Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<swiftgeek> is there some tool on linux to copy monospaced text from pdf? text position itself is fine, but I would need something like OCR for position
<swiftgeek> maybe I should somehow modify font within pdf, then rasterize it, and OCR
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<swiftgeek> I guess qpdfview, then sed 's/ setmem/\nsetmem/g;s# //\*#\n//\*#g' codex-DDR2-266MHz.tmp > codex-DDR2-266MHz
<swiftgeek> which should restore most of the newlines
<swiftgeek> qpdfview seems to be most accurate when it comes to position but it's hard to tell with numbers
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<swiftgeek> oh they actually aren't enough for uboot sources lol
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<lehmanju> Forty-Bot: this looks not too complicated https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/multi.c
<quinq> swiftgeek, there's mupdf if you want to visually select text
<lehmanju> a generic way would be cleaner, however
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<quinq> Generic meaning what in this context?
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<lehmanju> g_multi gadget in linux has to possible gadget configurations at compile time. but it "just" calls the composite.c lib to add functions. why is it required at all, all compiled gadget functions could be automatically combined to a composite gadget at runtime
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<lehmanju> presumably that's what configfs in linux does, provide a main gadget driver that can be configured with multiple functions. in uboot, however, gadget functions register a driver themselves, which probably leads to conflicts when trying to use both at the same time. so the idea would be to introduce such an abstract driver in uboot. now every
<lehmanju> gadget function has to be enabled by calling some common api, for example a configgadget command or env variable
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<yann-kaelig> Hello
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<yann-kaelig> Maybe there is still a cubietruck user here. So since the kernel 6.10 and still on the last 6.10.10 my screen is black, HDMI issue, no signal output because my screen switch back to DVI where is connected my desktop. No such issue with U-BOOT 2024.10-rc4.
<yann-kaelig> I have an old kernel 5.19 it's working as expected
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<yann-kaelig> I do not see any issue from dmesg https://bpa.st/S2CDS.
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