Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.07.02, v2023.10-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2023.10 is scheduled for 02 October 2023 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<naoki> how should I describe commit message with "_____________________________________________________________" ?
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<Forty-Bot> naoki: indent your example by a few spaces?
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<Hammdist> hi all, I'd like to kexec into u-boot on the rk3328 renegade board. is this possible? which image should I try with kexec (building has produced a bunch of .bin files)?
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<xypron> Tartarus: the U-Boot on EFI app is sjg1 's turf. It would be nice if Simon could check if the future work list can be reduced.
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<Hammdist> hi all, I just built u-boot for rk3328 renegade board. I have some .bin files. how do I write to an sd card to boot from? are there instructions per board somewhere?
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<lvrp16> Hammdist: sector 64 for Rockchip boards. bs=512 seek=64
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<paulbarker> Is there a way to get buildman to print the list of boards or defconfigs it built?
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<marex> paulbarker: isnt that what u-boot ci does by default ?
<paulbarker> marex: It prints the names of any configs that generate an error or warning, but it doesn't print the names which build cleanly
<marex> oh, hum
<marex> sjg1: ^
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<Tartarus> xypron: Did you have some easy way to reproduce the too many regions in use issue that's been reported?
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<xypron> Tartarus: set the max # to 1?
<Tartarus> No, I mean a normal real world case that it fails in
<Tartarus> Because I keep wondering if what Simon is doing otherwise is fixing some underlying problem
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<xypron> Efi could end up with any number of regions I guess.
<xypron> Or did we only use 1?
<Tartarus> Well, that's it. The fix has been "bump this number" and I don't know if anyone has looked hard at "why do we now hit this, really"
<Tartarus> Because it seems odd that everyone was just below hitting this
<Tartarus> Or at least so many platforms
<xypron> After running EFi apps you could have a lot of regions
<Tartarus> Yes, but that's not exactly the failure?
<Tartarus> it's something like turn on, try and bootefi grub, out of regions
<xypron> Run efidebug memmap. Anything that is not coventional memory will be a region in lmb
<Tartarus> And is that a lot, usually?
<xypron> 16 or so
<Tartarus> contiguous or closely?
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<deathmist> mps: so about VisionFive 2, I just found out about https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/commit/9b7060b after realizing U-Boot passes its own DTB to my kernel which is why CPUfreq was broken (missing nodes) on mainline, cobbled together https://paste.c-net.org/2kybqijjkh6c as a hack but idk if this is anything upstream would be interested in
<deathmist> extlinux at least appears to select correct-for-mainline DTB from filesystem now instead of U-Boot's own stuff, though now kernel panics due to starfive_cryp_probe failing catastrophically the list_add() from what I see
<mps> deathmist: I could test patch but not now
<mps> and yes, with mainline u-boot kernel tends to crash on boot when loading crypt module
<mps> looking on the patch it looks as good idea
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<mps> deathmist: and yes, I tested with the both dtbs on 3b board, it boots with both but not forgot how it works, i.e. is it stable
<deathmist> also while on the topic of VF2, could the creation of spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out with https://github.com/starfive-tech/Tools/tree/master/spl_tool somehow be integrated into the U-Boot build process? I do it as a post_install step in my distro packaging currently but since it's mandatory for the board to boot it would make sense if it at least runs the spl_tool command if nothing else
<mps> and DTS is not same, there are some differences
<mps> deathmist: I plan to add spl_tool as separate pkg to alpine linux
<mps> and when building u-boot for VF pkg add spl_tool as makedepends and use it in build script
<mps> deathmist: I'm curious, on which distro you work
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<deathmist> mps: yep exactly what I already did for my https://chimera-linux.org/ packaging :) https://github.com/JamiKettunen/cports/commit/adca122
<mps> deathmist: maybe you could join #riscv channel on libera, we discuss there some 'things' about VF
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<wak> git
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