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<Xogium> am I correct in my thinking, that libubootenv doesn't handle env stored in eeprom ?
<Xogium> I've been stracing it and it behaves extremely weirdly, like asking for 8192 sectors and receiving 4096 which is bogus either way since eeprom are not addressable by sectors bytes
<Xogium> err, not by sectors but bytes, rather
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<rfs613> Xogium: I haven't used that myself (last time I did, fw_getenv/putenv were still in fashion).
<rfs613> But from a quick look, it seems to use 'envsize' parameter, from the MTD layer.
<rfs613> not sure how that works with EEPROM ;-)
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<rfs613> there does seem to be a PR#10 from 2020 to fix EEPROM read/write. Maybe double check that the version you have includes this fix?
<Xogium> that's an idea... It should have though, but I'll check
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<Xogium> I'm not sure what I must do, to be honest. I set it so offset = 0x2080, size = 0x2000. I wasn't sure if it needs sector size and number of sector
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<rfs613> "if the Flash Sector Size is omitted, this value is assumed to be the same as the Environment Size"
<Xogium> hmm
<rfs613> it shouldn't matter for eeprom since there is no need to erase eeprom before writing.
<Xogium> well, it is also totally confusing to me
<Xogium> I'll do a strace and pastebin it so you can see what is going on, one moment
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<rfs613> it looks like the tool supports three options: file, mtd, or ubi. IN your case i think you want "file".
<rfs613> (unless you have the eeprom being handled by MTD layer)
<Xogium> rfs613: currently it does like this: https://paste.xogium.me/0Y.log.176
<rfs613> so it looks to be trying to read 8192 bytes from /sys/devices/platform/soc/40012000.i2c/i2c-0/0-0050/0-00501/nvmem
<rfs613> the 1st read only returns 4096, so it does a second read, getting another 4096...
<rfs613> the data read seems like it could be a uboot environment...
<Xogium> yeah that's what gets me weirded out
<Xogium> I guess it is actually treating it as a file in this configuration, right ?
<rfs613> no, it read the config file earlier
<rfs613> we can see it doing lseek to 8320 offset also
<Xogium> right
<rfs613> my guess here, is that your env size is perhaps not correct.
<rfs613> the environment is basically a bunch of name=value separated by NULL byte.
<Xogium> well, it's definitely 0x2000 in u-boot menuconfig
<rfs613> but at the very end (hoewever large it is defined to be) is a CRC checksum
<rfs613> we can't see the value of that checksum in the strace, since it only shows the first few bytes of the two read() calls.
<Xogium> hmm, makes sense, yes
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<Xogium> well I could dump the entire eeprom in a file and share this, if you want to look at it
<Xogium> I have actually confugred redundant env. So first env is at 0x40, with 0x2000 size, and second is is 0x2080 with the same size
<Xogium> 0x40 / 0x2000 works with fw_printenv, but I think this is only luck by now, as for whatever reason 0x2080 doesn't work
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<rfs613> Xogium: hmm, that's curious. Maybe just hexdump the whole eeprom under linux to a file. Then compare the bytes from 40+0x2000, against the ones at 0x2080+0x2000
<rfs613> in fact you could use dd to extract two files, and cmp/diff on them.
<Xogium> I will try
<rfs613> dd if=/path/to/eeprom bs=1 skip=64 count=8192 | hexdump -C > firstfile
<rfs613> dd if=/path/to/eeprom bs=1 skip=8320 count=8192 | hexdump -C > secondfile
<Xogium> heh, lets see
<Xogium> hmm
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<Xogium> that's rather interesting
<Xogium> https://paste.xogium.me/0C.txt I can't quite understand what happens there and why it is different
<Xogium> not easy to read hex with espeak ;)
<rfs613> oh, the 5th byte differs, 00 versus 01, that might be the indicator of being the redundant copy..
<Xogium> oh right
<Xogium> that'd make sense
<Xogium> because otherwise how would it know which one is which
<rfs613> i forget if the CRC covers the magic bytes and flags at the start
<rfs613> anyhow it seems like you have two valid copies of the env
<rfs613> so I can't explain why the tool loads the 1st but not the 2nd
<Xogium> I'd assume so. U-boot itself is pretty happy when using printenv
<rfs613> perhaps, since you have to describe both 1st and 2nd in the config file, the way to get it to load the 2nd one is to intentionally corrupt the 1st.
<rfs613> (eg. by specifying invalid offset/size for the 1st one, or by actually writing some garabge into that part of the eeprom)
<rfs613> then the tool should go try to use the 2nd one...
<Xogium> I can try. I was mostly just specifying this one alone to see if it would use it, but lets try using a wrong offset for the first
<Xogium> hmmm I'm going to wipe the first env from the eeprom
<Xogium> that will be way more conclusive
<Xogium> alright so it does it
<Xogium> that's weird, why doesn't it read the redundant env when it's just that one being set? Or more like, reads it then tells you sorry, can't read that ?
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<rfs613> looking at the code, it seems to read both copies, and then (if both have a valid CRC) then uses the flags field (5th byte) to select which one it uses. Thoughte logic seems kind of complex, it's got a mode with just 0 and 1, but also an incremental mode where value increase (and I guess you ping-pong which copy is "current").
<Xogium> rfs613: right that would make sense. I'm unsure why it tells you that it can't read it though. Probably a false error in this case
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<rfs613> you'd have to step through it with gdb, or sprinkle in a bunch of prints, to find out.
<Xogium> yeah hmm
<rfs613> if you copy the entire contents of the eeprom to a file, and pass that filename to the tool (insteead of eeprom access) does it still reproduce?
<Xogium> lets see
<Xogium> yes
<rfs613> okay, maybe we can transfer that to desktop/laptop, easier to run gdb there...
<Xogium> definitely
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<Xogium> I think it's really returning the wrong error
<Xogium> so the error itself is bogus, and it should probably tell you something like 'seems this is redundant copy of the env, and you haven't set up the main copy in fw_env.config'
<Xogium> or something like that
<rfs613> well if you can reproduce it easily on PC using config file + your eeprom contents, then you could log a bug... or maybe even provide a fix ;-)
<Xogium> yea
<Xogium> I'll see what I can do
<rfs613> i was able to build a debug-enabled version on x86_64 fairly easily, just some cmake voodoo to enable debug build (so we have symbols in gdb)
<Xogium> nice
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<Xogium> I'll take a break for now, it's been quite a day :)
<Xogium> thank you so much for your help, once again :D
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<silurian_invader> sjg1: what branch is https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/20230926141514.2101787-1-sjg@chromium.org/ based on?
<silurian_invader> I tried master/next but it's failing on patch 2
<silurian_invader> humm... b4 works but am doesn't
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<Tartarus> silurian_invader: it applied for me on top of current next
<Tartarus> ... via b4 as well
<silurian_invader> yeah, I just messed up the command :)
<Tartarus> ah
* silurian_invader can never remember the correct way to pull patches from lore
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<silurian_invader> xypron: why did you add a second call to smh_open in smh_fit_read?
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