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marex: I just noticed commit commit 0916053ebc56 ("usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix match_ep callback for NXP UUU tool")
We do use UUU tool even on non-NXP platforms ...
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good morning
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pivi: the NXP UUU ? :O
pivi: it is as mkorpershoek suggested, test it
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marex: Yes, I think so?
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But maybe I'm wrong, hm
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Tartarus: We somehow don't check for -Wimplicit-fallthrough anymore when building. There are a number of places where we fall-through erroneously in origin/master.
xypron: Hmm, ok, let me see..
xypron: I don't know that we ever had it on explicitly
Looks like the kernel has some Kconfig for handling passing the right flags
Tartarus: I remember seeing warning for it before. Anyway we should fix the problems and add the flag.
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Yes, we should fix the problems and borrow CC_IMPLICIT_FALLTHROUGH from the kernel
It's an extrawarn in the kernel, which is why I wonder if your compiler used to default to it on? I'm surprised it's not a global thing in the kernel
Other than that I assume some bots build with it and catch the errors
... which funny enough handles both regular and extra warnings
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xypron: Do you want me to take that efi one directly or will you send me a PR?
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xypron: apalos: i'm running into a bug deleting the capsule file after updating, somehow fs_set_blk_dev_with_part() is called with a totally bogus value for part from efi_file.c
desc 000000026c696810 part 7 is the ESP
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aha, figured it out... we call scsi_scan() in dfu_fill_entity_scsi() which unbinds and rebinds all block devices, and causes the EFI subsystem to re-create all it's devices too
i think it's ok to remove that call, and rqeuire you do it in board init
next problem is that the file deletion doesn't actually go through unless I add a delay before the reboot for caches to flush