Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2022.01, v2022.04-rc4 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next is OPEN / Release v2022.04 is scheduled for 4 April 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<MWelchUK> Has anyone tried to use imx-usb-loader to upload U-Boot to a i.MX8MP yet?
<MWelchUK> The version of imx-usb-loader I found on github doesn't seem to have support for this device yet and was wondering if anyone had already worked through this.
<marex> MWelchUK: the mx8mn integration there _might_ work, although uuu is likely the go-to tool (it sometimes works, sometimes does not)
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<MWelchUK> marex: OK, thanks. I was just looking at the various configs trying to work out which may be the closest to the MX8MP to hack it a bit and give it a try. I'll see if the mx8mn config can be massaged to work for the mx8mp and investigate uuu.
<marex> MWelchUK: they have the same bootrom, ATF locatin on mx8mp is 0x970000 vs 0x960000 on MN I think
<marex> (or, similar, bootrom v2)
<MWelchUK> Well, I got a U-Boot SPL banner, so I guess at least that step works :-)
<marex> MWelchUK: make sure you configure the correct console UART in ATF, that code is such a broken crap that if you don't, it just crashes and hangs the entire platform
<marex> all the more reason to get rid of it as soon as possible
<marex> (one of the things on my list)
<MWelchUK> marex: Rid if ATF?
<marex> yes, on mx8m that's perfectly doable
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<Tartarus> Sigh, it's the week for getting bit by unpinned versions
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<Tartarus> xypron: Will you have a patch to pin requirements stuff for htmldocs out today?
<xypron> Tartarus: I thought you would have already used the list I produced yesterday. Yes I can send a patch.
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<j`ey> is the watchdog turned off before bootefi? looking through the code but havent found out yet
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<xypron> j`ey: WATCHDOG_RESET(); is called when invoking ExitBootServices(). If the timeout is too short for the operating system you should not enable it first hand.
<j`ey> Hm. I'll lookup what that does. maybe I can run: wdt stop ; bootefi
<marex> j`ey: that's awful as you can just hang in bootloader
<j`ey> I know, it's just for some debugging
<Tartarus> Thanks xypron
<xypron> j`ey: you can use the wdt stop command
<j`ey> yeah I will give that a try, got a reset in Linux and want to know if its due to the wdt
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<river> hey
<river> why does u-boot want the kernel, ramfs to have a u-boot header?
<j`ey> it probablys want it in the FIT image format
<j`ey> (which you can make with mkimage)
<river> but why? with GRUB i don't need any headers added to the kernel or ramfs
<river> and this is not FIT format
<river> although FIT is probably better and I should think about using it
<j`ey> with bootefi at least, you dont need them either, so you could try that way
<river> oh thats interesting. it is not a problem that it needs the headers, I was just wondering why they are needed with bootm
<j`ey> so it knows sizes / offsets / addresses I guess
<cambrian_invader> river: there are a few reasons: adding checksums/signatures, supporting multiple boards at once (without (too much) scripting), and sizes/offsets/addresses as j`ey mentioned
<cambrian_invader> also supports stuff like loading OP-TEE from SPL
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