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JaMa: yeah I was having multiple wheels moving in same sandbox perhaps a bad idea but sometime you have to. I think the problem was more related to running inside podman and not disabling seccomp
I also do not see the issue with 2.38 on arch anymore
RP: because after this patches are applied the whole sstate has to be wipeout because new sstate has to be created with milliseconds in tar files
I was asked this question by a colleague at work and I couldn't answer it, so please help me!
What is the exact definition of "package" in yocto?
For example, suppose we have a recipe like the following recipe.
In this case, multiple ${RPROVIDES} are specified for a single ${PN}.
Is "pango" "package" in this case? Or is each one of "pango-modules pango-module-indic-lang pango-module-basic-fc pango-module-arabic-lang" "package"?
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dvergatal: in theory your changes mean the sstate taskhashes change and new data is generated with new hashes
Angman: a package is a single output package file (a deb, ipk or rpm)
Angman: one recipe will generate multiple packages
Angman: pango can be a recipe and a package
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> a package is a single output package file (a deb, ipk or rpm)
Thank you. According to your answer, "pango-modules pango-module-indic-lang pango-module-basic-fc pango-module-arabic-lang" would be the package.
Then I'm not sure what to call the PN unit, but maybe it's just that no one uses the word "package" with such strict distinction.
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Angman: we introduced the word recipe to try and avoid some of the confusion
PN does stand for "package name" and "pango" would be in that list as well, it is generated as a package
If we did things now, PN would be RN, recipe name
but we never realised until it was too lare
My understanding is that the recipe file and PN/PROVIDES and RPROVIDES define different units. I was not sure which unit the term "package" matched.
Angman: there are two namespaces, "recipe" namespace and "package" namespaces
PN usually exists in both
"recipe" name space refers to bb files effectively, i.e. recipes. packages refer to the output files, ipk/deb/rpm files
one recipe generates multiple packages
Sorry. My question was poorly worded; forget about the PN.
I was wondering which unit of measure the word "package" describes, PROVIDES or RPROVIDES.
And I understand that your answer is that it expresses units of RPROVIDES. If I am wrong, please let me know. 🙏
RPROVIDES work with packages
Thank you, I understand. Then I guess I will have to work on the wording when I call the PROVIDES unit. Of course this is a personal challenge for me. 😁
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