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digetx: Hi, I wanted to reach out for you for a problem on the samsung p4wifi: All of the graphic output on the device is shifted ca. 2/3 of the display to the right. The 2/3s that are shifted out of the display this way appear, as the were inserted from the left. I will attach a picture. You got any idea what is wrong here?
maxnet[m]: looks like a wrong framebuffer pitch; does it only happen using that touch keyboard overlay?
although, maybe not pitch, but offset
<digetx> "maxnet: looks like a wrong..." <- Will check that with xfce4. Additionally what I forgot: touch input is shifted as well so if I tap somewhere it recognizes it ca. 2/3 right of it
if display is shifted, then it will display touch at the shifted position
if xfce won't work properly, perhaps display timing is wrong
maxnet btw. for additional info - it worked before merging into grate, right?
s/maxnet btw. for additional info - it worked before merging into grate, right?/maxnet btw. for additional info - display worked right before merging into grate, right?/
gouchi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
kwizart: I updated usb fix, please re-test recent grate