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<khem> JaMa: yeah I was having multiple wheels moving in same sandbox perhaps a bad idea but sometime you have to. I think the problem was more related to running inside podman and not disabling seccomp
<khem> I also do not see the issue with 2.38 on arch anymore
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<JaMa> khem: aha, thanks
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<dvergatal> abelloni: I run this build on fresh poky-contrib from your branch and I didn't reproduce the issue
<dvergatal> abelloni: does the builder do it on a fresh instance?
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<RP> dvergatal: it always builds from a clean checkout but with the autobuilder sstate present
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<dvergatal> aaaaaa so sstate was already present?
<dvergatal> RP: ^
<dvergatal> RP: because after this patches are applied the whole sstate has to be wipeout because new sstate has to be created with milliseconds in tar files
<Angman> I was asked this question by a colleague at work and I couldn't answer it, so please help me!
<Angman> What is the exact definition of "package" in yocto?
<Angman> For example, suppose we have a recipe like the following recipe.
<Angman> ````
<Angman> PN = "pango"
<Angman> RPROVIDES:${PN} += "pango-modules pango-module-indic-lang pango-module-basic-fc pango-module-arabic-lang"
<Angman> ````
<Angman> In this case, multiple ${RPROVIDES} are specified for a single ${PN}.
<Angman> Is "pango" "package" in this case? Or is each one of "pango-modules pango-module-indic-lang pango-module-basic-fc pango-module-arabic-lang" "package"?
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<RP> dvergatal: in theory your changes mean the sstate taskhashes change and new data is generated with new hashes
<RP> Angman: a package is a single output package file (a deb, ipk or rpm)
<RP> Angman: one recipe will generate multiple packages
<RP> Angman: pango can be a recipe and a package
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<Angman> > a package is a single output package file (a deb, ipk or rpm)
<Angman> Thank you. According to your answer,  "pango-modules pango-module-indic-lang pango-module-basic-fc pango-module-arabic-lang" would be the package.
<Angman> Then I'm not sure what to call the PN unit, but maybe it's just that no one uses the word "package" with such strict distinction.
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<RP> Angman: we introduced the word recipe to try and avoid some of the confusion
<RP> PN does stand for "package name" and "pango" would be in that list as well, it is generated as a package
<RP> If we did things now, PN would be RN, recipe name
<RP> but we never realised until it was too lare
<RP> late
<Angman> My understanding is that the recipe file and PN/PROVIDES and RPROVIDES define different units. I was not sure which unit the term "package" matched.
<RP> Angman: there are two namespaces, "recipe" namespace and "package" namespaces
<RP> PN usually exists in both
<RP> "recipe" name space refers to bb files effectively, i.e. recipes. packages refer to the output files, ipk/deb/rpm files
<RP> one recipe generates multiple packages
<Angman> Sorry. My question was poorly worded; forget about the PN.
<Angman> I was wondering which unit of measure the word "package" describes, PROVIDES or RPROVIDES.
<Angman> And I understand that your answer is that it expresses units of RPROVIDES. If I am wrong, please let me know. 🙏
<RP> RPROVIDES work with packages
<Angman> Thank you, I understand. Then I guess I will have to work on the wording when I call the PROVIDES unit. Of course this is a personal challenge for me. 😁
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<Angman> It seems to me that it is correct to call the unit defined by PROVIDES a PROVIDER.
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<dvergatal> RP: yes but what if these ACL patches does not apply to any package? the old one which is wrong remains...
<dvergatal> meaning, the code with removed timestamps in sstate cache archived with tar still remains
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<RP> dvergatal: right, but the hashes shouldn't match :/
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<dvergatal> RP: unfortunately
<dvergatal> RP: we need to discuss it, but I'm tired for today maybe tomorrow?
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<old_boy> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76887889/meson-not-able-to-find-include-headers-in-yocto-build-system i am wondering is there any commands to know in yocto to find out what all pkg-config are there? Currently my cmake is creating a pkg-config file but meson build is not able to find it.