Is this alreaydy fixed somewhere? tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/python3-pygobject/3.44.1/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/lib/rpm/.././libzstd.so.1: invalid ELF header
mcfrisk: we've not seen that
building on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS when that broke core-image-ptest-openssh build. will wipe tmp and hope it goes away..
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hm did meta-clang break last night?
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RP: so slirp networking is not going to be supported in poky with testimage.bbclass and runqemu?
mcfrisk: I don't know. I think there was an issue with your patch series but I can't remember what it was :/
mcfrisk: I don't like having too many ways of doing things either, it makes debugging harder
mcfrisk: fwiw we do testimage with slirp and it works fine so i'm curious what problems you're hitting
RP: ok, I guess I need to figure out how to setup networking with the qemu machines then
rburton: I had patches to simplify that setup
i shall try to look at them today
mcfrisk: it should in theory be a single command
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runqemu-gen-tapdevs <uid> <gid> <number of devices>
it does need root, that is the one tricky bit
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RP: before I can look into buildbot cancelling jobs behaviour, I need to read its documentation and source (which I'm going to do today). If I get to the point where I'm actively writing code, I'll assign the bug to myself
it's also possible that ambient temperatures of +30 will just push me to the sofa where I'll inevitably snooze :D
behaviour I'm 'famous' for
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kanavin_: I can't decide which will be easier, query buildbot and just have a job to cleanup after it or actually put it into buildbot. I don't know the code well enough to comment atm :/
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kanavin_: temperature sounds horrible. I'm in thick humid mist here, visibility is around 10m
propper sea fret
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RP: the plan is to find the spot in code that gets executed when 'cancel' button is pressed in the browser, and unroll it from there, to understand precisely what happens
but first I'd like to read the docs in general
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Hey, can someone tell whiche bbclass I have to use to build an python package with a project.toml?
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amelius_: which build backend does the package use?
Hi, I'm trying to find out what all the parameters that are listed in a qemuboot.conf file are about. Could you help me with that? What we've been having issues with especially was all the QB_CPU_* parameters and the differences between them
rburton: are you sure that's what the qb_cpu_x86 etc stuff does? Because they're not included in the runqemu.py file that is involved in the build process
TreeZisu_: where are you seeing qb_cpu_x86
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RP: Would you be open to add meta-oe ptest image and meta-python ptest image to AV
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khem: I guess, although these aren't light workloads
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khem: that sounds ok
all-ptest for meta-oe is around 40 mins
out of which rsyslog is longest
otherwise it ends in 30mins
khem: it may be worth setting up targets for them...
RP: I was also carrying a patch to derive the core-image-ptest out of core-image packagegroups instead of core-image-minimal image, that makes these images usable on more machines e.g. rpi4 etc. which need wifi to be enabled
I think it might be good to consider that, I do see that it will make the images thicker
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khem: we should get minimal images fixed for those devices really...
core-image-base is what is useful for real h/w
core-image-minimal is just a very basic bringup image which brings you to console
no networking etc.
we dropped recommending core-image-minimal for meta-raspberrypi we suggest core-image-base
core-image-minimal seems to hold value for early h/w bringup but thats a small usecase