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<NickFoles> Hello, anyone here?
<mason> Just us chickens.
<NickFoles> I was expecting an empty chat room tbh :P
<NickFoles> I need some help buidling a FiT image for a ZynqMP board. Am I at the right place?
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<NickFoles> =\
<NickFoles> "
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<luc4> Hello! Is there a way to remove this pkgconfig from the layer in my image? https://code.qt.io/cgit/yocto/meta-qt6.git/tree/recipes-qt/qt6/qtbase_git.bb?h=6.3.0#n104 I tried with PACKAGECONFIG[vulkan] = "" and PACKAGECONFIG[vulkan] = "" but it does not seem to work. Thanks!
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<kanavin> luc4, remove vulkan from DISTRO_FEATURES and it will be removed
<kanavin> 'bitbake -e qtbase' will show how DISTRO_FEATUR
<kanavin> ES is formed
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<luc4> kanavin: thanks, unfortunately that is the first thing I tried: DISTRO_FEATURES:remove = " vulkan"
<luc4> kanavin: but this is what I get: ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'vulkan-loader' (but /workspace/meta-qt6/recipes-qt/qt6/qtbase_git.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
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<kanavin> luc4, that should work, so you need to find out whether vulkan is enabled some other way in that recipe through inspecting the output of above command
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<kanavin> can you show the whole error?
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<luc4> kanavin: sure: https://pastebin.com/kWtVK93Q
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<kanavin> luc4, I need to see the output of the command too
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<luc4> do you mean of bitbake -e qtbase?
<kanavin> yeah
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<luc4> kanavin: that is pretty long. Are the first lines sufficient?
<kanavin> I basically need to look at values and formtion of DISTRO_FEATURES and PACKAGECONFIG
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<lars__> Hello. Does anyone know how I can configure systemd to use services from /data partition? I have a read only root filesystem and want to install an application which runs as a service to /data
<lars__> I do not want all the systemd services that are built as part of Yocto to live in /data, only allow my application service to be installed (and enabled) there
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<luc4> kanavin: not sure, I'm trying to understand that output. Maybe this is sufficient: https://pastebin.com/5uhW1Srb
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<dario> lars__: i think a common approach is symlinking /etc/systemd/system to a real folder on /data
<kanavin> luc4, DISTRO_FEATURES="acl alsa argp bluetooth debuginfod ext2 ipv4 ipv6 largefile pcmcia usbgadget usbhost wifi xattr nfs zeroconf pci 3g nfc vfat seccomp largefile opengl ptest multiarch vulkan systemd pulseaudio sysvinit gobject-introspection-data ldconfig"
<kanavin> vulkan is in it
<kanavin> and PACKAGECONFIG info is further down, but you didn't share it
<luc4> kanavin: ops, sorry
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<luc4> kanavin: maybe I found it: https://pastebin.com/kpp3vxvB
<kanavin> 404 error
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<luc4> kanavin: maybe too long, they really do not like me. Maybe like this: https://pb.luc4.duckdns.org/?93ee31917c6f2a5f#8rSKb8VNjVE5RmanKi9NVZCwSh1B3DtLfcyTUmsKQqAV
<luc4> kanavin: this is the entire output
<lars__> dario: but then all the services will live on /data. I only want one service to live there, the ones that are part of Yocto should still live inside the read only rootfs
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<luc4> kanavin: I can see the place where PACKAGECONFIG is built, it seems like it is finding it in the DISTRO_FEATURES...
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<luc4> maybe DISTRO_FEATURES:remove = " vulkan" is the wrong syntax
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<kanavin> luc4, I see
<kanavin> # $DISTRO_FEATURES [7 operations]
<kanavin> # :append /workspace/build/conf/local.conf:40
<kanavin> # :remove /workspace/build/conf/local.conf:41
<kanavin> # " systemd"
<kanavin> # "x11 wayland"
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<kanavin> so you are removing x11 and wayland, but not vulkan
<kanavin> where did you place the vulkan removal?
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<kanavin> the syntax is correct, the location might be wrong
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<luc4> kanavin: I placed the removal in the bb file related to my image, so in the specific layer, while I removed x11 and wayland from my local.conf. Actually I'd prefer to move everything to my image bb file. Is that the wrong location?
<kanavin> yes
<kanavin> you cannot alter DISTRO_FEATURES from recipes
<kanavin> it's a global setting
<luc4> kanavin: ah I see, thank you very much for your help
<kanavin> luc4, it's not a good idea to alter DISTRO_FEATURES from local.conf either
<kanavin> if poky makes choices you do not like, make your own distro
<kanavin> yocto is literally meant for making custom distributions
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<luc4> kanavin: I'll read into this, thanks
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<dario> lar if it's just the one service, can you have the .service file on / partition, and it's ExecStart run a script from /data?
<dario> la
<dario> lars__:
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<luc4> Hello! I'm creating my custom image with yocto. I created a few custom layers, for which I created specific git repos. I also see though that building the system requires the files local.conf, bblayers.conf and even all the layers, which were cloned to a specific branch. What do you typically version in this case? I was thinking of creating a repo containing the conf directory and submodules for each cloned layers. Is this the best
<luc4> practice?
<rburton> you can use git submodules or kas or repo or oe-setup-layer to manage the layers and the revisions
<rburton> best practise is don't commit bblayers/local.conf
<rburton> ie if you use kas then your kas conf defines the local.conf and bblayers.conf
<rburton> oe-setup-layers encourages you to define a distro and write templates for those two files
<rburton> etc
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<vvn> rburton: I think you meant oe-setup-builddir
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<JaMa> RP: another interesting "timeout" with latest master .. https://paste.ack.tf/1ab0f3 I'm not complaining the build as successful and super fast, but something doesn't look right :)
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<RP> JaMa: we've seen that occasionally on the autobuilder. The (1) exit code means python had some exception the worker most likely but I've never captured it :(
<JaMa> in cookerlog I see ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 9)
<RP> JaMa: do you have the trackback?
<JaMa> but in this one I have strong suspicion that something was modifying that builddir
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<RP> JaMa: the interwoven git output does look a bit worrying
<RP> JaMa: the traceback is interesting. We could put some proper error handling around that so we'd get a nicer warning but I don't know how it would get that wrong :/
<RP> that is saying the data on the cooker -> worker pipe is incorrect
<JaMa> isn't that git output from pushing buildhistory?
<JaMa> I've added the check for bitbake processes still running, but it's not propagated to all the CI jobs yet, so my build didn't see anything running when it started, but some other job could still modify metadata
<jclsn> Where are the tpm2 machine features defined?
<jclsn> Ah meta-security/meta-tpm2 somewhere I guess
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<jclsn> Ah I guess ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'tpm2', 'packagegroup-security-tpm2', '', d)} means that if the machine feature is activated, the packagegroup is installed?
<luc4> rburton: I'm reading what kas is, thanks for the info!
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<rburton> zeddii: did you turn on CONFIG_DEBUG recently to chase a bug? can we turn it off again?
<zeddii> no changes to the baseline configuration.
<zeddii> not by me anyway.
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<RP> zeddii: pesky gremlins getting in :)
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<rburton> zeddii: is CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT on by default intentionally?
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<zeddii> only when the debug-kernel.cfg fragment is added, nothing in the kernel selects it
<zeddii> but I do see: lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/runtime_test.py:KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES:append = " features/debug/debug-kernel.scc"
<zeddii> so yah, intentional :)
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<jclsn> JPEW: Any idea why bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig doesn't work with Pyrex? It is stuck at "trying to run screen -r... "
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<sam> Hello! Does anyone have good reference for guide to build FIT image in yocto?
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<rburton> actually that's quite old
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<Joel44> Good day! I'd like to modify meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/* but what recipe name do I give it? If I use python3 then it picks up meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3_3.11.2.bb instead
<Joel44> Hmm... wait
<rburton> assuming you mean the recipe that those patches apply to, then yes that's python3
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<Joel44> I actually need to patch the recipe itself to edit the manifest json file.
<rburton> edit the recipe then
<JPEW> jclsn: Hmm, I'm not exactly sure. It works for me, but I'm using tmux, so maybe that's why?
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<khem> RP: I tried to check the ppc64 build on worker as I wanted to inspect some .so files but the build seems to be gone :(
<khem> my local build with clang seems to work good I can launch rpm fine inside qemu
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<RP> khem: the builds cycle quickly and weekly maintenance does clean up the disks. We can run another?
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<khem> yeah will be cool
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<khem> RP: does oeqa has some knowledge/assumptions about libdir on target
<khem> on ppc64 we have - BASELIB:libc-glibc:powerpc64le = "lib64"
<khem> I built core-image-sato locally and I can do` ssh qemu dnf --help` fine
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<dvergatal> khem: reproducible tests go well with my patchset on glibc-2.38 so I dunno what is wrong with your tests
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<khem> dvergatal: thats good, however the issue was seeing in normal builds with opkg backend, infact the opkg patch which is already upstream when disabled worked fine with rest of your changeset
<khem> It could also be differences between different distros ( arch and gentoo ) configuring glibc but I will doubt that
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<khem> RP: testimage for core-image-sato worked on my local build for qemuppc on master + alex'es master-next staging changes
<khem> s/qemuppc/qemuppc64
<khem> so failures are in testsdk
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<RP> khem: interestingly https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/134/builds/4 so the failures aren't the same :/
<khem> yeah, testsdk failure is rust which I have rough idea what might be it
<RP> khem: right. I wonder why the others failed or started working? :/
<khem> is it a simple rebuild ?
<khem> or something got changed in metadata
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<RP> khem: technically different oe core revisions
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<rburton> RP: fyi ross/next has some patches which appear to have slipped through the cracks
<rburton> i say that, my builder has hung
<Danct12> hi chat, i came from buildroot and decided to learn about yocto. is there anything i should be taking note of?
<rburton> read the quickstart and some of the overview docs, theres some conceptual differences
<khem> Danct12: welcome !
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<PeturIngi> hi
<PeturIngi> heLOOO MY DEar friends.
<PeturIngi> Is this correct chan to ask how to verify the contents .swu file (swupdate) from command line?
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<rburton> PeturIngi: you'd do better with a swupdate-specific channel or their mailing list but there are some swupdate users here
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<RP> rburton: did you remember to push?
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<rburton> RP: machine had a bit of a moment
<rburton> ok pushed now
<dvergatal> khem: sorry had to go for injection
<dvergatal> khem: I will send you on to this issue the result from the test and emerge info if you wish
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<dvergatal> khem: right now the test is still running but it is finishing reproducibleB
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<RP> rburton: we should probably ask abelloni to pull into the next test run?
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<geoffhp> PeturIngi: The .swu is a cpio archive. You can extract it with 'cpio -idv < my.swu'
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<geoffhp> assuming it it not encrypted
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