Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.07.02, v2023.10-rc4 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2023.10 is scheduled for 02 October 2023 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
<marex> fltrz: which u-boot version is this ?
<marex> fltrz: do you have FS_GENERIC enabled ?
<marex> fltrz: loadaddr should be in DRAM somewhere, ideally aligned
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<Forty-Bot> it also needs to be somewhere U-Boot isn't, or you will have strange problems and scratch your head a lot
<Forty-Bot> and you must be able to read/write a little before the load address too
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<Xogium> how does one target the boot areas of an eMMC with dfu_alt_info ?
<Xogium> I tried something like setenv dfu_alt_info "mmc=fsbl1 part 1 1;fsbl2 part 1 2". It tells me it can't find partition #1 on mmc1 when I try to list the dfu alt info settings
<Xogium> mmc dev 1 1 works
<Xogium> just want to burn my bootloader in there :/
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<f_> hi
<f_> sjg1: re binman for signing U-Boot binaries on Amlogic..I and Kwiboo recently got SPL to boot on gxbb!
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<f_> We still have some rough edges but so far it works quite well.
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<fltrz> marex: U-Boot 2012.07-00032-g57c0796-dirty (Oct 05 2015 - 17:37:11) for Exynos5422 ; part of image tarball at https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/samsung/odroid-xu3
<fltrz> marex: I believe the install instructions or image tarball is faulty, either u-boot needs to be configured to support ext4 or the instructions need to be modified to use mkfs.ext2 instead of mkfs.ext4
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<Lightsword> how do I the size of a mmc device in bytes in uboot?
<marex> fltrz: oh ... 11 years old version ... hmmmmm
<marex> fltrz: try mainline, the odroid xu3 is supported there, see doc/README.odroid
<marex> fltrz: or try 2023.07.02
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<fltrz> marex: in what repository is doc/README.odroid ?
<fltrz> marex: sorry, thats in uboot repo of course...
<fltrz> marex: those instructions point to the 2012 u-boot again
<fltrz> marex: with mailine I assume you only meant mainline u-boot support, or do you even mean mainline linux?
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<sjg1> nehamalcomfranci: I got your message but cannot reply...can you please email instead?
<mps> how can be asked for commit in next branch to be picked to next stable release
<Xogium> does anyone knows how I can target the eMMC boot0/boot1 using dfu_alt_info ?
<marex> fltrz: frankly, I would focus on both
<marex> fltrz: the instructions talk about some preloader
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<Xogium> well... I've looke for hours on end and can't find any doc on this nor seemingly anyone who's ever attempted to access the boot0/boot1 partitions over dfu
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<Tartarus> Xogium: The "part" syntax? Those are the HW partition, not SW partition table partitions, iirc
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<Xogium> Tartarus: yeah... So how do I access them ? And if so, why would mmc dev 1 1 give me the hw boot partition ?
<Xogium> I expected dfu to do the same
<Tartarus> Er, given:
<Tartarus> * <name> part <dev> <part_id> [offset <byte>] raw access to partition
<Tartarus> does somename part 1 1, not give you the same things "mmc dev 1 1" does ?
<Xogium> don't thin so, no
<Tartarus> I don't have an easy test at hand, sorry
<Xogium> STM32MP> setenv dfu_alt_info "mmc=fsbl1 part 1 1;fsbl2 part 1 2"
<Xogium> STM32MP> dfu 0 mmc 1 list
<Xogium> Couldn't find part #1 on mmc device #1
<Tartarus> I feel like I must have throw stuff on the eMMC, on the boot parts, on my beaglebone black via DFU forever-and-ever ago
<Tartarus> So you might have to start tossing in some debug prints to see what's failing / why it's failing
<Xogium> I reckon so... Thanks for at least pointing that I'm not quite insane yet ;)
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<gmcastil> I'm trying to recover an embedded system via a serial port and I wish to override bootargs that are provided in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf - i've tried setting bootargs from the u-boot prompt, but it seems the extlinux flavors override them. can i force my own to take precedence?
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<gmcastil> i guess i'm asking if there is a way to override kernel boot arguments that are defined in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf from the U-boot console...perhapse there isnt any
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<Xogium> I don't think so. I don't suppose you can easily edit that file and it's on some eMMC storage ?
<gmcastil> its on an SD, so i can but its a bit of a pain
<gmcastil> this is a development system, so i was hoping to be able to mess with kernel boot arguments to my hearts content from the uboot console
<Xogium> I mean maybe there's a way, but I haven't found it either
<gmcastil> is there an explanation somewhere of the priority of boot args?
<gmcastil> i have control over my device tree chosen node and the extlinux.conf and the u-boot console, so i have all the keys to the store
<gmcastil> i just dont know what the hierarchy is
<gmcastil> and `setenv bootargs 'something silly that shouldnt work'` has no effect when i run the `boot` command
<Xogium> I think what is actually happening is when u-boot loads extlinux in the boot process, it simply overrides your previously defined bootargs
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<gmcastil> Xogium, yeah that would make sense
<gmcastil> so in principal, if i wanted to manually load my kernel and device tree and then boot the kernel, i could fix it that way
<gmcastil> i'm in a much more practical mood, so i pulled the SD card, hacked the extlinux.conf file, and then rebooted the board and that got me unstuck
<Xogium> righto
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