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<khem> RP: I fixed assimp testcase and sent the patch to ml, hopefully this will sort the issue out, I have also started a test build with my fix here - https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/44/builds/8569
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<jmd> On nanbield, "bitbake e2fsprogs" fails.
<jmd> ERROR: e2fsprogs-1.47.0-r0 do_populate_lic: QA Issue: e2fsprogs: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM points to an invalid file: ...
<khem> it uses multiple files to test.
<khem> can you show which one is it complaining about ?
<jmd> khem: ok. Which is the prefered pastebin here?
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<jmd> The first warning is:
<jmd> WARNING: e2fsprogs-1.47.0-r0 do_populate_lic: Could not copy license file /home/me/Yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/e2fsprogs/1.47.0/git/NOTICE to /home/me/Yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/e2fsprogs/1.47.0/license-destdir/core2-64/e2fsprogs/NOTICE: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/me/Yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/e2fsprogs/1.47.0/git/NOTICE'
<khem> so I wonder why it complains, can you check in build area of e2fsprogs for NOTICE file in '/home/me/Yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/e2fsprogs/1.47.0/git
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<jmd> Yeah. I've just looked and for some reason that directory is empty.
<jmd> Oh it looks like something in a local layer is messing with it.
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<jmd> At the end of my build I get: "ERROR: Cannot find any SPDX file for document http://spdx.org/spdxdoc/recipe-libarchive-native-43980718-348e-546b-935b-fc9e87538c23"
<jmd> What does this mean and how do I fix it?
<jmd> (that url gives 404)
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<kanavin> RP: not seen this before, '·-·empty·(lzip·compressed·data,·version:·0)' might mean rpm runs 'file' on files it's putting into a package, and places the output into .rpm, and the output of file is non-determinstic?
<kanavin> that, or maybe libmagic offers those directly
<rburton> jmd: you can turn off spdx entirely if you don't care, just either write your own distro that doesn't inherit it in the first place, or INHERIT:remove = "create-sdpx" if you're reusing poky (if you're using this commercially, don't use poky)
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<jmd> rburton: I have tried the INHERIT:remove = "create-sdpx" - unfortunately it seems to make no difference.
<jmd> Is poky not allowed to be used commercially? I thought it was free software.
<rburton> sure it is
<rburton> i didn't say you can't, i said its a bad idea
<jmd> Why?
<rburton> poky is a reference distro for testing yocto. it turns on most things.
<rburton> and every release we'll change it.
<jmd> What's the recommended way?
<rburton> this means you spend time turning stuff _off_ and every upgrade you have to see what else it turned on.
<rburton> write your own distro
<jmd> I think most people write their own distros by deriving from poky.
<rburton> <shrugs> we tell them not to do that
<jmd> Is there a document which explains this?
<rburton> the docs, hopefully
<rburton> writing your own distro is trivial. here is my minimal example: https://github.com/rossburton/customdistro/blob/master/meta-custom/conf/distro/custom.conf
<rburton> the defaults are a lot more conservative than poky, so that's a slightly leaner base that does less.
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<jmd> I will look at that.
* jmd is beginning to release that the persons who wrote this project had even less idea ...
<rburton> lurking or asking here is a good way to learn the best practises
<jmd> Yeah. I'm wondering if it's better to start over again with a new distro rather than patch up quite a few years of mess.
<jmd> rburton: your projects custom-init-env script tries to souce a file which doesn't exist
<rburton> hm it might need updating, i've not touched it for years
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<jmd> I'm trying to build for imx6dl
<jmd> But I keep getting this error:
<jmd> MACHINE=mx6dl-generic-bsp is invalid. Please set a valid MACHINE in your local.conf, environment or other configuration file
<jmd> Why does it think this is invalid?
<jmd> How can I persuade it otherwise?
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<RP> kanavin: I didn't understand it either :/
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<rburton> jmd: your bblayers doesn't list a layer which defines that machine
<rburton> either you need to add more layers, or use a machine that exists
<jmd> I thought bitbake-layers add-layer should have done that for me?
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<jmd> Yes. It's in bblayers.conf
<rburton> bitbake can't find it, so either you typod or its in a sublayer
<jmd> How can I find out which it is? and how can I get a list of all valid machines?
<rburton> the machine conf files are conf/machine/*.conf in each layer
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<rburton> jmd: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/I1HKabkK/ will print all the machines that bitbake can see
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<khem> RP: so I guess, we are close to merging glibc 2.39 and binutils 2.42 as well perhaps
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<RP> moto-timo: looks like python3-markupsafe upgrade to 2.1.4 breaks python3-jinja2 :/
<khem> We have so many combinations to test in AB that something always cracks open, and usually its one of the lesser used architectures like ppc or mips or mingw
<moto-timo> RP: how much fun can we have in one week ? :/
<khem> RP: I am planning a create a branch where I want to track master branch for gcc/binutils/glibc
<RP> moto-timo: trying to debug ltp in parallel and so on. Its great
<RP> khem: I'd love to setup poky-bleeding to do it FWIW
<khem> and perhaps throw that at AB once a week or so, I am sure it will be broken all the time but would be good to see if something breaks down
<khem> RP: maybe devupstream class might be useful to use here
<RP> khem: in general, yes but for those recipes, perhaps not!
<khem> yeah, so how do we go about it ? maybe create bleeding versions of recipes ?
<khem> or a branch with AUTOREV tuned on?
<RP> khem: We probably create bleeding recipe versions
<moto-timo> RP: master-next branch?
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<moto-timo> RP: markupsafe is still using setuptools3 class as well... not sure if switching to python_setuptools_build_meta will help or not (and python3-jinja2 should inherit python_flit_core)... I guess I need to revisit https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14736
<moto-timo> RP: and then there's that ;)
<RP> moto-timo: not sure if it is right...
<moto-timo> RP: and of course they already tagged 2.1.5 a couple days ago... python ecosystem is getting as "go fast, break things" as Rust and NPM.
<moto-timo> at least i think I have the two configurations for openssh so I can do what khem is suggesting (compare config flags)
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<RP> moto-timo: https://github.com/pallets/markupsafe/issues/417 - so 2.1.5 fixes a regression in 2.1.4
<RP> moto-timo: so I abandon the pull request
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<RP> moto-timo: I tried python_flit_core but it blew up :/
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<moto-timo> RP: sigh
<dvergatal> if I'm getting abort pseudo during do_rootfs for an image then I shoudl add PSEUDO_DEBUG = "nfoPcvdDyerpswikVx" in recipe for an image or in recipe for which this abort occurs?
<RP> dvergatal: have you looked at pseudo.log before doing that?
<dvergatal> yes
<moto-timo> RP: I'll kick the can on both python3-markupsafe and python3-jinja2 in the coming week...
<RP> and what does it say?
<dvergatal> RP: nothing speciall
<RP> dvergatal: you'd add it to the image recipe FWIW. I'm surprised there isn't something in the log thoug
<dvergatal> maybe I will paste it somewhere
<dvergatal> there is but nothing what could tell me what is really wrong
<dvergatal> I can paste it somewhere
<RP> dvergatal: the abort would be from path mismatch [2 links]: ino 59941822 db '/work/build/tmp-glibc/work/eg600-WelotecGmbH-linux/welotec-base-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/local/share/ca-certificates' req 'system.posix_acl_access'
<RP> dvergatal: looks like it is mixing up xattr and the path?
<dvergatal> RP: I neeed to clarify somethign first
<RP> moto-timo: 2.1.5 does fix it FWIW
<dvergatal> generally I have discovered in my code for acls an issue about preserving acls for directories during split of package dir into packages-split
<dvergatal> meaning that for files they are all preserved
<dvergatal> in splitted directories
<RP> dvergatal: I can't say I'm surprised to be honest
<dvergatal> RP: yeah let me go further:P
<dvergatal> RP: but for directories acls are not being preserved and I've made a fix for it
<dvergatal> with usage of already implemented code of JPEW in bitbake and some modification
<dvergatal> which is reading the acls in package dir and setting in correct path in packages-split
<dvergatal> and the during image installation I'm getting this error and I didn't want to bother you or anyone else with the problem I wanted to solve it on my ownwith usage of this debug export
<dvergatal> RP: in addition I see that this ipk package has correct acls for that directory so question is does it somehow checks with some database file during do_rootfs and i'm missing some additional fix for that?
<moto-timo> RP: little wins
<dvergatal> moto-timo: btw. I wanted to ask you if I may, are you complaining about python?
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<moto-timo> dvergatal: I have been "the python guy" for Yocto Project for a decade and it is 10x or worse more work now than it used to be
<moto-timo> dvergatal: all the new PEP-517 backends and things like python3-hypothesis that do a new version bump with EVERY commit
<dvergatal> moto-timo: to be honest I wanted to say that I hate rust and I agree that python is also rubbish
<moto-timo> dvergatal: it's all rubish?
<moto-timo> lol
<dvergatal> not all
<moto-timo> COBOL is still very stable
<dvergatal> :D
<moto-timo> it's just been a week of a lot of things breaking that have been working so we're all on edge
<jmd> dvergatal: +1
<moto-timo> "working" meaning the wheels weren't falling off the wagon
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<dvergatal> generally for me the most frustrating thing is when I'm checking my code with mypy and....
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<RP> dvergatal: it is possible the pseudo change which is queued fixes rpm
<dvergatal> RP: dunno what you mean
<RP> dvergatal: that one in theory fixes some rpm issues with pseudo
<dvergatal> RP: OK but I'm using ipk not rpm
<dvergatal> RP: aahhhh pseudo is part of rpm ?
<RP> moto-timo: I'm trying to resist "python3-marksupsafe: Switch to python_setuptools_build_meta as Tim said so" :)
<RP> dvergatal: I sometimes struggle to understand some of the things you tell me. I thought above you were telling me ipks worked and I assumed that meant rpms do not
<RP> In reality I see you mean the ipk creation worked but the extraction at do_rootfs does not
<dvergatal> RP: ok let me explain again :D
<RP> I don't know if that is a problem in opkg, in pseudo or somewhere else
<RP> dvergatal: I have no idea why, sorry
<dvergatal> RP: OK
<RP> moto-timo: I'll leave jinja2 to you as that didn't seem to work easily
<moto-timo> RP: I'll take it. Thank you for the heads up.
<RP> moto-timo: thanks. Hopefully I've cleared some small bits out the way...
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<dvergatal> RP: thx you have given me some starting point where should I look :D
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<khem> RP: I sent a patch to use inherit_defer in qemu which allows using devtool with qemu-native - https://lists.openembedded.org/g/openembedded-core/message/194498?p=%2C%2C%2C20%2C0%2C0%2C0%3A%3Acreated%2C0%2Cinherit_defer%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C104056779
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<khem> this fixes the issue seen here - https://github.com/YoeDistro/yoe-distro/issues/883
<RP> khem: ok, added to -next
<khem> was to fix GCC-14 issue to get core-image-minimal going
<khem> I think once glibc and binutils are in, I will have bunch of gcc-14 related fixes coming in
<RP> khem: I think most of these are in Alex's queue, I'm just trying to hit several other issues in parallel, the problem ones
<khem> yeah it can wait, its not in his queue
<khem> my tree is rebased on your master-next and alex's master-next
<gmorell> /w 1
<RP> khem: ok, I've put it into -next
<moto-timo> bah. 6 tests in python3-cryptography now are trying to allocate 2**32 with mmap. So if I "runqemu nographic kvm qemuparams='-m 5000'" it has enough free memory
<moto-timo> not 100% sure this is what is happening on AB, since I see test output locally
<moto-timo> khem: the openssh log.do_configure I think is not different, but log.do_compile is... but I need more time and it's the weekend and I should be doing something fun
<neverpanic> I think that's because NIST now requires testing hashes with more than 4GiB of input in a single call to make sure that they don't silently truncate, which could be dangerous for signatures
<neverpanic> But I agree that's a very annoying test.
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<moto-timo> neverpanic: yeah, there are some new poly* tests for large keys
<moto-timo> I am still not convinced this is it, because my testresults.json has test results and the failures on the AB had zero test results in the log
<moto-timo> oh well. tomorrow is another day
<RP> kanavin: It looks like it runs file on the files within the archive but for some reason it isn't sorting that in the header, so probably an unsorted directory listing somewhere
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<RP> kanavin: looking at package_rpm and it's os.walk, there is no sorting in there at all. I suspect that leads to non-determinstic ordering of the files sections in the spec files and I suspect that in turn leads rpm to reorder headers
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<abelloni> khem: it was in my queue and will get back in it once I pinpoint the remaining issues I have
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<RP> abelloni: it is a nightmare atm. drop python3-markdown .4 if you have it since it breaks jinja2, the .5 is better
<RP> abelloni: the pseudo patches all merged into the repo
<abelloni> it is a nightmare...
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<dvergatal> RP: OK I see that in case of files, pseudo is obtaining full path but in case of directories it is not and thus it mixes it
<dvergatal> RP: unfortunatelly this log is pretty big, so I think that I will post it on mailling list or to bugzilla during the day
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