abelloni: I see that build has failed and packages which has failed are still the same as previously
dvergatal: so we need to get that *_package.tar.zst for one of these
abelloni: ^
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Good morning
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khem: I've worked out a horrible hack in next
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Hello everyone,
I've recently created a .bb recipe for the libfaketime library and I'm interested in contributing it as a patch to the OpenEmbedded layers. I'm currently trying to determine the most suitable layer for this contribution. I've considered placing it in a miscellaneous bits and pieces layer, although I haven't come across one specifically for that
purpose (aside from meta-webstuff, which seems to be reserved for web-related items). Could you guide me regarding which layer would be the best fit for this type of contribution?
Thank you for assistance :)
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yo dudX
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RP: are you there?
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dvergatal: I am now
dvergatal: I guess the question is can we get the sstate hash of that failed build?
dvergatal: I find that a bit unlikely given what i know of the code
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but you see it does not have the milliseconds in it and I have upacked it with posix format
dvergatal: but that doesn't mean it was overwritten
hmmmm than what?
more likely, not overwritten!
ok so something has changed it and I really do not know what....
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RP: hmmmm, is it possible that if the patch for sstate.bbclass is missing in the branch and sstate is shared between different builds it can modify the sstate?
dvergatal: if you look at the code in sstate.bbclass, it creates the file and then moves into position only if the file doesn't exist
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the builds all do share sstate, it is designed to work like that
if your patch is breaking the checksums somehow, that is also an issue we'd have to fix as sharing sstate is expected to work
dvergatal: and following that thought, have a look at tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/flac/1.4.3/temp/depsig.do_package
dvergatal: this is the data fed to hash equivalence. Those timestamps don't contain subsecond precision
dvergatal: so it would ignore the subseconds when marking something as hash equivalent
the depsig files represent the data it includes to generate the "outhash" used there for comparisions to say whether tasks had identical output
RP: one sec
dvergatal: come to think of it, the acl and attr data isn't in there either
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dvergatal: it's not?>
RP: ^^
RP: I'm sorry to many ppl wanted from me atm
dvergatal: I don't remember adding any code to handle those things there, I could be wrong
RP: what do you mean by that? because now I don't understand you what code and where?
dvergatal: the depsig files I'm pointing at. They don't account for millisecond data and I'm now suspecting they don't account for xattrs or acls either
yes I wasn't addint it there
so it is probably missing there
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RP: what location is it?
dvergatal: you mean where is the file in the build, where is it used or where is it generated?
or something else
RP: these depsig
dvergatal: I told you where they are above?
ok let me check it in my poky one moment
RP: this is odd, I don't have it on my frwesh poky distro which was tested on saturday
dvergatal: it will depend on whether it was from sstate or not. You should have some depsig files in a build to look at though
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just force something to rebuild (bitbake flac -C compile)
RP: I have only for gcc-runtime, acpid, glibc, linux-libc-headers, initscripts and libgcc
RP: OK calling `bitbake flac -C compile` created it for me
RP: you are right we need to add these timestamps there as well
RP: I have found that, `report_unihash` from `bitbake/lib/bb/siggen.py` is writing that depsig.do_package file, but I can't find the part responsible for the list of files with attributes
is it just me or has auhbombing intensified?
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LetoThe2nd: me2
LetoThe2nd: we had to rerun due to the first run being totally broken
RP: ah thx
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* RP
can tell who reads the weekly status
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how do i tell yocto that a recipe replaces another to prevent building the wrong version from the old recipe
* LetoThe2nd
can tell RP that he doesn't, though probably should
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dvergatal: meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py
RP: thx, I was looking for it and couldn't find
RP: this is the line `update_hash(" %10d" % s.st_mtime)`
RP: yeah heheheh stupid fix:P changing from %10d to %f
RP: from what I'm seeing here there are other places that uses st_mtime in here but none is passing it as integer
ok I'm adding a fix for that and pushing new patchset, is that ok for all of you?
RP: how likely is the qemu x86_64 and 6.4 kernel boot hang? 1/10, 1/100 or less boots?
Hey all. Does anybody know how to disable sstate cache checking at parse time in tinfoil?
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I have several apps (different versions of the bootloader0) for secondary CPU need to be build if I'm building the bootloader (bootloader1) for the main CPU. how to correctly setup the dependancy?
DvorkinDmitry: When you say secondary and primary CPU are they a different Yocto MACHINE?
ptsneves, yes. machine0 and machine1
mcfrisk: I don't know how many runs each autobuilder run counts as so now sure. Few hundred?
ptsneves, yes. I have this in my rootfs recipe (several lines, several aps). But going to name the group of apps (say, virtual/bootloader0 to build several apps under one name) and write the only one dependancy. Not sure how to make it correctly. apps are different recipes (with different build flags for same app)
RP: ok 1/100 is the rough ballpark occurence, I guess x86_64 workers running qemu x86_64 systems
DvorkinDmitry: So create a packagegroup with all those apps you want and then refer to only the packagegroup dependency when needed. If the packagegroup is not completely a good fit(because bootloaders are not often packages) you can emulate such behavior in many ways.
mcfrisk: something like that, yes. they're kvm accelerated
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RP: alright, I'll prepare some test runs too after some qemu/slirp/testimage fixes..
ptsneves, oh, I thought about package group. not a bad idea. but could you tell me another ways? just curious
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DvorkinDmitry: speculating but i can imagine a recipe with the do_build task defining all the multiconfig dependencies. Then nobody outside that recipe would need to know those details and you could just add (R)DEPENDS to the image/recipe needing those apps.
abelloni: RP: I have send new patchset including this fix for floating point number in timestamp and additional minor changes in patches e.g. changes of status etc.
ptsneves, yes. that's what I have now in my image recipe: do_image[mcdepends] += "mc:..app1 mc:..app2". I had the same in one "meta" recipe. Now looking for the way to butify the construct
dvergatal: thanks. Don't we need the acl/xattr info there as well in the depsig files?
in attributes?
dvergatal: also, for readability that field was fixed width
dvergatal: wait i'll check
RP: it looks fine
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RP: you want a screenshoot?
RP: regarding modes we probably need to extend it to something else than just e.g. drwxr-xr-x
RP: we will probably need to discuss it how to store it
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RP: because right now I can't imagine how to store acls/xattrs for each file without + at the end of modes and writting the output from getfacl will be probably painfull
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I guess a screenshot or a pastebin or share of a file might help me see it.
ok pastebin
we do need to record the acl/xattr data there
JPEW: any suggestions on how to add this to depsig?
Hmm, I'm not to familiar with ACL TBH. I'll take a closer look after I walk the kids to school
OK I'm going on a bike be probably in the evening
abelloni: RP: let me know when the build starts
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dvergatal: ok, timestamps look ok but we still need to sort the acl/xattr issue
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zeddii: you saw 724ba6751532055db75992fc6ae21c3e322e94a7 in v6.5? Looks like all of the arm32 dts have moved under vendor named directories
easy enough to work around, but wanted to make you aware
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jonmason. I did! but in my 6.5 testing with qemu I only did 64bit on qemu, so didn't notice much
I'll push a patch to fix qemuarmv5 in linux-yocto-dev today
cool. I didn't test it yet, so that is appreciated.
the beenfit of having dev-kernel as part of meta-arm ci ;-)
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zeddii: thinking aloud, this is going to make having 2 kernels a PITA after v6.4
yah, since the kernel version is not an OVERRIDE value
per-machine works though, for any set variables.
but again, no version. hmm.
yeah, that'll probably mean that all of the arm32's are going to force a version for the next release
that or have a bbappend with a DT location override :/
* zeddii
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zeddii: looking through other fails of dev-kernel, qemuarm needs the frame buffer fix for 6.5 as well. Looks like my patch has no response upstream :(
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all of that should get it CI green for me
except for some meta-arm BS that needs debugging
jonmason. I'll do that cherry pick. leave that with me.
ok, let me get that qemuarmv5 patch out
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hey, when a library have several versions that can be installed simultaneously, but programs expect a fixed name, e.g. libfoo2.so is installed but program foo expects libfoo.so. Should I add PACKAGES += "${PN}-foo" which installs a libfoo.so symlink?
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RP, dvergatal: It should be possible to add xattrs and ACLs to OEOuthashBasic, but you'd want to read them from python as invoking a program to do it will be too slow; Python doesn't have native support this though, only with additional modules
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JPEW: that does make it sound tricky :(
It might be possible to randomly sort our the syscalls, or copy in the library code; I'm not a fan of either but I doubt it will fly to add pip dependencies to bitbake either :)
JPEW: different kinds of pain
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Both the existing libraries for it are C-python bindings, so copying in the code isn't an option (they aren't pure-python)
JPEW: I know xattr and acl from their recipes
Ah, right
JPEW: I guess we at least have recipes for those bits
We could I suppose write python native bindings to those libraries
It would be better than syscalls IMHO
yes, this isn't trivial stuff
Maybe anyway; I've not looked at the library API at all, so someone correct me if I'm wrong
JPEW: I've not in a long time and I can't remember anything
Eh, we've all got more important things to remember than esoteric APIs. I still have to look up almost every python API if it's been more than an hour since I last used it :)
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Or can a user specify a different installation prefix for a specific package?
if there are foo_1.0.bb, foo_2.0.bb, etc. and I want to install them simultaneously, can I install them both and choose a different prefix for them? (e.g. /opt/foo/1.0 and /opt/foo/2.0 respectively)
(there are use cases where a system needs several versions of the same library for various applications)
vvn: yes but all files must be in different paths also for packages which are not no rootfs, e.g. dev, dbg, headers..
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how to write EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "myrecipe" in multiconfig machine configuration, like machine1.conf: EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "mc:machine1:machine2:myrecipe:do_deploy"
DvorkinDmitry: EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS expects a package name, not a task
what is the use case exactly?
vvn, yes. I need to run the recipe deploy for the recipe (built for machine1) before creating the image for machine2
i.e. build the firmware for secondary CPU and deploy it before creating the image for main CPU
and setup the dependancy in machine config
mcfrisk: what about a bbclass that moves the installed files to a different prefix (e.g. /opt/${BPN}/${PV})? So that if one wants to install multiple versions of the same package (assuming the different recipes exist), they can add foo_%.bbappend to inherit multiversion?
DvorkinDmitry: you can create a my-firmware.bb package which has some_task[mcdepends] += "mc:machine1:machine2:myrecipe:do_deploy" then add EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "my-firmware"
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my moron move of the morning. Making a typo PREFFERED_VERSION and wondering why it wasn't taking effect...
paulg: Dont worry i spent most of my day looking for why myvar["key}"] was returning nothing
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RP: JPEW: ok from my side I will talk on that tomorrow with my team mates
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RP: we still have an issue to solve with setting the order of postins-useradd-${PN} calls in case of more DEPENDS in chain
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vvn, I've created packagegroup-mytask should I have something like RDEPENDS:${PN} += "mc:mach1:mach2:my-firmware:do_deploy" inside, or syntax is different?
vvn, oh,m your solution is different... I'm lost. If I can do like I'm trying to do? with packagegroup? or better to use some "fake" recipe?
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DvorkinDmitry: you cannot put tasks in RDEPENDS as mentioned by vvn earlier :)
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RP: Ah, I think we are in luck; ACL on Linux are implemented using a system.posix_acl_access extended attribute; I think we can perhaps just query that to get the ACL instead of using libacl
mm, except its some weird binary encoding
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can someone please point me to the "gnome-layer"?
yates_work: I think it's in meta-openembdded
DvorkinDmitry: either create a package and add it to your image with EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS for example, or pull the task in your image recipe directly with do_rootfs[mcdepends] += "mc:mach1:mach2:my-firmware:do_deploy" then add a function to ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND to copy the files where you want
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when you enter a layer in the BBLAYERS variable in bblayers.conf, does bitbake search that layer and all sublayers, or do you have to explicitly put the sublayer of interest there?
do i have to put this whole path? meta-openembedded/meta-oe/dynamic-layers/gnome-layer
yates_work: dynamic layers don't need to be explicitly added, just add meta-oe. But the recipes under dynamic-layers/gnome-layer won't be visible unless meta-gnome is also in the stack
JPEW: If two different builds use a common hashequiv server, what happens if they do not share the sstate? I.e., if one builds a recipe and updates the HE server, what happens when the second build wants to build the same application and finds the information in the HE server, but the corresponding sstate information does not exist?
It will be an sstate miss an rebuild; I think it will populate sstate with the missing name
Ok, so basically as if the HE server had not existed in the first place.
Well, sort of. If other downstream hashes exist, it will be able to use them still
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swapping meta-oe and meta-gnome did not resolve the errors
this is under kirkstone, if it matters
ok got it
i had to add several other layers under meta-openembedded.
question about packages: when i build the default core-image-sato, it includes the dnf package manager. is there a way to point it to the built rpms under poky/build/tmp so that e.g. a new package can be installed with dnf?
pretty sure the answer is yes. let me google dnf
* khem
checks RP's hack
I think this is best we can do in given scenario
yates_work: use `bitbake-layers add-layer` command after you have checked out the layer repos
layerindex-fetch and layerindex-show-depends are also something you can use
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how do I preserve do_compile log for a recipe, even if it compiled successfully?
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rty: they are preserved by default in WORKDIR/temp/log.do_compile
only if compilation failed
or maybe for more reasons. but if it finishes the recipe (like, packages, etc.), then do_compile is not there
it wont be there if the package was used from sstate or rm-work was inherited in distro
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oh it might still be there with rm-work enabled
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I'll try with cleanall
I got the log after cleanall, thanks
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-ccompile might have done it too
JPEW: I already have a working code :D
JPEW: thx to you
Ah, me too
JPEW: ooo you have already applied it to the sstatesig.py?
JPEW: or just an example?
Ya. I'll post it after lunch
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JPEW: enjoy your meal
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RP: I put the ACL and XATTR support in bitbake, but if you want it in oe-core instead, let me know
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mmm, probably need to filter out ACL_USER_OBJ, ACL_GROUP_OBJ, and ACL_OTHER from the ACLs in the file; they are duplicated by the stat mode, and we skip some fields there
(with the added benefit that most of the outhashes won't change if we do that because there aren't ACLs or xattrs)
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khem: i am aware of that utility, but prefer to just type it in directly to the bblayers.conf - is there anything wrong with that?
i.e., edit bblayers.conf and type
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how can I extend machine.conf in a different layer other than the meta-bsp layer?
in my meta-bsp layer I have require xyz.inc which I don't want to do that in meta-bsp layer as those are distro specific, so wanted to know how can I add to machine.conf and from a different layer if that different layer is getting included...
JPEW: at a quick glance the patches look like a good start, thanks!
JPEW: I wasn't expecting to see patches, particularly so quickly :)
khem: I didn't really like the hack but I don't know what else we can do
I got nerd sniped ;)
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JPEW: Again. Sorry! :)
JPEW: it is an interesting problem
Eh, it's fine. I've always wondered how to interface with a library using ctypes
JPEW: It isn't the most pleasant thing to do but not that hard either...
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RP: JPEW: I'm running it locally, probably it will finish tomorrow :P
anyone using cve-check.bbclass? i think the usage of CVSS v3 scores may be broken. they show up as zeroes, at least in kirkstone.
for a qemu/rpm package build, i've found a bunch of repomd.xml files in the tmp folder - which one do i point the qemu /etc/yum.repo.d/blah.repo metalink to?
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folks, there's a file at `/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` in my rootfs and I don't know who put it there. `oe-pkgdata-util find-path` can't find it, and I can't find it by manually grepping `tmp/pkgdata` either. I don't spot anything in `poky/` that might generate it (as a rootfs post-processing step maybe?). does anyone know how it got there?
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okay I found a postinst in `ca-certificates.bb` which probably does it
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kevinrowland: right that postinst is run offline so its a post rootfs step