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<maxnet[m]> <DavidHeidelberg> "maxnet btw. for additional info..." <- Yes
<kwizart> digetx, I have a build error with current grate: https://paste.centos.org/view/2d798bbc
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<maxnet[m]> <digetx> "if xfce won't work properly..." <- It has a similar problem
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<digetx> kwizart: should be fixed now
<digetx> maxnet[m]: please show me output of https://gist.github.com/digetx/a9423a454f96711e3b61efd6c2e69233
<digetx> the cmc6230r panel driver, which galaxytab uses, needs to be converted to bridge driver; I'll try to do it sometime soon
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<kwizart> seems like this kernel as an issue at runtime with btrfs as I cannot mouunt the rootfs... trying with another rootfs
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<kwizart> digetx, xusb work with this grate tree, see also https://paste.centos.org/view/4522fa5a
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<digetx> have you checked suspend-resume?
<kwizart> digetx, just tested: works !
<digetx> thank you
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<kwizart> digetx, btw I think I was able to shutdown properly on jetson tk1, but with this grate tree I have this: https://paste.centos.org/view/011fbde8
<kwizart> btw I wonder if the regulator error can be fixed ,
<kwizart> ?
<kwizart> I confirm that 5.15.0-0.rc5.39.fc36.armv7hl works with shutdown
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<digetx> kwizart: I see where the problem is, grate-kernel now registers pmc drivers as power-off controller and I haven't added pwr-off chaining support to the as3722 driver, hence it now skips the power-off
<digetx> I'll fix it, thank you
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