15 patchset might be it, I have started a build with out it
hi, python3-pyyaml got included in my image build since I added the meta-ros* layers to it. However, I get this build error:
ERROR: python3-pyyaml-6.0-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/yaml/_yaml.cpython-311-aarch64-linux-gnu.so contained in package python3-pyyaml requires libyaml-0.so.2()(64bit), but no providers found in RDEPENDS:python3-pyyaml? [file-rdeps]
nothing looks out of place on the django query for that template, and nothing is being done on that template that would trigger an n+1, but I'm also not sure if the annotations trigger a [select/prefetch]_related
indeed, nothing yaml-related is in meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pyyaml_6.0.bb. But should it be?
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alimon: nice to see you! :) we're running a bit behind with patch review/merging atm
jdiez: I can help you. What Yocto release and ROS 2 distro are you using?
RobW: ok, I'll let you know in a few minutes as well. Thank you!
There are 3 layers you need to add: meta-ros2, meta-ros-common, and meta-ros2-humble
yeah, I have them
I am building core-image-minimal with a custom distro config, which just adds ros-core to IMAGE_INSTALL
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looks like the python3-pyyaml recipe needs a PACKACONFIG for libyaml
and ptests
the usual dance
moto-timo: can you link to a similar python package that already has the changes you mean?
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jdiez: I'm the maintainer for python3-pyyaml... so I'll just fix it
ah ok cool!
jdiez: you might need to request a backport if you are not using master
jdiez: but once you see the patch hit the mailing list you can just use it for a bbappend (I'll split the PACKAGECONFIG and the ptests into separate commits... assuming I can even get the ptests to run)
jdiez: my first guess (not tested yet and I didn't look up the syntax) is PACKAGECONFIG[libyaml] = "--with-libyaml,--without-libyaml,libyaml"
RobW: I found that BBMASK did not have the rpi exclusion in my build, not entirely sure why, but it makes sense to append that at variable expansion time
jdiez: and then you'd want PACKAGECONFIG = "libyaml"
moto-timo: (sorry I'm a yocto noob, still learning :)) my understanding is that that would cause `--with-libyaml,--without-libyaml,libyaml` to be appended to some compilation command of python3-pyyaml?
okay I see in the readme, it's an argument to python setup.py
jdiez: it would add --with-libyaml to the compilation and libyaml as an RDEPENDS
ok got it, thank you!
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not tested... just going by memory and what I think should work ;)
and one more noob question: how had it previously worked without this additional flag to setup.py before? it doesnt look like a recent change to pyyaml
jdiez: either it recently (maybe in the 6.0.0 upgrade?) added detection of libyaml "automagically" and is now getting host contamination or... we've just been lucky
jdiez: this is why we want run time tests for everything we can (ptest which means "package test")... but it doesn't come for free... someone has to figure it out and it takes time to run the tests... and sometimes the test dependencies are... massive
RobW: same issue with mickledore-next
moto-timo: what do you mean by host contamination in this context? I'm running bitbake inside a crops container btw
jdiez: it is possible it would find libyaml on the host (or in your case somehow in the container)
jdiez: and then very "helpfully" compile it in... without telling you
haha :) looks like it's not installed in the container, though
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moto-timo: looks like `PACKAGECONFIG ??= "libyaml" \n PACKAGECONFIG[libyaml] = "--with-libyaml,--without-libyaml,libyaml"` does the trick
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derRichard, saul is listed, but de facto no work in that area had happened, either in fixing isues or adding features
I guess there are grades of maintainer, so this is the minimal one
ok. sooner or later i'll have to dig into the devtool sources. some of my customers use it and there're issues
derRichard, the more people understand its source code, the merrier of course. I barely know the upgrade functions, just enough to keep it alive in AUH context.
recently there have been improvements to devtool from adrian peter and julien, you can see them in poky master log. So at least there's a few people who looked at it :)
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moto-timo: rburton : re number of recipes and the django crash - ugh and I'm sorry that I can't help with that right now.
vmeson: you might try the stats url on an internal WR layerindex...
vmeson: or login and choose Statistics from under the Tools menu
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moto-timo: good idea. I don't actually have a layerindex login for OE or WR but I know people who do...
vmeson: it would be an interesting data point if it works on an internal WR instance (that happens to have more RAM or something)
I'll find out and let you know.
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I've updated crun to deal with the new cve by changing the srcrev in a bbappend, but I'm being trolled by the fact that it has the ability to use cpusets now and I'm not sure how to enable them on one of my arches, I set the flags for CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUSET=y + CONFIG_CPUSETS=y, but they're not being properly enabled in my image, google has been awful for this stuff lately
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jdiez: Can you point me to the steps you are using to do the build? I can try to recreate your environment.
generally I was thinking about having same filename, different content and in different directories of recipe only one install command for both, this is possible in case of different distros or machine
but than I would have more distros just to distinguish is it development or release build which is stupid...
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hmmmm can I INHERIT from MACHINE?
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khem: I guess it is useful to know it is the kernel for rv32. Having the failure and warnings for the ptests should also help to start with places to look into issues