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<khem> RP: the valgrind errors are due to DWARF5 constructs that valgrind is spitting out different disassembly I will perhaps ignore them
<khem> RP: btw. spdx stuff is still broken on master-next in a different way - https://snips.sh/f/alVsADBkav
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<mckoan> good morning
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<ptsneves1> @RP: Where can i find information about sstate cache signing?
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<LetoThe2nd> for $REASONS I gave kirkstone with openssl 1.1.1 - copied straight from dunfell - a spin yesterday. just taking minor syntax adjustments, it actually worked out of the box for my simple tests 🤯
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<jclsn> Can you point SRC_URI to a folder containing multiple files instead of adding every file one by one?
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<ptsneves1> jclsn: just put the folder in the SRC_URI
<ptsneves1> jclsn: folder path that is
<jclsn> ptsneves1: Okay thx
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<neverpanic> A few years ago, that was possible but had the downside that the recipe wouldn't get rebuilt when one of those files changed. Maybe that's been fixed now, but at my last job, we had a rule not do use folders or wildcards for that reason.
<neverpanic> Unless you really really need to constantly change the list of files, just whip up some automation or editor magic to list them all in the recipe.
<ptsneves1> neverpanic: I use and used the SRC_URI pointing to folders without issues. I think files with spaces might trip something otherwise i think it is fine
<ptsneves1> Regarding the signing of sstate cache files, see there is something called SSTATE_VERIFY_SIG but no manual entry i could find. Also the verification happens in the unpacking stage, meaning that a download error does not lead to a retry but just a re-build :(
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<mckoan> How can I manage this SRC_URI in a recipe? SRC_URI = "https://example.com/fileup/home/download?f=filename.zip", it doesn't work because there is "?f="
<ptsneves1> mckoan: what error do you get? It is very surprising.
<RP> ptsneves1: meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/signing.py test_signing_sstate_archive ?
<RP> ptsneves1: ideally it would have a manual section, I have no idea if it has
<RP> SSTATE_SIG_KEY doesn't look to have an entry in the manual :(
<ptsneves1> RP: Thanks. Yep i found it, but as I said there is no mechanism to retry, or even remove the broken sstate cache archive on signature verification failure. It will remain there and give the error until somebody manually removes it
<RP> ptsneves1: sorry, I hadn't read all the scrollback. Clearly you don't need me then ;-)
<ptsneves1> RP: ;)
<RP> kanavin: are groff-native build races still expected? :/
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<mckoan> ptsneves1: solved with INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "file-rdeps", sorry
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<mckoan> ptsneves1: not solved yet. DEBUG: Executing python function base_do_unpack, NOTE: Unpacking... /bin/sh: 1: unzip: not found
<mckoan> ptsneves1: but if run it twice it works
<ptsneves1> mckoan: can you pastebind the log.do_unpack?
<ptsneves1> mckoan: It seems like it considers the filename as download?f=filename.zip. I think you can force the downloaded file name to controlled one and then you will overcome this issue. Let me get the parameter name
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<mckoan> ptsneves1: yes I have "download?f=filename.zip" file in download
<ptsneves1> mckoan: have a look at https://docs.yoctoproject.org/bitbake/2.4/singleindex.html#http-ftp-wget-fetcher-http-ftp-https and set downloadfilename= URL parameter. The example at the end of that section looks like your situation
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<mckoan> ptsneves1: downloadfilename=filename.zip did the trick! Thanks :-)
<ptsneves1> mckoan: Great! Glad to help :)
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<RP> mcfrisk: any ideas on that ssh log?
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<RP> ptsneves1: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15217 - if you wanted to add any more info, that would speed up getting it into the manual
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<ptsneves1> RP: will do. Thanks for creating the ticket
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* RP wondered why the build was slow. rust sdk toolchain :(
<kanavin> RP: they should not be happening, but maybe not everything was spotted here https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/commit/?id=22e0153d6c204dc2dfe34bc2b6e3be7d878ca8b1
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<RP> kanavin: I ran into issues with tbl not being able to be built. I'm too deep into into other problems to try and debug that one now though :(
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<kanavin> RP: I can file a ticket upstream if I have a link to logs
<RP> kanavin: local system so that isn't entirely straight forward
<RP> kanavin: interestingly it is an old build which then had the recent patch applied and rebuilt, failing
<kanavin> RP: it's possible it was somehow building from an older Makefile with the race still in it?
<RP> kanavin: those are the logs 539337 was original, 2008533 was a successful rebuild after the patch, the other two are a failure and then an attempt at rebuilding which also failed
<kanavin> make[1]: *** [Makefile:14296: doc/meintro_fr.ps] Error 4
<kanavin> RP: I think this should be enough to notify upstream
<kanavin> they responded rapidly the first time
<RP> kanavin: sounds like it might be worth a try!
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<kanavin> rburton, to the surprise of no one, cairo 1.18 didn't happen. Maybe next year? :-/
<rburton> i'll get an update :)
<kanavin> yeah, I'll stay quiet. It's clearly an 'overworked maintainers' situation.
<rburton> last minute fixes and dithering over whether to delete more stuff
<rburton> at least it has someone sort-of maintaining it now
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<tlwoerner> qschulz: i had to go digging, but i do have a rock5b board
<tlwoerner> qschulz: it looks like both u-boot and the upstream linux kernel have support
<qschulz> tlwoerner: some level of support but yes, not our products (yet) though
<tlwoerner> qschulz: but support in tf-a is "in progress" https://review.trustedfirmware.org/c/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a/+/21840
<qschulz> but I don't want to send you patches for rk3588 support which aren't building against known sources
<tlwoerner> qschulz: i started poking at adding a rock5b machine in meta-rockchip and got
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<tlwoerner> Error, the PACKAGE_ARCHS variable (all any noarch ${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS:tune-cortexa72-cortexa53-crypto} rock5b) for DEFAULTTUNE (cortexa72-cortexa53-crypto) does not contain TUNE_PKGARCH (${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'aarch64', '${ARMPKGARCH:tune-cortexa72-cortexa53-crypto}', '${ARMPKGARCH:tune-cortexa72-cortexa53-crypto}', d)}).Toolchain tunings invalid:
<tlwoerner> Tuning 'cortexa72-cortexa53-crypto' has no defined features, and cannot be used.
<qschulz> tlwoerner: ooooooooh didn't know there was progress on TF-A, very nice
<qschulz> tlwoerner: it's a76-a55-crypto you need to use
<qschulz> and require the proper files too
<qschulz> tlwoerner: to be clear, I'm not asking you to work on it
<yates_work> i'm stil missing something regarding the PACKAGECONFIG variable after reading https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/variables.html#term-PACKAGECONFIG..
<qschulz> tlwoerner: just that I know you like building SoCs you support in meta-rockchip so wanted to know if you had HW for RK3588 :)
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<tlwoerner> i'm using a76-a55-crypto, and that's what i'm getting. switching to a76-a55 gives the same error (but without the -crypto)
<tlwoerner> if i can get it to work i would be nice to add it (and whatever else is working)
<qschulz> tlwoerner: do you have some branch somewhere for me to have a look at? because I managed to build a few things
<yates_work> that description only seems to describe how various packageconfig features are defined. what i'm missing is how you actually enable a specific feature?
<rburton> yates_work: the PACKAGECONFIG variable
<rburton> "The PACKAGECONFIG variable itself specifies a space-separated list of the features to enable."
<qschulz> yates_work: PACKAGECONFIG lists strings of features to enable. the features are specified as PACKAGECONFIG[feature1]
<yates_work> ok got it. it seems simple but i was interpreting that line as meaning something else. thanks people.
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<tlwoerner> qschulz: i assume your builds are working? i wonder why i'm tripping up over the DEFAULTTUNE variable?
<yates_work> can the PACKAGECONFIG variable be changed in .bbclass files as well as recipes?
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<rburton> yates_work: its a variable, so yes
<yates_work> i'm also seeing things like this (in meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/): PACKAGECONFIG_X11 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'xcb glib xkbcommon', '', d)}"
<yates_work> how is the variable PACKAGECONFIG_X11 used?
<tlwoerner> qschulz: yea sure! i just started poking this 10 minutes ago and pushed to https://github.com/twoerner/meta-rockchip__twoerner/tree/rock5b
<yates_work> nm, i see
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<mckoan> I am continuing my saga with a recipe using a .ZIP. Unfortunately I have to install in the system the files included in the .ZIP in a blind mode. Actually ath the moment I have a QA error: ERROR: myapp-0.1-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: Architecture did not match (ARM, expected AArch64) in .../libSystem.IO.Ports.Native.so. How can I skip this QA test?
<mckoan> I'm already using INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "file-rdeps dev-so arch" witout success
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<rburton> arch is the right keyword
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<mckoan> rburton: doh! old syntax INSANE_SKIP_${PN} -> INSANE_SKIP:${PN}
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<qschulz> tlwoerner: lemme push a branch somewhere for you to check on the current state of work from me (though I sadly won't work on this for the next few weeks....)
<tlwoerner> qschulz: yes, isn't my L3 correct?
<tlwoerner> d'oh!!
<tlwoerner> qschulz: A76
<tlwoerner> not a72... let me check
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<tlwoerner> qschulz: lol! i updated the include to point to the correct *inc file, but didn't update the DEFAULTTUNE. thanks
<qschulz> this is what i've done until now
<tlwoerner> qschulz: what's the "s"?
<qschulz> tlwoerner: there are two SoCs
<qschulz> rk3588s used on Orange Pi 5 for example
<qschulz> and rk3588 on Rock5B
<qschulz> the S is a stripped down version of RK3588
<qschulz> the kernel DTS for rk3588 is based on rk3588s so I anticipated this, but it's not mandatory nor necessary
<tlwoerner> good idea
<qschulz> not entirely sure we need to make the distinction as I think every recipe is going to be the same?
<qschulz> so maybe worth looking at it the day someone adds support for Orange Pi 5 or some other RK3588S-based device
<qschulz> tlwoerner: BTW, small "optimization", we could replace BL31=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/bl31-rk3588.elf with BL31=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${TFA_BUILD_TARGET}-${TFA_PLATFORM}.elf and have the same strings for all platforms in u-boot%.bbappend
<qschulz> but not important, just thought about it while looking at the code
<qschulz> BTW, if you want opengl support until there's panthor support, you can use libmali from rockchip
<qschulz> also someone has written a layer for rk3588 here: https://github.com/madisongh/meta-rk3588/
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<tlwoerner> RP: i've sent an email to people at linaro regarding the resize-on-first-boot thing, we'll see what they say
<rburton> zeddii: qemux86 warns 'Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection cannot be enabled: non-PAE kernel' on boot. sounds like we should turn on PAE in those machines?
<zeddii> possibly, yes. I've recall some conversations about that previously, I'll see if I can find them.
* zeddii is fighting with some fetcher or related change that no longer fetches from his file protocol local kernel.
* zeddii is distracted.
<RP> tlwoerner: sounds good
<RP> zeddii: :(
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<zeddii> just trying to sort it out, so I can get some patches merged, -stable updated and the new -dev kernel done. some missing directory on the fetch now. I'm trying to start from scratch to reproduce it.
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* zeddii gives up on reading the code and starts bisecting
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<tlwoerner> qschulz: amazing! not only did it build, it almost booted. it looks like some driver for the sdcard is missing
<tlwoerner> (linux kernel)
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<arob109> Hello all,
<arob109> Having trouble getting gcc-cross-9.3.0 recipe to build libvtv. I have added “—enable-viable-verify” and “—enable-libvtv” to EXTRA_OECONF. The vtable stubs are added to libstdc++ but libvtv itself is not compiled. This causes recipes compiling with -fstandard-verify to fail because libvtv doesn’t exist and cannot be linked in.
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<tlwoerner> qschulz: thanks to your awesome rkbin trick, i am able to boot on the rock5b
<tlwoerner> but it looks like the linux-yocto-dev kernel is much better suited than linux-yocto
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<mischief> do_package_write_deb: An allarch packagegroup shouldn't depend on packages which are dynamically renamed (glibc-utils to libc6-utils)
<mischief> is there no better way to work around this than using the package name `eglibc-utils`?
<tlwoerner> qschulz: i like your idea for the uboot bbappend, it should probably also be renamed to u-boot_%.bbappend (?) do you want to go ahead and submit it?
<tlwoerner> qschulz: there's probably also something cleaner we could be doing in linux-yocto_%.bbappend too
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<RP> mischief: make the packagegroup non-allarch ?
<mischief> RP: arent there downsides to that
<mischief> we actually declare like 7 different packagegroups with PACKAGES in one recipe
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