Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
<xypron> Tartarus: git checkout origin/master; git rebase origin/next hits only a common/miiphyutil.c conflict.
<Tartarus> merge v2025.04-rc4 to next
<Tartarus> it should fail
<Tartarus> on more, that is. today's EFI PR
<xypron> v2025.04-rc4, origin/master are both the same
<xypron> 124b75644cf4a is origin/next, origin/WIP/10Mar2025-next and contains my EFI PR.
<xypron> efi/merge-master-next has the merged branch.
<Tartarus> Is what I get fwiw
<xypron> For common/miiphyutil.c I was not sure if miiphy_init should be removed.
<Tartarus> It should be removed, yes
<Tartarus> I wonder if it's my merge settings vs yours
<Tartarus> But, I'm putting your efi_net.c through CI now
<Tartarus> Thanks!
<xypron> As said I started at master and merged next into it. You seem to be going the other way round.
<Tartarus> Yes, that too
<xypron> But in the end both ways should lead to the same result.
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<ring0_starr> hi, can anybody help me understand the Makefile variable MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-spl.img?
<ring0_starr> it specifies -T firmware, but for my use case, I'm building uboot for a sun50i device, so -T should be sunxi_egon, should it not??
<ring0_starr> the header on a known working image has the eGON.BT0 signature
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<Tartarus> Hey all, community meeting in about 50 minutes. https://meet.google.com/btj-wgcg-euw or https://meet.google.com/tel/btj-wgcg-euw?pin=1307528552322&hs=1 for dial-in
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<Tartarus> Meeting time more or less now
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<shadow> hmm... I have nothing to present but I will try to sit-in on the call.
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<shadow> thanks, Tom! :-)
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<sakman> missed the part on creating a thread for further questions in the call, what was this ?
<Tartarus> It was either me asking in general for new topics, or about documenting and then enforcing deadlines for various migrations
<sakman> thanks
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<marex> Tartarus: paulbarker: I'll be sending the u-boot/next fixups without the bbmiiphy doc update commit, I'll handle xypron feedback and send it in next PR
<marex> I hope that's OK
<paulbarker> marex: That's fine by me
<ring0_starr> can anybody help me with my issue??
<Tartarus> marex: Yes, thanks!
<Tartarus> ring0_starr: I'm not sure how exactly the sunxi rom stuff works, sorry
<marex> ring0_starr: could it be there is some arch specific override ?
<marex> ring0_starr: make V=1 ... do you see mkimage -T firmware being used there for the SPL ?
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<marex> Tartarus: OK, that is out now ... and that should wrap up the bbmiiphy rework, except for the documentation update
<marex> Tartarus: which is coming once I sort out xypron input
<marex> paulbarker: and your USB stuff is also coming next (=soon, this week or so)
<ring0_starr> marex: yes, with echo on, i verified that the command that ran did have -T firmware
<ring0_starr> marex: after doing a bit more digging the conclusion I've come to is that the documentation i'm following me is extremely flawed and contradictory
<ring0_starr> https://wiki.freebsd.org/action/diff/arm/Allwinner/booting?action=diff&rev1=8&rev2=9 this edit that was made directs people to place a uboot that was built with the SPL at a specific offset to then boot with EFI. sunxi devices don't have EFI...
<marex> ring0_starr: maybe email Andre , I think he is the sunxi uboot maintainer ?
<marex> ring0_starr: maybe they can help
<ring0_starr> Andre Przywara ?
<ring0_starr> arm employee
<marex> yes
<marex> ring0_starr: use scripts/get-maintainer.pl -f <filename> to get list of maintainers for a specific file of interest
<ring0_starr> is it really the case where nobody, aside from the literal sunxi uboot maintainer, knows how to make a valid boot image?
<ring0_starr> ...which implies that everybody is cargo culting
<ring0_starr> i'm sorry this is so effed. even though it's "open source" it's an impenetrable wall
<ring0_starr> everything is hidden behind 500 layers of obfuscation. i can't even figure out how the armbian image is built, their builder is a rube goldberg machine of shell scripts
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<marex> ring0_starr: hint: ask maintainer, write better docs, submit patch, get it merged upstream, the next ring1_starr wont have to complain here about that problem
<ring0_starr> ring1 starr would be working on drivers
<ring0_starr> ring0 is kernel/machine mode, EL1
<ring0_starr> so it turns out those docs are actually kinda right. starting with the Allwinner H3, BROM looks for the eGON header at 128k if not present at 8k
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