Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Jones42> regarding "read"ing a fitimage from a raw partition into memory: since there is no file system, is there a way to determine the size of the fitimage, i.e. how many blocks I should read?
<Jones42> Or do people just read the whole partition into memory to be safe?
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<Tartarus> It's best to read the partition, yes
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<clamor> Tartarus: hello! Do you mind if I organize sandbox adjustment along with of graph and video bridge into one pull request? Once sandbox changes are approved of course.
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<Tartarus> clamor: That sounds good, thanks
<clamor> Tartarus: awesome. Thank you
<dormito> I'm working with the nxp_fspi driver, trying to get it to work with the i.mxrt1170. I noticed however that it has chipset specific info for the lx2160, so I looked at it's referance manual: The lx2160 has 1KiB FIFOs for both the IP RX, and IP TX fifos.. but the u-boot driver data has 512/1024 for the driver data. Anyone know if this is a mistake, or is there a reason it diverges from the RM?
<marex> dormito: maybe u-boot uses half of the fifo for RX and half for TX ?
<marex> git log -p on that driver does indicate nothing ?
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<dormito> hmmm. looks like the driver was pulled from linux in that state... maybe the linux git logs have more info
<marex> apalos: is Jerome around here ?
<marex> dormito: yes
<dormito> Hmm... seems like its first upstream linux commit had it that way too. But looking at the i.mx8 RM, I think the lex2160 data was copied from it (during initial dev), and then never updated.
<marex> dormito: could it be that the 512 is there due to SPI being full duplex ?
<marex> i.e. 512 bytes go out, and at the same time, 512 bytes go in ?
<marex> half fifo for TX, half for simultaneous RX ?
<dormito> I'm still learning about the hw (mostly was thinking this would be a "wire up the device tree" thing), but I read the RM to be indicating there is both a RX fifo, and a TX fifo. Different RMs have thing as being different sizes: e.g. lx2160 has 1024 bytes for both, but one of the i.mx8 series has rx=512,tx=1024
<dormito> so I don't think it's a software division of the fifo size
<marex> dormito: ask the kernel driver author whether there is a bug then ?
<dormito> yeah probably a good idea... it was an @nxp.com email... so they better be able to figure it out. lol
<marex> :)
<apalos> marex: no i dont think he is
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