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<DavidHeidelberg> updated
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<DavidHeidelberg> digetx I send nvidia compatible extension for ehci, hopefully it look good :)
<DavidHeidelberg> it's like RFC for now :)
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<digetx> DavidHeidelberg: thanks, I'll take a look soon
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<DavidHeidelberg> digetx thanks for digging Therry patches... as usual, I did a work which has been already done
<digetx> that is normal :) I learnt that lesson with kernel dev long time ago to check whether somebody already has done something before doing it from scratch, it actually helps a lot because some people are giving up after another review round and it's usually easier to continue theirs work
<DavidHeidelberg> btw. I think Rob mentioned on my patch I sent (which I cannot find, I think it was EHCI) if there are minimal changes, I should append it to existing yaml
<DavidHeidelberg> it was for additional qcom,idle-states, very similar to generic idle-states. I though this scenario could match to EHCI
<DavidHeidelberg> digetx btw. Thierry isn't much responsive, right?
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<digetx> that varies
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<DavidHeidelberg> I wrote him few days ago about joining effort on upstreaming txt -> yaml for tegra and still nothing.. so maybe I'm little bit unlucky these days
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