<jenneron[m]> i also opened a PR for the missed commit
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<DavidHeidelberg> digetx: jenneron should have nvidia,tegra114-vde backwards compatibility to tegra20?
<digetx> no
<DavidHeidelberg> then yaml should be changed like that:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/a3fbb622fdd59542323c2c65fae54bba79e55653)
<digetx> probably, I'll take a closer look, thanks
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<DavidHeidelberg> recent changes makes `make dtbs_check` sad https://github.com/okias/linux/runs/3985613963?check_suite_focus=true
<digetx> it's fixed already
<DavidHeidelberg> rebasing, great :)
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<DavidHeidelberg> Are we green? https://github.com/okias/linux/runs/3985838289?check_suite_focus=true yes, we are! Thanks!
<DavidHeidelberg> s/Are we green? https://github.com/okias/linux/runs/3985838289?check_suite_focus=true yes, we are! Thanks!/Are we green*? https://github.com/okias/linux/runs/3985838289?check_suite_focus=true yes, we are! Thanks! * (Fifth Element ref 😆)/
<DavidHeidelberg> digetx: is it ok to send PR one-after-one patch for nvidia* related bindings to grate or directly to ML?
<DavidHeidelberg> I'm still having approx 40 nvidia bindings patches in my tree :)
<digetx> are you talking about WIP patches?
<DavidHeidelberg> well, I'm thinking about reviewing them one-by-one and sending to your for round one and then -> grate after that to -> mailing lists
<digetx> correct missing newlines and open pr for a single patch at a time, I'll review and merge it to grate; once patch is merged to grate, send it to ML
<DavidHeidelberg> ok, since having all checks in separate branch is pain. But I assume some more complex patches will even after your review go trough X versions before get merged, but at least it'll validate somehow
<DavidHeidelberg> btw. about NFC and nxp544, I think NFC maintainer at the end told me, that clock-frequency inside nfc nodes are used
<DavidHeidelberg> I don't see why, but I haven't looked into it deeply, so maybe the patch I sent to grate should be dropped in future, I'll let you know how the discussion on ML will ends
<DavidHeidelberg> s/ends/end/
<digetx> nah, it's not used
<digetx> it's used only by i2c busses, not by children devices
<digetx> although, I'm not sure why bus freq isn't specified per-device, it makes sense
<DavidHeidelberg> ok... Rob said about it also this: "Okay. I was under the impression 'clock-frequency' was removed thinking... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/bebcdbb1bd914dc49b18ad5aed3115c005978705)
<DavidHeidelberg> I'm little bit lost here
<DavidHeidelberg> does that mean, the nxp,544 cannot see into parent node to check, there is clock-frequency (which probably is set there always, or it's set in HW always anyway)?
<digetx> nxp,544 doesn't use clock-frequency
<digetx> if it's unused, then it can be removed
<digetx> unused by driver
<DavidHeidelberg> ok, UI wrote it more explicitly to Rob, let see what he says
<DavidHeidelberg> ok, i sent first three very similar patches for tegra-audio
<DavidHeidelberg> * very similar dt-schema patches for