Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<sjg1> Tartarus: s/had time/made time/ IMO
<sjg1> Tartarus: Sandbox networking tests are pretty simply since you just need to construct a reply packet that makes things progress
<sjg1> Tartarus: We could make it a bit nicer, but it is not a lot of work to send a few fake packets
<sjg1> Tartarus: I sent the v5 series of the PXE so see how you go with that
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<qschulz> Tartarus: I'm fighting with IT which is now telling me the mails I don't receive are because they weren't sent to me. Do you have any stats on mail bounces for specific addresses maybe?
<qschulz> on my cherry.de address
<qschulz> (I don't mind if the answer is "don't have time or don't want to check")
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<mwalle> NishanthMenon: do you know if spi boot in the r5 uboot spl (k3 soc) is working in upstream? spi works fine in uboot proper but hangs inside the cadence spi driver if run from r5 spl
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<mwalle> i need to check with a scope if there is actual traffic on the spi lines or wether there is something missing during setup stage. (fwiw, i've already checked the pinmux settings and they are applied)
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<NishanthMenon> mwalle: I will ask. I think there is an address mapping aspect
<NishanthMenon> From 32bit r5
<mwalle> NishanthMenon: fwiw, the flash id could be read
<mwalle> so *something* is working
<mwalle> NishanthMenon: and thanks for asking around
<vigneshr> mwalle: btw is this j722s/am67?
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<mwalle> vigneshr: yes
<mwalle> vigneshr: if thats any help, it loops in https://elixir.bootlin.com/u-boot/v2025.01/source/drivers/spi/cadence_qspi_apb.c#L711 with bytes_to_read never decreasing, it will always stay at 16. But thats probably just because something goes wrong before or something is missing
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<vigneshr> mwalle: https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/8870aa42-c83b-4805-8758-fcc68cfc9489@ti.com/ -> seems to the last time this was checked in upstream. Will check internally to see if something more recent
<Tartarus> qschulz: Ask source-admin@denx.de, I don't have insight there
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<Tartarus> xypron: Any chance you had time to look at the RFC pytest doc patch I sent last week?
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<xypron> Tartarus: Thanks for your reminder. I just sent you a review.
<Tartarus> xypron: Thanks
<Tartarus> Poking at virt-make-fs migration of EFI tests atm, will post something soon for comments
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<Tartarus> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/commit/4e76ac2c0f49b289ae9a2e90c624f7400a59160d for example but as I noted in the commit, it's harder to review without having apply and then "git show" to ignore whitespace changes and super-hard look at renames
<Tartarus> (test_eficonfig.py I can change in a similar'ish manner I think, but as a func not inline, an the last two efi tests need me to think a bit harder still)
<xypron> virt-make-fs is the only way to run tests without sudo.
<xypron> We should avoid sudo
<Tartarus> Ah, but it's not the only way
<Tartarus> That's where we got hung up
<Tartarus> The fs tests were doing it, without sudo
<Tartarus> And Simon extended it a bit in test_ut.py
<Tartarus> So now I've got a branch where "make a disk image with partition table" is in fs_helper.py
<Tartarus> along with existing"populate a filesystem image with content"
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<clamor> Tartarus: it seems that I might have found a solution for the bloblist relocation issue. At least I have some ideas to check.
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<mwalle> vigneshr: thanks! these dt changes were actually missing from ours. now the SPI flash loading is working. Though now it hangs after starting TF-A. But thats something for tomorrow to dig deeper into
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<Tartarus> clamor: great
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<clamor> sjg1: blob is read from os? board_fdt_blob_setup
<clamor> os_read function converts bloblist into garbage
<sjg1> clamor: I'm not sure what you are saying, sorry
<clamor> Ok
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