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<apalos> sjg1: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0118/a is the doc that describes the metadata, we already have it in u-boot
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<am11> hi, i have riscv laptop Musebook which came preinstalled with bianbuOS (debian-based distro), with a bit older kernel (6.1). i am trying to boot into alpine linux or ubuntu 24.10 live, but there is no BIOS/UEFI to which we can entry using interrupt.
<am11> so i bought this UART->USBC and connected to mac, minicom shows the device and boot logs. with flashboot button pressed during the startup, it doesn't proceed after printing Controller Run\nusb rst int lines, and without the flashboot mode, it dumps these logs before offering me tty login: https://pastebin.com/8hVRXrXK
<am11> is there an online resource which can help me how to change boot order in this kind of device?
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<am11> i tried Enter, Space, Escape, F1, F2, F9-F12 during the startup, but it goes directly to linux kernel loading, unless i press flashboot and there i just shows five lines and hangs (doesn't accept any input) :(
<am11> (this is a dev machine, not a daily driver, so i can experiment if someone has ideas what to try next)
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<mps> am11: is it with Spacemit CPU?
<mps> few days ago I managed to boot BPI-F3 SBC which have right this SoC
<mps> and I managed to boot alpine userspace but with armbian kernel
<mps> flashing u-boot+opensbi on it looks very cumbersome to my uneducated eyes on such devices
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<cambrian_invader> am11: it looks like someone has disabled the boot delay
<cambrian_invader> am11: since you have "Loading Environment from SPIFlash" you can try finding the environment in SPI and editing it in Linux
<cambrian_invader> that may allow you to either set `bootdelay` to a positive value, or just set `bootcmd` to something better
<mps> I guess it is u-boot 2022.10
<mps> ah, yes, I see now in pastebin
<am11> mps: up it is spacemit :D
<am11> yup*
<mps> I've built opensbi and u-boot from their repositories and flashed to mmc but didn't made root and boot filesystems to test rest (short with free time)
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<am11> i actually am over my head here. this is a dev machine, hobby thing (to help port/testing of dotnet runtime), but now this uart/uboot/flashboot stuff is quite new to me to try out newer kernel. chatgpt suggested kexec, so i was trying it out. however this can/should be used by someone who know what they are doing. :)
<mps> for now armbian kernel is ok to test and play a little with board
<cambrian_invader> if you built/flashed it yourself, then you can modify the bootdelay in menuconfig
<mps> agree, their boot process is somewhat 'strange'
<mps> you can change boot delay in extlinux.conf also (if your u-boot have support for extlinux.conf)
<am11> will try to use armbian kernel with kexec. wish i could just wipe this machine and installed something which is more recent. https://gitee.com/bianbu-linux this is bianbuos, they don't even let me join gitee from finland.. and their newest upcoming kernel version 6.6.. so i don't think this is going to help me in a long run (unless i can filter out
<am11> their patches and build it my own). only need a text mode.
<mps> not sure it can be done in boot.cmd/boot.scr
<mps> I've built this kernel from their repo but it is so buggy it crashes at boot for different reasons
<mps> I guess debian and armbian have patches for it but didn't looked yet
<am11> cambrian_invader: i will try. getting myself educated on these concepts as we speak (and getting some help from chatgpt, well it helped me shop the "right" uart->usbC connector and assemble it so make minicom work between musebook and macbook) :D
<am11> mps: the os which came with musebook preinstalled works ok, i can browse too! (lol), installed llvm and lldb etc. from ubuntu 24.10 repo. so gui is working at least
<am11> however, i don't need any of that.
<am11> (no EFI and stuff under /boot is mightly thin; at least there is uboot under the wraps)
<mps> I didn't tried any GUI but see drivers are already there in kernel
<mps> also I use it only over serial console and ssh
<am11> yup, i mistakenly ran apt upgrade which updated some graphics related packages, after the restrat experience was quite sluggish, so rolled back the package upgrade.
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<am11> `ls /boot` -> bianbu.bmp     env_k1-x.txt       lost+found  System.map-6.1.15 config-6.1.15  initrd.img-6.1.15  spacemit    vmlinuz-6.1.15
<am11> is this the correct place to look for the config (for bootdelay)?
<am11> find / -name menuconfig 2>/dev/null -> nothing :(
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<mps> am11: looks like no.
<mps> there should be extlinux dir or extlinux.conf file
<am11> found these with u*boot query /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/u-boot,version  and /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/u-boot,bootconf
<am11> find / -name  extlinux* 2>/dev/nul yielded no results
<am11> ls /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen | xargs -> bootargs boot-hartid linux,initrd-end linux,initrd-start name stdout-path u-boot,bootconf u-boot,version
<am11> i could have bought an SoC instead.. idk what i was thinking/drinking when i preordered it the day they announced 😅
<mps> can you boot it from mmc (sd card)
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<am11> azrabotchikov-po-tsene-vsego-300&docid=ZVTLoDwvjY8eVM&tbnid=KHCJXFCz4JsQBM&vet=12ahUKEwjX17u6rKeIAxWnQlUIHXF4O9UQM3oECEkQAA..i&w=800&h=451&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjX17u6rKeIAxWnQlUIHXF4O9UQM3oECEkQAA
<am11> tried inserting microsd card, but the port is a bit wide and it doesn't seem to fit. and too small for the SD card adapter
<am11> honestly the "documentation" which came with the box is mighty thing and it missed mentioning of this particular port and the last hole thing with timer-like icon :/
<am11> on the other side, there is uart port and flashboot hole
<mps> it would be strange if it doesn't have mmc slot to boot from it
<am11> 4O9UQM3oECEQQAA..i&w=690&h=388&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjX17u6rKeIAxWnQlUIHXF4O9UQM3oECEQQAA
<am11> i have ubuntu 24.04 usb c, but can't select it / interrupt the boot process
<mps> 'StorageSupports SPI FLASH, eMMC 5.1, SDIO 3.0 SD Card, NVME(PCIe2.1 2x)' - SD Card should be mmc
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<mps> for 300$ doesn't look bad laptop
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<mps> if I need new laptop probably I would buy it
<am11> tomorrow then rn these places are closed :D
<mps> from link I posted above ' It provides a MicroSD card slot....' so probably could be boot from it
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<am11> Y8eVM&tbnid=KHCJXFCz4JsQBM&vet=12ahUKEwjX17u6rKeIAxWnQlUIHXF4O9UQM3oECEkQAA..i&w=800&h=451&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjX17u6rKeIAxWnQlUIHXF4O9UQM3oECEkQAA wwhich is wider than microsd (i tried inserting microsd card there, the one i have, but it's not fitting/clicking). maybe i'm doing it wrong? will bring the laptop with me to the shop tomorrow and ask them
<am11> like a n00b i am :p
<mps> to me it looks on left side near reset hole but need SD Card adapter - shooting in the dark though
<mps> I have such thing on macbook m1pro
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<am11> i am on macbook M1 too, and the adapter (for full sd card) fits right into it. the one on musebook is a narrower slot (like 3/4th) for full SD and wider than microsd. maybe it is expecting miniSD adapter?
<am11> microsd: 15mm x 11mm x 1mm miniSD: 21.5mm x 20mm x 1.4mm fullSD: 32mm x 24mm x 2.1mm
<mps> ah, could be
<am11> "for 300$ doesn't look bad laptop" -> had to pay additional 120e VAT which came as a surprise invoice from fedex a few days later lol
<mps> didn't knew there are two versions of this thing, all I have are same for computers, video and photo cameras ...
<am11> yup, but if boot from sd card saves me from going through uart u-boot hassle, it's worth it. hopefully that order is default? i already tried usb-c and usb-a, but it seems hard set on nvme boot
<mps> according docs I have for my board boot order is mmc (sdcard), emmc, SPI flash
<mps> though there are switches to change this
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<am11> one way to find out tomorrow :D
<mps> oh yes, now I'm remember I have one very strange SD card adapter
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<marex> mps: also maybe RS-MMC ?
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<mps> marex: have no idea what is it, just remember I have or had it
<marex> mps: half-size MMC card, half-sized in the longer-dimension
<marex> mps: it is more rectangular than minisd which is square-ish
<mps> hm, tomorrow I'll look in garage to see
<mps> iirc I used it on one phone from nineties
<marex> mps: 00s is more like it
<marex> mps: Siemens S65 , from 2004 ...
<mps> I forgot which was it
* mps is not obsessed with gadgets and don't care much for them
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<sjg1> apalos: OK thanks I'll take a look
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