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<marex> sjg1: how did the VPL (generic SPL/TPL/xPL) patchset turn out ?
<mps> apritzel: what is status of your font patches?
<kettenis> bigger fonts will be highly appreciated by those of us getting older ;)
<mps> yes ;)
<mps> I can confirm that first five of apritzel's fonts pathes works fine on three different machines for about one month
<mps> last 3 I didn't applied
<mps> 'Mon Jan 10 01:56:30 CET 2022' so actually two months
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<apritzel> kettenis: I second that! ;-)
<apritzel> mps: yeah, I should push on them again, I guess it's a good time to do now
<apritzel> glad to hear the people find them useful
<apritzel> there was still this pending question whether Truetype is the more universal way out of this
<kettenis> apritzel: my opinion is that it isn't since it gets you into a minefield of font rendering opinions
<mps> apalos: fixed fonts are quite ok for low level tasks, consoles etc...
<mps> truetype maybe when u-boot get graphical console, which probably means not soon
<mps> kernel also doesn't have truetype fonts, just fixed
<mps> apritzel: I would cite terminus README 'Sizes 6x12, 11x22, 14x28-bold and 16x32-normal are worse than the others. Avoid them.'
<mps> and I think this is true
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<hthiery> does anyone know if it is possible to sign the mailine uboot for an imx8mn (flash.bin) with the nxp provided cst toolset?
<hthiery> I am at the beginning to understand how this works at all
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<redbrain> i did this signing with imx8qm
<redbrain> but I do not now where the difference is to imx8mn
<sjg1> marex: I resent the VPL series but it is still waiting to be applied, as is a reply to your remove() question
<sjg1> marex: I also came up with a series to drop the $(SPL_TPL_) stuff but no point in doing that until we get VPL in there
<sjg1> marex: I was blocked on getting all the CONFIG_SPL_ options converted to Kconfig, but I think Tartarus might have finished that now (or close enough)
<sjg1> So with all of that we should be able to add phases fairly easily, without too much Kconfig pain
<sjg1> Tartarus: Does that sound right?
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<Tartarus> I think so. What did VPL require again?
<redbrain> hthiery: so you need to generate AHAB Keys and Certificates (search for ahab_pki_tree.sh)
<redbrain> hthiery: create the SRK Table fuse table with srktool
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<redbrain> hthiery: there where some csf file for configuring the signing tool
<redbrain> hthiery: sign the flash.bin with cst tool
<redbrain> hthiery: make sure you habe ahab support in your u-boot
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<sjg1> Tartarus: vpl should apply cleanly on next, no prereqs
<redbrain> hthiery: at the end you need to fuse al lot of bits with "fuse prog -y 0 722 0x5B12DEF8" the bits are coming from SRK.bin
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<redbrain> hthiery: ahab_status can check if signing was fine. Only if your are sure everthing is fine you can close it with ahab_close
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<Tartarus> sjg1: OK
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