Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2022.01, v2022.04-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED / Release v2022.04 is scheduled for 4 April 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<monstr> Hi, I have a question if we have any nice option to convert variable to lowercase.
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<Pali> Hello! Seems that U-Boot mailing list is dead! Postfix on U-Boot ML / Denx is crashing and returning bounces like this: https://pastebin.com/wvijcknA
<Pali> Could you forward this to U-Boot postmaster via non-email path?
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<milkylainen> monstr: You mean like tr [:upper:] [:lower:]?
<milkylainen> I don't think u-boot has any string translation functions like that?
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<monstr> milkylainen: Yes that's exactly what I mean
<monstr> I expect this can be done by saving variable to memory - do small algorithm over it and I will get there
<__ad> hi, have MLO totally dead, trying to debug it, any hint, wlcome
<milkylainen> monstr: Standard C-lib has tolower, toupper.
<milkylainen> Maybe somewhere in u-boot? Like FAT-stuff.
<monstr> milkylainen: I know but if this is not the part of command I would have to extend it or use another method
<monstr> I want to use it in u-boot prompt not in u-boot code
<monstr> just fill variable as ABCD - do conversion and get abcd
<milkylainen> yeah. I can't see anything like that available as a cmd or env translation.
<milkylainen> Sorry. Stating the obvious already.
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<monstr> I know it is there but it is boring to use it
<monstr> anyway thanks for comment
<milkylainen> np. :)
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<grgy> is there any interest in integrating external crypto libraries into uboot? i have a proof-of-concept patch which integrates mbedtls ECDSA verification support into uboot, and was wondering if that'd be of interest for upstream
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<marex> Pali: still ? ping Rahix SRE
<Pali> marex: seems it is fixed, at least one email which I sent hour ago was accepted and is in ML archive
<marex> hum, I asked the other SRE to check it anyway
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<Tartarus> grgy: I think wrt external crypto libraries, compatible license is the first question/concern.
<Tartarus> And then I don't know if it's better/easier (or, not) than re-using linux kernel stuff
<grgy> understood, has that been the typical approach for adding things like this to uboot? wrt re-using linux implementations
<grgy> im pretty new to uboot development still
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<Tartarus> ah, yes, generally speaking
<grgy> makes sense
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<grgy> im not really qualified to speak to licensing concerns, but the patches I have are pretty simple. they use a similar integration approach as the ARM trusted firmware project, essentially wrapping required files and adding them to the project sources. it results in a pretty small impact on code size (we're only compiling what's needed), and plugs pretty well into the ECDSA uclass infrastructure
<Tartarus> Yeah, but TF-A is BSD-3 clause and we're GPLv2
<Tartarus> And I always have to pull up one of the tables that shows what's happy with what
<Tartarus> We have other BSD-3 code, so that's fine? But is still not preferred
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<grgy> me too lol, it gets too complicated for me
<grgy> okay, seems like apache 2.0 (mbedtls license) is not compatible with GPLv2 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html) which answers my question about these patches
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<Tartarus> Ah, yeah
<Tartarus> That's another reason for the "can we borrow from Linux?" idea often
<grgy> makes sense -- easier to glue together parts which are licensed the same
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<kettenis> I have an update for the Apple M1 "board" documentation, but the various patches to add M1 Pro/Max support are becoming a bit of a mess
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<kettenis> while there are no real dependencies, there are some conflicts if the patches aren't applied in the right order and the doc update only makes sense if applied last
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<Tartarus> kettenis: Stuff you think should be in for this next release, or that can/should wait?
<kettenis> is it better to send them out as a single series (incorporating jannau's patches?)
<kettenis> I'd like to get this in for this release as it makes the new machines work
<kettenis> only touches files used for the Apple M1
<Tartarus> email me the IDs in order please.
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<kettenis> ok, will do (after I send out a v2 of the debug UART disabling diff with the doc update that sjg1 requested)
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<Tartarus> OK, thanks
<Tartarus> I'll probably apply them all late this week, at the earliest
<Tartarus> give people a chance to test/comment, since it's not a regression fix
<kettenis> Thanks; several Asahi Linux folks have been testing these already but a few more days won't hurt
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<kettenis> with IDs you mean references to patchwork?
<Tartarus> patchwork or mail-ids and I'll b4 them in
<Tartarus> b4 isn't perfect for my workflow, but it's handy in some cases
<kettenis> actually, I think janneau's patches will cause conflicts anyway
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<Tartarus> xypron: For some reason readthedocs fails to build tags, but seems to build regular pushes, any idea what's going on?
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