[scopehal] azonenberg 7044db2 - Updated to latest upstream vkFFT
[scopehal] azonenberg db095d7 - VulkanFFTPlan: initial support for C2C transforms
[scopehal] azonenberg 97a2952 - Initial implementation of ComplexSpectrogramFilter
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0146fba - WaveformArea: added support for spectrograms at arbitrary center frequencies vs only zero offset
<vipqualitypost> @azonenberg i saw your post asking about hdf5 for waveform data - I would give a +1 for that format, we started using it at my work a few years ago (spectroscopy and imaging use case) and it seems like a really flexible format that is really easy to work with, especially tools like python
<azonenberg> Yeah it's on the list of potential interchange formats to support. Also SigMF
[scopehal] azonenberg 05a1d4c - ComplexSpectrogram/Spectrogram: implemented handling of limits for max compute group block count in one axis
<johnsel> I'd vote hdf5, very useful for downstream analysis
My plan was to do both
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