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<RP> rburton: CVES looks like 2 python3, 2 tiff, 4 openssl, 5 qemu, 2 nasm, 1 for xserver-xorg, libjpeg-turbo, shostscript, pixman, procps, libsndfile and ppp. linux-yocto down to 26
<RP> rburton: much improved though, thanks!
<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<KanjiMonster> RP: CVE-2022-3533 -> the nist website reference a commit that was added to 6.2 and backported to 6.1 in 6.1.2 (the file does not exist in 5.15, didn't check further)
<KanjiMonster> CVE-2022-3606 as well
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<kanavin> RP: kea 2.5.0 update is incorrect
<kanavin> can we revert quickly?
<RP> kanavin: can you give me more of a reason?
<kanavin> RP: 2.5.0 is a development release, 2.4.0 is stable.
<RP> kanavin: done
<kanavin> RP: thanks, this was noted in patch review, but somehow slipped through
<kanavin> I'm urging people to always run 'devtool latest-version' first, as that is 100% accurate or close to it
<sudip> sorry, it was my mistake, devtool showed 2.4.0 but I didn't see 2.5.0 was development version :(
<kanavin> sudip, inherit upstream-version-is-even ensures that only even versions are considered
<kanavin> per upstream policy
<sudip> I will send the 2.4.0 patch now, but seems like upstream is going to reject the reproducible build problem issue :(
<kanavin> sudip, it's a beginners mistake, no need to be sorry at all, and we sometimes make mistakes too, such as forgetting to drop patches like this from staging branches :)
<kanavin> sudip, please include all the links to what upstream said
<kanavin> if the patch is rejected, it's good to at least have a pointer to it
<sudip> sure
<kanavin> maybe they'll change their mind later, or we find more convincing arguments... it helps to have the history available
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<KanjiMonster> sudip: I suggest replying why reproducability is important/wanted and/or throwing links at them that do (e.g. https://reproducible-builds.org/)
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<sudip> KanjiMonster: yes, that is why I later pointed them to Debian and showed the same problem there.
<KanjiMonster> sudip: you only showed that the build path leaked into the debian package, but AFAICT you didn't explain yet why this is an issue. "Why should the result be the same for multiple builds?" clearly shows they don't understand the problem
<sudip> yeah, I will need to write that reply explaining as much as I can, after I am back from my $dayjob.
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<RP> KanjiMonster: thanks for the cve hints btw, I'm hoping rburton will pick those up shortly :)
<KanjiMonster> RP: there are probably more; everyone is quick to set stuff as vulnerable, but marking versions as fixed/not affected ... ;)
<RP> KanjiMonster: I know :/
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<JerryM> hey folks can someone tell me when I use an upstream hashserve if that connection is read-only or if the local hashserver can write to the upstream hashserve too
<dvergatal> moto-timo: thx it worked
<RP> JerryM: it depends on the mode the hashserve is running in iirc
<dvergatal> btw. does anyone know what for useradd.bbclass has base-files in its DEPENDS ?
<dvergatal> ahhh I see for the skel
<dvergatal> now I have another stupid problem that if I'm trying to add some ownership for e.g. /etc/motd in base-files bbappend I have this stupid circular dependency because useradd.bbclass DEPENDS on base-files
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<rburton> KanjiMonster: the script i posted uses linuxkernelcves for more data. I filed tickets for those issues but the fixed SHAs didn't get incorporated, so I'm filing new ones now
<KanjiMonster> rburton: extended the two tickets with exact (un-)affected kernel versions
<rburton> yeah just saying thanks
<rburton> I believe/hope that service works via magic from following the SHAs and tags when given the right content
<KanjiMonster> I ignored everything that's EOL (unless it was the version that contained the original fix), let ubuntu handle their weird version choices themselves
<rburton> i've even occasionally managed to get NIST to copy the fixed version data into the CVE entry
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<__ad> hi, need to solve this issue
<__ad> no providrtes found for libQt5Charts.so.5
<__ad> (i am in hardknott)
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<JerryM> RP ah thanks, I had hoped using an upstream it might be read-only as I could use that for developers that don't update the sstate cache and have them writable by the build machines that do fill sstate
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<rburton> __ad: you either didn't depend on qt, or your qt didn't build the charts library
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<hummerbliss> Hello, is there a way to force a recipe to not use host gcc for compiling host native binaries ? Can we force it to use the compiler shipped with yocto for compiling host native binaries
<RP> JerryM: you can run two servers off one database to have a readonly and a write server
<RP> rburton: really surprised it was you who added that and not me!
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<rburton> hummerbliss: we don't build a native compiler. if your host compiler is terrible then you can use the buildtools tarball we provide, which has a modern gcc in
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<hummerbliss> understood thanks rburton
<GillesM> en fait j'avais tellement de sources d'ardour que je lançais la version /usr/local/bin/ardour5
<vvn> I'm trying to build an app with tensorflow-lite, the configure log shows that it is user-enabled, but meson doesn't detect the dependency, even though I do have .../recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/libtensorflowlite.so
<vvn> Any idea what could be the cause of such error?
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<rburton> vvn: is it meant to be looking for a .pc file or something?
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<vvn> rburton: I'm not quite sure, here's the problematic meson.build: https://github.com/raspberrypi/libcamera-apps/blob/main/post_processing_stages/meson.build#L35
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<rburton> meson write a fairly verbose log file in ${B} fwiw
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<JerryM> RP: I will have to try that thanks for the suggestion
<vvn> found meson-log.txt
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<vvn> rburton: so meson-log.txt indeed says that pkg-config --modversion tensorflow-lite returns 1 and Perhaps you should add the directory containing `tensorflow-lite.pc'. I've added 'inherit pkgconfig' to the tensorflow-lite recipe, but I have the same thing, no tensorflow-lite.pc file seem to be produced
<rburton> you need that inherit in the recipe looking for tensorflow but if it tried that then it must have it already
<rburton> i've no idea if tensorflow is meant to produce a .pc or not
<rburton> iirc meson can also use cmake files, so maybe tensorflow should be shipping those?
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<vvn> rburton: libcamera-apps already inherits pkgconfig yes. Here's the tensorflow-lite recipe: https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-tensorflow/tree/recipes-framework/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite_2.12.0.bb
<vvn> it uses bazel and doesn't seem to produce pkgconfig or cmake files
<vvn> is there something there I can use?
<rburton> that is, adds .pc files manually
* vvn puts his desktop on fire and run
<rburton> pro tip: avoid tensorflow
<vvn> ho
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<vvn> rburton: I must append the tensorflow-lite recipe in order to install a tensorflow-lite.pc file, correct?
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<rburton> yeah
<rburton> well, ideally, send a patch
<vvn> yep
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<sudip> thanks khem for fixing up that commit summary
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<jonmason> halstead: We're seeing issues trying to clone meta-openembedded
<halstead> I saw email about that to helpdesk. Is there more info available?
<jonmason> halstead: I got something during lunch about SHAs not being present
<jonmason> yesterday it was taking forever to clone (but not 100% of the time)
<jonmason> and people inside of arm were saying similar about cloning taking forever this morning
<halstead> jonmason: There were a lot of open sockets with nearly no transfer. I've closed them all. Let's see how that changes it.
<jonmason> halstead: thanks
<jonmason> I'll tell internal people it should be fixed and to let me know if it happens again
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<halstead> jonmason: The only network issues I see are for Singapore. Let's watch it now.
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<vvn> rburton: btw why would you avoid tensorflow(-lite)? Do you suggest a replacement?
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<vvn> what is the best way to install recursively a directory of include files?
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<khem> @vvn you can do some find magic to get list of files and install them in a for loop
<vvn> yeah that was my first approach but that's kinda ugly
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<kergoth_> use cp, just don't use -a or it'll preserve ownership, which you don't want. there are examples in oe-core
<vvn> yeah cp --parents $(find ...) I suppose.
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<khem> cp -a is too linuxy btw.
<khem> usually install utility is best in dealing with permissions and pseudo
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<yates_work> where can i search for a recipe for qt or embedded-qt?
<yates_work> i've looked here but no joy: https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta
<yates_work> my goal is to create a recipe that will build my qt app for an armv7 target.
<yates_work> that's not quite complete: i want to create a recipe that will build a statically-linked qt app. i.e. (from what i know of qt), qt has to first be built as static