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DavidHeidelberg: incompatible
jenneron[m]: 52 won't work, the clock rate should be integer-divided from the parent rate and it's 408MHz for PLLP
digetx and ehciXXX are backwards compat with 30?
what ehciXXX
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if you mean later soc versions, then they are compatible with t30
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digetx y, thx
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digetx: then why 48000000 "works"? 408000000/48000000=8.5
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so considering "These include not only the standard handset reference frequencies of 19.2, 19.44, 19.68, 19.8, 20, 26, 37.4, and 52 MHz, but also other frequencies in this range, with approximately 80 Hz resolution.", so according to this 51000000 is the biggest it may work with 408000000 / 51000000 = 8, but it is unclear for me what means approximately at this point
ah, sdmmc has 7.1 divider
it's 7bit integer + 0.5
or + 0
so 8 and 8.5 are valid
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what does it mean
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so 51000000 is still the biggest one
anyway i changed clock to 51000000 and it is still 48000000 in clk_summary
mmc driver should set to 50MHz
digetx: do you have ideas?
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about what
50MHz is maximum supported by the WiFi card and MMC core gets that info from the card
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but 408000000 / 50000000 = 8.16
clock rate normally is rounded down
mmc frequency should be same to clock, parent clock is pll p which is 408000000
you can get it from pllc3, but that will require to correct the mmc mux in clk driver for t114
ah no
the mux is okay in the code
set parent to PLL_C3
or C2
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DavidHeidelberg, hi, I don't have schematics for paz00, what's is your issue with backlight ?
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ok, even if 50 is correct, i can't set it, it's still 48
yes, but how then i should set mmc to 50 MHz?
sorry for dumb questions
brcmfmac still hangs, but it seems like i'm done with clocks
kwizart just filling mission DTS fields :) pwm backlight must have power-supply property :)
jenneron[m]: if you will change parent to pllc, then you will get 50
if it doesn't work, then you're using wrong dtb
clock rate won't help hangs, it's usually related to other things
check pinctrl driver strength
try firmware from Android
my drive strengths for sdio are same to downstream
clock thing works
i'm 99% sure firmware is not the issue. wifi used to work for 2 days with this upstream firmware, but i lost this success after one cold boot
check reset and power gpios
you will lose wifi after another cold boot if they are incorrect/swapped
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